The Palmetto
South Carolina Council for Exceptional Children
Moving Forward with Hope
What characteristics do you want to see in our new Superintendent? Here is my take on it!
When I think about the state of affairs here in South Carolina regarding the teaching profession, here is what I see:
1. Educators want a leader who sees a vision and shares that vision with the state. We need to know where we are going and the why behind it.
2. Educators want someone who has been in our shoes. We want a leader that has been a teacher and a school leader. We want someone that is willing to do all the things that are asked of us each day.
3. Educators want building-level leaders that allow for choice and voice. We want our voices heard. If we want that from our school leaders, we definitely want that from our State leader. We want someone that is willing to take risks with the legislators. We want a leader that will fight for more teaching and less testing.
Relationships matter when it comes to leading and serving others - at the classroom level, school level, and state level. I hope that our new leader feels that way too!
We all wish Molly Spearman well as she closes this door and moves forward. She had a tough job, a VERY tough job. We salute you, Molly, for your hard work!
Bottom Line - to serve others well, you have to love them well first.
Let's vote well, people. Our profession depends on it.
Have a great Winter Break!
Dr. Ann Marie Taylor, SCCEC President
Dr. Ann Marie Taylor, SCCEC President
Become a Member Today!
We love you!
SCCEC Annual Conference
Conference Update!
Due to the spread of Covid, the board met several times and discussed our abilities to safely host the annual conference. This decision was not made lightly and has been thoroughly discussed for a few months to get a clearer picture of where our state sits with Covid. We looked at South Carolina’s case numbers, the vaccine numbers, and historical trends from last year’s Covid cases to help us. We know how much everyone loves data; we just don’t like what our data is showing us right now.
At this time, we do not believe that we can keep our attendees and members safe from the spread of the illness and have decided to cancel the upcoming conference. It is our hope to get back together for our annual conference as soon as we are able to meet in a large group safely.
Katie Mark, SCCEC President-Elect
Call for Officer Nominations!
SCCEC 2022 Call for Nomination Elections
Vice President (4-year term)
Recording Secretary (2-year term)
As chair of the 2021/2022 Nominating Committee, I am writing to seek your nominations of candidates to stand for election for the Executive Committee and Executive Board.
Member engagement is critical to the success of SCCEC, and the Board relies upon your recommendations for strong candidates. Even if you represent a different category of membership, please consider colleagues you know at other institutions that are current SCCEC members.
We encourage you to consider someone who embodies the spirit of serving as a deserving candidate.
December 15, 2021– deadline for nominations
If you have any questions or if you are interested in running for one of the above positions: please email Constance Mays, SCCEC Past-President, at maysconstance@gmail.com).
Award Nominations are Open!
Even though Conference is canceled, we're still giving out awards!!!
Nominations are currently being accepted for the 2021-2022 SC Council for Exceptional Children awards. The deadline for submissions is December 15. You can access the nomination page through this link: https://forms.gle/fGCKNC9aWWi9MEFV6 This year has been hard. Nominate someone you know for an award to celebrate their hard work!
Below you will find a list of all awards. If you want to know the criteria and necessary documentation for each individual award, visit https://southcarolina.exceptionalchildren.org/sccec-awards or email correspondingsecretarysccec@gmail.com.
Advocate of the Year
Betty Brown Training Grant
Exceptional Teacher of the Year
General Educator of the Year
Laura Mohr Scholarship
Instructional Mini Grant
Para-Educator of the Year
Principal of the Year
Rookie Teacher of the Year
SCCEC Member of the Year
Student Member of the Year
YES! I Can Award
VIP Award
2021-2022 Dates to Remember
April 2nd, 11:00am
Newsletter Submissions:
March 2nd
April 9th
Important Dates:
December 15th - Officer Nominations Due
December 15th - Award Nominations Due
January 15th - Submit Names of Representatives for TA
February 15th - RA Reports Due
February 26th - Representative Assembly
Take Action! Visit the Legislative Action Center to contact your members of Congress!
Become a SCCEC Member Today!
Contact Us!
Email: sccecpublications@gmail.com
Website: https://southcarolina.exceptionalchildren.org/
Location: South Carolina, USA
Facebook: facebook.com/SouthCarolinaCEC
Twitter: @MySCCEC