Week 3, Term 1 - Friday 18 February 2022
Empower All People to be Healthy, Lifelong Learners
Spotlight on the whare kai
Some of our senior ākonga are returning their lunch containers with special notes and constructive feedback for our chefs.
So far this week we have had:
- Chicken Salad with Corn and Watermelon
- Vegetable Pasta
- Ham & Cheese Croissant
- Macaroni Cheese
and today is Burger Friday! Last week the burgers had PULLED PORK in them and they were a huge hit.
We are also loving the fact that because it is so yummy, there is not much food left over!
We are still waiting for the Ministry to approve our new menu, then we can share it with you all.
Thanks to our Learning Assistant Tara, who has been taking the food scraps home to her pigs!
This term we have introduced our new value...
Kia Ora - Be Well
Our Values are shown by our adults too. Just like in our classrooms, our adults unpack what a value looks like for us.
Here are some of the ways the adults in our kura show the value of Kia Ora:
We try to make everyone feel welcome and that they belong.
We focus on establishing relations with staff and ākonga.
Breakfast club
It is free and it is fun. We have a new home in the Tech Room near the School entrance. Come and grab a kai and hang out with your friends before the bell rings.
Run by volunteers 8.30- 8.55am, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday every week!
Join us outside the Tech Block for Breakfast
kowhai hangi fundraiser
School Photos are Coming!
Start practising those smiles!
Ordering will be done online. After Photo Day, you will receive a personalised code to view and order your child's individual and class photo.
There is nothing to pay before Photo Day, but you must let us know before Photo Day if you would like a sibling photo taken. Order forms will be available from the school office soon.
For more information, please click the link below (this info has also been sent out via HERO and FB) and take the time to read through how our school is operating to ensure we can meet the health guidance for Red.
If you have any specific questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us via email at office@puketapu.school.nz
School Hours
They MUST be picked up NO LATER THAN 3.15pm.
This is for the health and safety of your children as there is NO SUPERVISION by teachers at school after 3.15pm.
Supervision for children after 3.15 or before 8.30am is provided by The Lemon Club. WINZ subsidies are available. Please contact The Lemon Club directly to find out more.
lemon club
Before and After School care at Puketapu School with The Lemon Club.
Check out their link for more info.
sick kids
If your child is showing any cold or flu symptoms please keep them home until their symptoms have stopped.
If your child has had vomiting or diarrhea they are not to come back to school until 48 hours after their last symptom.
You can record your child's absence on the Hero app, by texting the school office (027 755 0973) or ring our absentee line (06 755 0973)
ICT Responsible Use Agreement
IMPORTANT - For all Year 4-8 Students
In order for any student to use a Chromebook or iPad at school, parents of Year 4-8 students must have signed the ICT Responsible Use agreement.
We have only a few who still haven't signed their agreement, so if you haven't already done so, read the Hero notice ICT Responsible Use Agreement - For all Year 4-8 Students
and click the electronic declaration.
sports update from Miss Sowman
All team information has gone home on Hero.
For Term One I have needed to juggle a few players around to meet the Covid number restrictions that are in place for each team. Some children who are 7 will be playing in the Under 10 grade. Some children who are 10 but in Year 7 will be playing in the Under 12. I appreciate everyone being flexible to make touch happen. I have done my best to make sure everyone has someone they know in their team. If you know someone who wanted to play but didn't return their notice on time please send them to chat to me.
Under Covid Red level children are unable to simply jump into a team with their friends like they have in the past.
If you are reading this and your child no longer wishes to play please let me know asap.
We have limited spaces:
Under 8/10 NO Spaces
Under 12 2 Spaces
Intermediate 3 Spaces
Please PM or email if your child would like to play ksowman@puketapu.school.nz
2022 sees touch operating under Covid RED restrictions.
Main Restrictions will be;
The Module will now operate under a VACCINE PASS EVENT.
Games will be played in Bubbles/Zones of 100 participants.
All teams will have to sign in each week for Contact tracing.
Rounds will have a 15 minute phasing to give teams time to exit after their games.
Zones will have specific entry and exit points.
Scanning in, sanitising, social distancing and wearing of masks as per MOH guidelines.
Please return your registration to the office asap.
Primary and Intermediate school games will be played at the NP Turf on Hobson Street.
- Start of season Primary : Saturday 7th May ‘22
- End of season Primary : Saturday 20th August ‘22
- Start of season Intermediate : Friday 6th May followed by Monday 9th May ‘22
- End of season Intermediate : Monday 22nd followed by Friday 26th August ‘22
Fees per player
Mini Sticks dev. (year 3/4) : $46 quarter turf (6 aside)
Mini Sticks (year 3/4) : $46 quarter turf (6 aside)
Kiwi Sticks dev. (year 5/6) : $56 quarter turf (6 aside)
Kiwi Sticks (year 5/6) : $56 half turf (7 aside)
Kwik Sticks Prem (year 7/8) : $66 half turf (7 aside)
Kwik Sticks Champ (year 7/8) : $66 half turf (7 aside
Registration Link for fun sticks
this week at school
This week our tamariki enjoyed playing outside and in the school pool, enjoying the wonderful sunshine.
Big smiles coming from the school pool with our ākonga showing Kia Ora
Matchy matchy for Eden Lucinsky & Rubeelee Jeffrey
Sapphire Kuchler showing Kia Manawanui & Layla Hardgrave showing Kia Kaha
Sisters Erika & Claire Asai showing Kia Manawanui in the playground
Vinnie Luke showing Kia Kaha with his wonderful creation
Kia Kaha and Kia Ora being shown by Addison Leathley, Lucy Nicholas, Ivy Adams and Sapphire Kuchler - all wearing their hats
Kia Māia from being couragous and heading to the bike track
from home
lost property
Please remind your children to check the lost property in the whare kai.
Home and school
Whether you are a first time golfer or an absolute pro this event is for YOU!
With only a few weeks left until our first ever Golf Day Fundraiser, we are asking for teams to pre-register.
We expect this event will still take place under the Red traffic light system for COVID-19. With this in mind, we can only accept people who can provide a current vaccination pass and our numbers are limited to 100 people under this current setting.
Raffles, auction items and prizes for closest to the pin and longest drive will be on offer!
The Club rooms will be open as well as delicious food to purchase catered by Craig at Smokn Comrades- YUM!
Please email your registration details to homeandschool@puketapu.school.nz
Support our fundraiser and never go to to Lost Property again!
Stuck On You offers a great range of name labels - stick on, iron on, clip on... even a clothes stamp!
Use code: PUKETAPUHS at checkout:
Happy birthday to all those have Birthdays coming up over the next week.
- Annabella Aldridge
- Tamarau Ahu
- Aryan Chand
- Levi James Hotene
- Anika Engebretsen
- Aiden Scrimgeour
- Waipuia Lomano
Upcoming dates
Please check the Hero App for more dates and information
Friday 4 March:
- School Photos
Friday 11 March:
- Teacher Only Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
Monday 14 March:
- Taranaki Anniversary - SCHOOL CLOSED
Thursday 14 April
- Last day of term 1
Community notices
Year 7 & 8 Player Development Program
Click the link below to register for PDP 2022 !!
Fulton Swim School
Puketapu School
Email: office@puketapu.school.nz
Website: www.puketapu.school.nz
Location: Dillon Drive, Bell Block, New Plymouth, New Zealand
Phone: 06 755 0973