Stellar Bulletin
October 10th-21st
Picture Retake Day
Thu, Nov 3, 2022, 08:44 AM
Stellar Charter School, East Bonnyview Road, Redding, CA, USA
Upcoming Events
Student Spotlight
Congratulations to Mia P., Maxwell H., Talleah R., Koledyn J., Elizabeth R., Penelope R. and Daniel D.!
Excellent job reading and working hard!
Are you my owner?
Please put your students names on their items so they can find their way home.
Thank you.
Stomp Out Bullying papers DUE 10/18
October is Bullying Prevention month and Stellar PAC wants YOU to
help us create positive messages to share with the school. Write what you can do to "Stomp Out Bullying" or create a poster that promotes Kindness, Inclusiveness, and Acceptance. Papers were handed out in class. The deadline to enter is October 18th. Don't forget your name and grade! Each entry will be entered into a contest and every grade will have a winner chosen and receive a prize!
Note to parents: The writing has sample potential. Be sure to make a
copy before turning them in and check with your TOR to ensure it's a
quality sample that can be added to your logs.
Meal applications
Please fill out the meal application by opening the link below or scanning the QR code.
Mon, Oct 17, 2022, 12:00 PM
Historic Hawes Farms, Deschutes Road, Anderson, CA, USA
All Californians can now access 24/7 online tutoring — for free
Good news: every Californian can now access free online tutoring at any hour of the day, thanks to a new initiative offering educational resources to K-12 students and adult learners. The resource is part of an investment in public libraries announced Sept. 12 by California Gov. Gavin Newsom. Real-time homework help is now available "on the websites of any of the 1,130 local public libraries around the state," and here. The HelpNow pilot program currently offers help in math and language arts, in English and Spanish, at any time of the day or night. Help for "other core K-12 subjects" is available between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. in English, Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, and Tagalog, with no age limit to who can take advantage of the resource.
Adults can also "access writing assistance, citizenship resources and other tools," the statement reads. The program is led by the California State Library, with the goal of providing "guidance and help" to students so they can better understand subjects and answer questions on their own. The tutors that are taking part in the program have all "passed background checks and possess, at a minimum, a bachelor’s degree," according to the State Library webpage for the program. They are also "familiar with state curriculum and standards" according to the Governor's statement. You can use the online resource via smartphone, tablet or computer, so long as you're in the state of California. And according to the state library, "users who have a valid library card can log into the service and receive additional benefits."
Digital Citizenship Resources
We want to work together to prepare kids to think critically and use technology in positive, creative, and powerful ways. By clicking on the link below, you will be taken to many family resources to assist you in working with your child Tk-12 on how to be a responsible digital citizen. I encourage you to utilize these resources with your child
We are better together.
Attention High School Seniors!
Attention High School Seniors! The FAFSA is now open-all Senior students should complete as soon as possible. Please reach out to the School Counselor-Nicole Arsenault if you have questions or need assistance
Approved Community Partners
2022-23 School Year
Dreamweaver Dance
Contact Info- Jennifer 530-247-1010
Email- dreamweaverdance@hotmail.com
Sun Oaks
Contact Info- Matt 221-4405
Email- matt@sunoaks.com
Horsin’ Around (Riding Lessons)
Contact Info- Jacqulyn 916-770-7566
Email- horsinaroundriding@aol.com
Kenji Kato Drums
Contact Info- Kenji 524-9270
Email- katotanto@hotmail.com
NorCal Trail Rides
Contact Info- Alicia Ryan 530-515-8958
Email- amryan1973@gmail.com
Brass Reed
Contact Info- Kim Davis 530-917-4727
Email- kimberlydavismusic@gmail.com
Redding Performing Arts
Contact Info- Kenneth Baumann 530-276-8283
Email- reddingpac@gmail.com
Contact Info- Sahian Del Palacio Lopez 530-246-9622
Email- sdelpalacio@sfymca.org
California Dance Inc.
Contact Info- Sonya Kennedy 530-364-7749
Senior pictures for the yearbook due December 2.
Fri, Dec 2, 2022, 01:00 PM
High School Tutoring📢
Zoom Tutoring on
Tuesday and Thursday
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 853 7427 2951
Passcode: u523yv
NOTE: I won't be on Zoom these dates due to a field trip on Oct 20,
Oct 27, Nov 3 and Nov 10