LW Marching Arts Update
July 9-15, 2023
IMPORTANT and TIME SENSITIVE - Please read the info below about Band Camp Meals!
2023 Band Camp Meals
Each lunch is $10 cash (exact change only, please) and students MUST sign up via the link below by Sunday, July 16. Extra food will NOT be available, so please make your selections or choose "I will bring my own food" by then. EVERY LWMB member should complete this form and parents who are volunteering during camp are welcome to purchase lunch as well.
There are multiple food choices offered for each meal and the choices are listed on the google form. In addition to lunch, there will be the opportunity to purchase one dinner at $10 cash (exact change only) and two meals provided at NO CHARGE on the longer band camp days. Dinners are also listed on the google form below.
Also, please note that many meals do NOT come with a drink. Each entree is listed with corresponding sides/drinks as provided by our restaurant partners.
Band Camp Meal Selection Form (complete by July 16) - https://forms.gle/aA7PGetKe9pw4cZ19
Band Camp Chaperone Slots and Dessert Donation Slots are now available on Charms. Please sign up to help and/or donate if you can!
Explanation of Band Camp Volunteer Slots:
AM Shift and Set Up - General supervision duties as well as setting up the tents, filling water jugs with water and gatorade, setting up, refilling station and water mister. This position does involve moving heavier items and will be fully outdoors weather permitting.
PM Shift and Tear Down - General supervision duties as well as tearing down the tents, emptying water jugs, and putting away items for the night. This position does involve moving heavier items and will be fully outdoors weather permitting.
Cafeteria Supervision - General supervision of students inside the cafeteria during lunch. Making sure the cafeteria is tidy after the students leave. Organize/hand out desserts.
Lunch and Dinner Servers - Assist with collecting money for meals and/or assist with serving food during lunch. This position can be indoor or outdoor depending on the weather and school availability.
Nurse - If you have medical training, this is the job for you! Assist the students with injuries, bee stings, medications, etc.
BBQ Grill Masters - Help grill for the Band Camp BBQ.
BBQ Servers - Help serve the food for the Band Camp BBQ.
Please sign up for as many shifts/days as you wish. It is always a great time to volunteer at band camp! You get to see the show come together, get to see the kids working hard and having fun, and get to meet some great people!
July 4th Parade Chaperones
Thanks to our awesome chaperones and truck drivers!
July 4 Red Knight Drivers
This week in the LW Marching Arts:
Enjoy your break and take some time to sell SIAM cards!
Monday, July 10
Enjoy your break and take some time to sell SIAM cards!
Tuesday, July 11
Enjoy your break and take some time to sell SIAM cards!
The July 11 SIAM check point has been moved to Tuesday, July 18. Specific details will be in next week's newsletter.
Wednesday, July 12
Enjoy your break and take some time to sell SIAM cards!
Thursday, July 13
Enjoy your break and take some time to sell SIAM cards!
Friday, July 14
Enjoy your break and take some time to sell SIAM cards!
Saturday, July 15
Enjoy your break and take some time to sell SIAM cards!
Sunday, July 16
Deadline to sign up for band camp meals - https://forms.gle/aA7PGetKe9pw4cZ19
SIAM Progress
Brass - 14.33 cards sold per person
Percussion - 12.938 cards sold per person
Woodwinds - 12.76 cards sold per person
Color Guard - 9.92 cards sold per person
The next two weeks is an excellent time to try to sell more SIAM cards. If you need more cards, please text Jen Clark at 708-860-2434 to request more. Thanks!
2023 LWMB Clarinet Seniors
2023 LWMB Color Guard
2023 LWMB Contras
Our next Savers Drive will correspond with the Band Camp BBQ in August. Start collecting unwanted soft goods to donate!
LWMB Payments and Forms
You can also check Charms to see what forms have been submitted for your child including physicals. Click the Forms Collected button to see what still needs to be turned in for your child. Thanks!
Lincoln-Way Marching Arts Parent Alliance
Email: lincolnwaymarchingband@gmail.com
Website: www.lincolnwaymusic.org
Location: Instagram - lwmarchingband
Phone: 708-860-2434
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lincolnwaymarchingband
Twitter: @LWMarchingBand