Franklin School
Sneak Peek to the Week...
December 4-December 8, 2023
Week at a Glance & Upcoming Dates
PTA Holiday Shop is this Week-Monday-Wednesday! Click here for the flyer and here for the schedule!
Monday, 12/4:
- Trimester 2 Begins
Tuesday, 12/5:
Wednesday, 12/6:
Thursday, 12/7:
Friday, 12/8:
- Photo Retake Day
Letter from Dr. Seipp
Please find the letter here from Dr. Seipp discussing updated report cards.
Notes from the Office
1) Click here for information about our 2023 Early Act Collection!
2) Please find the flyers for a Lego collection below:
3) Holiday Pops Family Concert-Please see the information below from Mr. Conrad, Director of Bands @ RHS
On Saturday, Dec. 9th at 3 pm in the RHS auditorium (Snow Date Sunday, Dec. 10th at 3 pm), the RHS Honors Wind Symphony will be presenting the Fifth Annual Holiday Pops Concert featuring a program of all holiday music! As a father of two young children, I wanted to create a concert accessible to our youngest audience members. The anticipated length of the concert program will only be about 30 minutes. This is NOT a "sit down" concert. Children are allowed and encouraged to get up from their seats and move during the performance! I know my son and daughter LOVED dancing in front of the stage with a group of other children last year!
Afterwards, we will have a reception in the cafeteria featuring light refreshments and holiday craft stations for young audience members. Admission is free, but we will be collecting items for donation to Roxbury Social Services. Donations to the Roxbury Band program will be accepted as well. I have attached a flyer HERE. Please help spread the word throughout the community and come celebrate the season with some great music making and fun for the whole family!
4) Operation Teddy Bear
The Franklin School Early Act Club, in support of the Roxbury High School Interact Club, is collecting NEW Teddy Bears for the Battered Women's Shelter of NJ. Drop off bears November 22 through December 8 at the box in the Franklin lobby. Email questions to Thank you for your support of this great cause!
5) TREP$ Marketplace
Something very cool is about to happen! More than 30 fourth-graders from Franklin, Jefferson, Kennedy, and Nixon School will show the world the businesses they own! They've been working hard for over a month planning and preparing!
They have been working hard (and having fun!) during our after-school TREP$ Workshops. On Wednesday, December 6th at 6:30 p.m., it all begins! These entrepreneurs will be standing behind tables of products they are selling. They are their own bosses. They have made their own decisions. They are eager to meet the public. Admission is free and open to the public.
From Mrs. Wisner, School Nurse
Important Information from the Student Health Office
1. Reporting your child's absence: Please remember to report your child's absence daily in Genesis or by calling the attendance line (973) 584-1643. The reason for your child's absence needs to be included. If your child is sick, the symptoms that he/she is experiencing need to be included as well.
2. Reasons to keep your child home or contact the nurse:
-Your child has tested positive for Covid-19
-Your child has a fever
-Your child has vomited
-Your child has diarrhea
-Your child has a rash
-Your child has head lice
-Your child has an eye infection
-Your child has been in the hospital
*In addition to the above, with any other illness you should keep your child home until his or her symptoms are improving. Child needs to be fever, diarrhea and vomit free (without any medication) for 24 hours prior to returning. There are some conditions that require a doctor’s note for clearance (please check with the nurse) but when possible, doctor’s notes are always encouraged.
3. We take food allergies very seriously here at Franklin. If your child has a food allergy or sensitivity and you would like an alternate menu, please contact Lorraine Kunick, Director of Nutrition for Maschio’s Food Services via email: If your child comes to school without a packed lunch, we will assume it is okay for that student to have the daily menu option or the swap out item. You can find the lunch menu on the Franklin website.
You can find information about our Life Threatening Food Allergy Program here.
Students can only bring food from the Approved Snacks list into their classrooms or instructional areas.
4. Please send your child with a change of clothes in the event they have an accident or get dirty at recess.
Should you have any health questions or concerns, you can reach Mrs Wisner ( or by calling the school at 973-584-5549 ext. 2504.
Notes Regarding Lunch & Breakfast
- Please note that breakfast and lunch will be available for purchase this school year. It will not be free of charge as it has been in the past. In addition, an application (on genesis) will need to be completed in order to qualify for Free Lunch.
- Please visit this page to keep track of your child's money & purchases in the cafeteria. Cash & checks can also be used to pay for food items.
- The price for breakfast is $2.25 & the price for lunch is $3.25
- The price for snacks range from $1-$2 depending on the choices, which include chips, rice krispies, and ice cream.
Additional Information for
The Partner Resource Center can also be accessed anytime by administrators, teachers, parents, and students. It includes digital flyers, How To Guides, videos, and more. Below is some helpful information to review.
- Lesson 1: Connect with a Tutor Now (video: New LEO platform)
- Lesson 2: Writing Review (video: New LEO platform)
- Lesson 3: Schedule a Future Session with a Tutor (video: New LEO platform)
- How It Works Guide (pdf: attached below in English and Spanish)
How to connect with a tutor
How to connect with a tutor (Spanish)
PTA Information
Click HERE for All PTA Handouts
- Save the Date for the Holiday Shop! The Holiday Shop will be open during school hours the week of December 4th. We need your help to make this year's event successful. Volunteer to help our students make their purchases.
- Have a craft that you can donate in bulk? Thoughts on items we should showcase? Reach out to ch-chairs Christine Malpica and Caitlin Flores.
- Dine for Dollars at Panda Express on December 5th. Need a quick and easy dinner? Stop by the local Panda Express for dinner and a portion of the sales will benefit the students and staff of Franklin. See flyer.
- Where does the money go? Check out the PTA Treasurer's report from September / October! The PTA is funding MANY activities for the students and staff this year!
- Yearbook sales have started! NEW THIS YEAR - the ability to customize 2 pages. Registration and ordering are quick and easy. You can come back anytime after purchase from now until 4/20/24 to personalize your 2 custom pages. Don't miss out on the savings!
- Check out all the latest PTA News on ONE platform!
- Join the PTA and support our students and staff. 3 tiers to choose from.
December SEL, Portrait of a Graduate, & Sustainability Themes
Below is the library's display for Family Month
We Are All In This Together
Together, ordinary people can achieve extraordinary results.
Becka Schoettle