JHCS Quill
April 7, 2023
Shakespeare Performance at Orem City Library - April 11 -Tuesday!
Students must be dropped off in front of the Orem Library at 9:15 am for a Shakespeare performance. Because of construction, we will need to enter the library. We will have faculty members there to greet them and walk them to the auditorium.
- 1-8th grade Students need to be dropped off at the Orem City Library
- Between 9-9:15 am
- Students will take a bus back to the school after the performance
- 1-8th grade students only
- Kindergarten will hold school as normal schedule
Mrs. Keket - Our New 6th Grade Teacher
Rachel Garcia Keket
I was born and raised in the quaint and historic town of Taos, New Mexico. I come from
a large Hispanic family. I am number 9 of 11 children who are now all married with families of
our own. My family has always been and continues to be an important part of my life. Most of
my siblings now live here in Utah and we get together often to celebrate various life events.
My college career began in Provo at BYU, and finished at BYUH in Laie, Hawaii where I
studied International Cultural Studies and Communications. While attending, I met my husband
Deklin, who is from Papua New Guinea. After 14 years of marriage, we have four beautiful
children- all of whom have attended JHCS for the past three years. We love spending time
together as a family, playing or watching sports, exploring national parks, as well as cooking and
eating delicious food from many different parts of the world. In my free time, I enjoy walking,
listening to music, drinking tea, learning about history, and watching movies/documentaries.
Most recently I am enjoying target shooting with my husband and kids.
For the past four years I have been teaching English to speakers of other languages. I am
currently studying to receive a Master’s degree in Elementary Ed. Education is everything to
me. I love to learn and share my knowledge with others. John Hancock Charter School is a
special and unique school that truly cares about helping children to become lifelong learners. I
am so excited for the opportunity to participate in their legacy as a teacher at this school. I look
forward to working with such dedicated staff as well as the wonderful families in our school
JHCS Is Growing - Upcoming Changes for the Fall
Mrs. Adamic will oversee both campuses. Mr. Thompson will become the Dean of School for the Pleasant Grove campus. He will teach the fifth grade for half of the day and then conduct administrative duties for the second half of the day. Mrs. Gazaway will be the co-teacher for the fifth grade. She has been a valued JHCS faculty member serving as our librarian for multiple years. She is excited to take on a new role at JHCS and work side-by-side with Mr. T.
The next 20 years will be even better than the first 20 years!
Changes to our Articulation Agreement with Maeser Prep Academy
If you have any questions you may call the school at 801-796-5646.
Battle of the Books - April 27th
Talent Show - April 28
- Talent Show on Friday, April 28th.
- Link to application
Sick Kiddo?
JHCS Fax Number: 801-880-5550
Social Leadership Ball - 5th to 8th Grade Students
The Social Leadership Ball is Friday, April 21st.
- Semi-formal to formal dress code
- 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm
- Parents Waltz starts at 9:30 pm
- Bella Vista Reception Hall - 275 W 200 N #300, Lindon, UT 84042
End of Year Assessment Window
- Utah State RISE End of Year Assessments start Monday, April 10, and go through May 19th
- NWEA End of Year Assessments start April 17 and go through May 19th.
Have you registered your student for the fall?
Aspire Online Procedures for the New School Year
1. Please go to: https://jhancock.usoe-dcs.org
2. Click on the bottom box that says Register Student for Enrollment.
3. Now you will see a window with four boxes – please click on the box that says:
I have an Aspire account.
4. Log in with your login and password.
5. Be sure to click on your student(s) (one at a time). Verify the correct grade for the fall school year is displayed.
6. Now click on each blue item, read, fill out as needed, review and sign where appropriate. Please input emails, phone numbers, addresses and emergency contacts. This is how we keep in touch with you.
WELCOME to an Awesome School Year at
John Hancock Charter School!
Call Liz Hales at 801-796-5646 if you forgot your user name and/or password.
Changes to the Uniform Policy for the Fall of 23
JHCS Uniform:
You can download a detailed uniform policy from the school’s website.
Beginning in the fall of 2023 - No more Monday or Field Trip Dress Uniform. Shirts no longer must be tucked in, but they must fit appropriately.
Tops- Polo shirts, white button-down shirts, or turtlenecks are permitted. A girl-cut polo is permitted. Heather Gray has been added as an option for the fall of 23 in addition to navy, white and red polo shirts.
School t-shirts are allowed on Fridays (can be purchased from the PTO at the beginning of the school year).
Bottoms- Navy blue or uniform khaki shorts or pants, or jogger pants. (no cargo pockets). Girls can wear skirts and jumpers in navy blue, khaki, or the Marymount plaid or polo dresses in red or navy blue.
Ties should be navy blue or red. Girls may wear crossover ties. Shoes should be conservative in style (no lights, wheelies, or characters) and closed-toed. Athletic shoes are required for PE.
Socks should be uniform or neutral colors, ankle or knee-length. Girls may wear opaque tights or ankle-length leggings in navy blue or white with skirts or jumpers. Socks, tights, or leggings must be worn.
Nylons are not uniform wear.
Hair accessories should also be uniform colors or neutral.
A solid navy blue cardigan sweater, a solid navy blue fleece, or a school-purchased sweatshirt may be worn inside the building for warmth.
Outerwear - any type of jacket/coat is allowed outside to keep warm.
Here is a link to our school's French Toast School Uniform Webpage
Next Year's Calendar is Available
John Hancock Charter School
Email: office@johnhancockcs.org
Website: www.johnhancockcs.org
Location: 125 North 100 East, Pleasant Grove, UT, USA
Phone: 801-796-5646
Facebook: facebook.com/johnhancockcs
Twitter: @johnhancockcs