Scripps Spotlight
School Newsletter - November 27, 2023
Scripps Food Drive Thanks YOU!
We have an incredible 3,265.86 in cans and cash to go to the Oxford/Orion FISH food drive! That is 993 cans more than what we brought in last year!
We are so grateful that you are such wonderful, compassionate, and giving people. Way to bring the positivity to our community!
Dear Families,
This week our school community will be focusing on the character strength of Kindness. Kindness means you are generous to others and you are never too busy to help out. You enjoy doing good deeds for other people.
Kindness is grounded in the belief of a common humanity in which others are worthy of care, attention, affection, and compassion. Kind people think about the needs and feelings of other people, and then act to help those people. Kind people are selfless. That is why a true act of kindness is distinct from helping another person in order to simply gain something for yourself. An individual with the strength of kindness helps others because it's’ the right thing to do, not because they expect any reciprocal treatment or gain in reputation.
In addition to empathy and sympathy, the character strength of kindness is indicative of an
individual’s moral reasoning capacity and level of social responsibility. That means people who
develop kindness possess a strong personal ethical responsibility to care for other people. And,
their acts of kindness towards others lead to additional acts of kindness by those who have
been helped.
Bus Passes & Early Dismissal
Bus Passes
Bus passes should only be for child care, athletics and family emergencies. If your child needs a bus pass we must have documentation with a parent/guardian signature (a scan/picture will work) submitted to Mrs. Arnold in the main office. .
Early Dismissal
If your child needs leave school early, please remember to bring identification when you enter the building. Only adults who are listed in Powerschool as "school pickup" will be permitted to pick-up a student from school early.
Please note, students will only be dismissed from school after 2:00 p.m. if there is a family emergency. Thank you for your support in this matter.
Welcome Class of 2028!
Event: 8th Grade High School Orientation Night
Who: 8th Grade Students and Parents
Where: Lake Orion High School Auditorium
When: Thursday, February 8th, 2024**
**Due to the high volume of attendees in the past, we will hold two sessions at staggered times:
Last Names A-L:
6:30pm - 7:00pm – Opening presentation in the Auditorium
7:15pm - 7:45pm – Student activities and class information in the Commons
Last Names M-Z:
7:15pm - 7:45pm – Opening presentation in the Auditorium
8:00pm - 8:30pm – Student activities and class information in the Commons
Included in the evening:
- LOHS course scheduling information will be discussed
- Department representatives will answer curriculum questions
- Activity information provided for groups, such as clubs, athletics, and G.A.P. programs
Attendance Information
What do all the attendance codes mean?
Lake Orion has adopted new attendance codes this year to help clarify a student's absence.
- If a student is absent from a class or the school day, the automatic code that is entered is a UA (unexcused absence).
- If a parent calls their student in because they are ill, or have something going on that is not school related, the code entered is RA (reported absence).
- If a parent chooses to send in a doctor's note, funeral card, or any type of written documentation regarding the student's absence, the code is entered as EA (excused absence).
- Students who attend a school related activity will have a code entered of SA (student activity).
- If you happen to see a B (building) as an attendance code, this simply means the student was not in class, but meeting with an administrator, counselor, in a meeting/school assembly, etc.
Truancy Department - School is Important!
What is Truancy? Truancy is essentially unexcused absences from school or an education system. Students that miss too many days of school are at risk of district or legal action. Learn what happens if a student misses too much school, seven reasons to stay in school, and why students miss school.
Cultivating a positive home environment to support school attendance.
A supportive, nurturing home environment is key to consistent school attendance. Parents set the tone when it comes to valuing education and prioritizing school. Specific strategies include:
- Establishing routines.
Having regular bedtimes, morning routines, and homework schedules reinforces discipline and organization. Routines make attending school seamless rather than a daily battle.
- Being involved.
Taking an active interest in a child’s education by discussing school events, helping with homework, and engaging with teachers demonstrates that school matters. This motivates students to participate fully.
- Managing health issues.
Making doctor’s appointments, managing medications, and communicating with the school nurse help minimize sick days. Openly discussing anxiety or depression also enables support.
- Providing reliable transportation.
Consistent attendance depends on students having a safe, timely way to get to school. Arranging carpools or public transportation prevents logistical barriers.
- Limiting academic pressure.
While high expectations are beneficial, excessive pressure can cause anxiety, burnout, and avoidance. Maintaining a supportive, balanced environment prevents this.
- Reinforcing attendance.
Using positive reinforcement when children attend regularly focuses attention on what matters. Privileges like time with friends can be linked to meeting attendance goals.
- Seeking help when needed.
If excessive absences persist despite efforts, school counsellors, parenting support groups, and truancy officers can provide additional assistance and resources.
The bottom line, if you demonstrate that school attendance is important to you, it will be important to your children.
Upcoming Events
Monday, November 27 - Boys basketball @ Oakview
Monday, November 27 - Floor Hockey Club
Wednesday, November 29 - Baking Club
Wednesday, November 29 - Boys Basketball vs. Oxford Gold
Thursday, November 30 - 7th Grade Field Trip
Friday, December 1 - Plaid or Flannel Theme Day
Friday, December 1 - Holiday Shoe Decorating Class
Monday, December 4 - GAP Swifties Club
Monday, December 4 - Boys basketball vs. Pontiac
Wednesday, December 6 - Baking Club
Wednesday, December 6 - Boys basketball @ Clarkston
Wednesday, December 6 - Winter Band Concert - 7 p.m.
