Arrival & Dismissal
September 1, 2023
All K-3 students receive car tags for the vehicle and their backpack when they first enroll at EPS. Please use the zip tie to attach the small car to your child's backpack. The larger tag should be displayed in the front window of your vehicle. Our staff uses an automated system for dismissal and the car tag number is used for dismissing the student from our cafeteria to the driveline. Additional car tags may be purchased at the office for $5.
For the safety of our students, please have children exit the vehicle on the passenger side only. The driver side will have moving traffic and it is not safe for children to exit on this side.
As a staff, we appreciate your patience during the first month of school. For many children, Kindergarten is their first time in a school environment, and it takes time to learn the routines for arrival and dismissal. Our team periodically reviews the traffic patterns and if changes are necessary to our procedures, all families will receive notification.
I have included a PDF of the map to this document for your reference.
Students who walk to and from school should utilize the following map. If you are traditionally a walker, and decide to drive, please use the car rider line. During arrival and dismissal, only walkers will arrive and leave from the front of the school building. We are asking if you typically walk, and you decide to drive to school, that you please use the car rider line. This will save parking spaces for parents who need to access the office in the morning.
At no time should students be dropped off at the northeast corner of the Primary and walk down the transportation lane to the playground. This area has a lot of bus traffic and it is not safe for students to use this as a path to the playground.
Edwardsburg Primary School
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Regular office hours begin September 7, 2021)
Email: tspaulding@goeddies.com
Website: www.edwardsburgpublicschools.org
Location: 69100 Section Street, Edwardsburg, MI, USA
Phone: 269-663-1037
Facebook: facebook.com/edwardsburgpublicschools
Elementary Principal at Edwardsburg Primary School