Coronavirus Update
March 12, 2020
Dear District 41 Community, (clic para español)
The coronavirus has now been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. Since the first reported case of coronavirus in Wuhan, China, on December 31, 2019, District 41, and all school districts in Illinois, have been preparing for a potential outbreak within the state.
At this time, there are no confirmed cases of the Coronavirus in any of the District 41 schools and no reported contact situations.
We continue to analyze the need to close school or to suspend events. We will continue to work directly with the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and our local health departments. This could change at any time and we will communicate any cancelations or closures should they be needed in the future.
In the event of a district-wide school closure, we would implement e-learning. We are preparing the staff to support students remotely for an extended period of time. This would be very similar to what we did last year when we were closed due to weather.
Click here to learn more about the District 41 e-learning plan.
Please continue to take preventive actions to keep your family safe and protect you and others from the spreading of viruses. Please follow these guidelines:
When sick, stay home for 24 hours after a fever breaks (without the use of fever-reducing medications).
Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or in the crease in your elbow.
Wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer (60% alcohol min.) when soap and water are not available. Click here for CDC handwashing and sanitizer instructions.
Stay home if you have been exposed to a family or household member who is sick.
Cover your nose and mouth with a mask or cloth if you are sick and around people or at a mass gathering in a community where the pandemic is already occurring.
Consult your healthcare provider if you have a concern for yourself or a family member who is showing symptoms of illness.
Consult advisories when preparing for travel outside of the country, particularly to already impacted areas.
Here is what District 41 is doing in relation to the coronavirus:
We continue to communicate with the community as news develops. We have set up a Coronavirus information website - Click here.
Deep cleaning with hospital grade cleaners is taking place each evening prior to the next school day, as well as additional cleaning on the weekends has taken place since December 2019.
Nurses are working with staff and students on how and when to wash hands.
Extra soap and hand sanitizers have been provided to all schools.
We continue to gather and monitor data on illness with reporting to the DuPage County Health Department.
We are prepared with an approved e-learning plan for both students and staff in the event we need to close school.
FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions by Parents
- Parents have been asking what happens if they choose to keep their children at home during these uncertain times.
A parent may hold their student out of school for health and safety reasons. Absences for health/safety issues will not be counted as unexcused and any such student would not be labeled truant. If you choose to self-quarantine, parents are responsible for requesting homework from the school.
- We have also been asked if we can exclude students, staff or volunteers for 14 days if they are present at school after having visited a region affected by the virus.
Per Illinois Department of Public Health guidance, any student or staff returning from a location with the sustained widespread transmission (CDC Travel Warning of Level 3) should not be present at school for 14 days after the return date. Absences for this purpose will be excused. Further, family members of these students should not attend work if they also traveled to one of the locations with a CDC Level 3 Travel Warning. Current information on travel warnings is available at;
If a student, staff member or volunteer has returned from an affected geographic location within the past 14 days or is a contact to a COVID-19 case, and develops respiratory symptoms including fever, cough, and difficulty breathing, school personnel will immediately report the matter to the local health department/IDPH.
- Will District 41 use e-learning days in the event we have school closures?
Yes -- District 41 has developed an e-learning plan and it has been approved by Illinois State Board Education (ISBE) in preparation for any potential school closure. Click here for information about e-learning. Elementary student e-learning work will be posted on the District 41 website and Hadley students will work through Google Classroom.
Helpful resources:
DuPage County Health Department Stop the Spread of Germs
2019 n-CoV What the Public Should Do
We ask that all parents make sure contact information is updated in Skyward Family Access. If you have any questions about updating your contact information, please call your school office for assistance.
The health and safety of our district community is our number one priority. Thank you for your support and confidence in us to work through these uncertain times.
Dr. Melissa Kaczkowski
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Twitter: @glenellynd41