Friday, December 8 - Half Day of School - 10:25 a.m. dismissal
Friday, December 8 - Red and Green Theme Day
LOCS Millage Proposals
Two proposals on the ballot: Supporting student programming and keeping our facilities up to date.
Lake Orion Community Schools has two replacement millages on the February 27, 2024 ballot. Voter approval of both replacement millages will keep tax rates at their current levels!
The first proposal is a non-homestead operating replacement millage. This millage generates funds for programs and services provided by the school district. The non-homestead millage is not levied on primary residences. It is only levied on businesses, second homes, rental property, and vacant land. The millage has been supported by LOCS voters since 1994. The State of Michigan requires this millage for LOCS to receive full student funding (foundation allowance).
The second proposal is a sinking fund replacement millage. This millage was previously approved by LOCS voters in 2016 and funds building repairs, school security, transportation and technology.
For more information on the replacement millages, visit our website: www.lakeorionschools.org/district/schoolelectioninformation.
Ski Club
The snow is here, and Pine Knob is officially opened for the season!
Pine Knob has notified us that registration for this year’s ski club has been extended until December 15th! If you still need to register, you can use this link (look for the Lake Orion Middle School Ski/Snowboard Club) : Register For Ski Club Here
If you have any issues registering on Friday, please send an email to Jacqueline.moses@lok12.org and we will work with you on Monday to get your order squared away!
For those of you who have already purchased your memberships, we are waiting on Pine Knob to officially give us the go ahead to hand out memberships. As soon as we can make those available to you, we will be in touch.
Looking forward to a great season on the slopes!
Mrs. Moses
7th Grade Math
Waldon Middle School
Lake Orion Community Schools
Free & Reduced Meal Information
Even though all meals are free for the 2023-24 school year, there are other education benefits provided to the district, individual school building, or household that require an individual student benefit (free, reduced, paid) to be determined each year.
We’re asking every family to complete and submit either the School Meal Application or Education Benefits Form (formerly the Household Information Report.) The information collected is used to provide additional services and benefits beyond school meals, like resources for classrooms, teachers, and children, guidance and college counselors, and health and wellness services. Summer EBT benefits are also available for eligible households. Families can apply at lakeorion.familyportal.cloud.
There is more information available about the benefits as well.
Distinguished Dragon Staff Recognition
Lake Orion Community Schools is launching a program in 2023-24 to recognize LOCS staff members for their excellence.
The intent of the Distinguished Dragon program is to ensure that staff members who go above and beyond their regular duties are appreciated. The additional effort or support can range from helping an individual to helping a group or any effort that seems worthy of praise.
The staff member can be nominated by a student, parent, community member or a colleague by completing the form at Distinguished Dragon Submission
We ask for the submitter's name and contact information to follow up with specific questions if necessary. Please make sure to select the appropriate school/department form so the message is routed in the proper direction.
Please complete the form entirely so the individual can be appropriately honored for their contributions.
International Students Seeking Host Families
Lake Orion High School has partnered with Exchange Mate International and is seeking host families to host a semester student. The student would arrive the weekend of January 19, 2024 to start 2nd semester on January 24. The student would depart the week of June 10,, 2024. There is a $600 monthly stipend that host family would receive to offset the cost of hosting. Students arrive with their own cell phone and health insurance and students are responsible for their own personal expenses.
There are 2 students available 2nd semester and seeking host families:
- 11th grade boy from Italy interested in golf, tennis, running and skiing. He loves pizza and pasta.
- 12th grade boy from Brazil interested in soccer, working out and swimming.
If you are interested in hosting either of these students or if you would more information, please reach out to program coordinator Michele Novak at michele.novak@lok12.org or 248-431-3098.
ThinkLink GAP Activity
Time: After school until 4 pm
Dates: Jan 22, 29; Feb 5, 12, 26 (No school on 2/19)
Place: Orion Township Public Library
Join the latest GAP activity at the Orion Township Public Library. Middle school students in grades 6-8 are invited to participate in an exciting after-school program featuring crafts, activities, games, snacks, and more.
Every week, students will be bussed from their respective middle schools to OTPL. Our outreach librarians will be eagerly awaiting their arrival, ready to engage them in a different fun activity each time. Parents can pick up their children directly from the library.
Don't miss out on the fun and educational experiences at Think Link @ OTPL!
Important Links
Post Graduate Opportunities
Looking to explore in-demand careers and discover the degrees or credentials needed to pursue them? Use Pathfinder, Michigan’s online career exploration tool that uses current information related to employment and the workforce, as well as data about the relationship between education and training programs, to help you learn about career paths and jobs in the state.
Start the journey at www.Pathfinder.MiTalent.org
This 30-second video may be used on social media for a visual presentation of the experience users will have on Pathfinder on a smart phone:
About US
Email: david.mckay@lok12.org
Website: https://www.lakeorionschools.org/scripps-middle-school
Location: 385 East Scripps Road, Lake Orion, MI, USA
Phone: 248-693-5440
Twitter: @Scripps_MS
Instagram: @scripps_ms