Friday, May 27, 2016
VanCon // #FCSVanCon
We are so exited for VanCon on Tuesday and are looking forward to seeing many of you there! If you'll be at VanCon on Tuesday, it'd be great to see our members in their Vanguard gear!
There's still time to register, if you haven't already! Visit to get your free ticket!
Vanguard members returning to Fulton in 2016-2017 will be paid for attending! :) You'll have to sign out at the end of the conference, so be sure to do so before you leave!
Members joining our team this round will join those we added in February/March as Cohort 5! All of the training and introductory PD for this cohort will begin at the start of the new school year!
Vanguard Leadership
The Vanguard team is compiled of some of the best educators in Fulton County. As we look to grow and develop, it was time to add to our leadership team. These members are a shining example of hard work and dedication. They are truly Vanguardians of the Galaxy!
Looking Forward
The Vanguard Leadership team met on Monday, May 23 for a full day of planning and prep for the upcoming school year. Great things are in store for the new year. Here are a few quick items:
- Exciting (and optional) PD activity for summer learning
- Each school will have a Vanguard Lead Member
- We'll begin badging and micro-credentialing to recognize work, efforts, and achievements.
- Vanguard PD and community events dates have been selected.
- Cohort 5 will receive support and training in instructional coaching, the technology integration matrix, and personalized learning.
- All members will coach UP TO four individuals instead of the required four.
- Personalized coaching plans will replace the monthly touch base/reflection.
We are so excited about everything that's yet to come!
VanWeekly - Summer Editions
The VanWeekly will take a summer break along with the teachers! Expect to see a VanWeekly in your inbox once or twice in June and again in July. We'll share any pertinent summer information as well as PD opportunities before the year begins!
There will be NO VanWeekly sign off over the summer. :)
iPads for Cohort 4B & 5
The iPads have still not arrived. We know you are anxious and excited to receive them. Please know that we will reach out to you will updated information about the iPads as it is available.
When they arrive over the summer, we will email to make you aware of pick-up dates/times. If you are unable to pick yours up during the summer, they will be available again at the beginning of the school year.
Congratulations to Vanguard member, Marcus Borders for being selected to join the 2016-2018 Cohort of the Teacher Advisory Council for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Instructional Technology department recommended Marcus for the application, and after reviewing over 400 applications, Marcus was one of the members selected.
The selection team informed Marcus that he was selected based upon his "background and leadership skills, dedication to students, and enthusiasm for informing the foundation’s strategy and future investments in students’ career and college readiness."
Well done, Marcus! We know you'll make Fulton County and the Vanguard team proud!
Way to go, Robbie! We're proud that you're on our team!!
New Teacher Orientation
Fulton County believes that one huge aspect that sets us apart from other metro area counties is the Vanguard team. Because of that, they have asked that the Vanguard team show up (in full force) to this year's New Teacher Orientation.
More details and specifics will come as they are available, but we would LOVE to have as many of you attend as possible! This is an optional ask, but there is power in numbers, so please add July 28th to your calendar. It will be no more than a 1/2 day commitment, if that.
About Us
Phone: 678.902.5684
Twitter: @FCSVanguard