Holy Family School Newsletter
December Christmas Pageant
We want to address any questions you may have regarding the upcoming Christmas pageant. Hopefully you find this Q&A newsletter helpful to prepare!
When is the HFS Christmas Pageant?
Thursday, December 12
- 1:00 PM (Afternoon Performance)
- 7:00 PM (Evening Performance)
Special Transportation
If your child(ren) will be riding home with someone other than the parent/guardian please make sure to notifiy the classroom teacher in advance with a written note or phone call.
Where do we enter the building?
Are tickets required to attend performances?
If I go to the 1:00 performance, does my child have to attend the 7:00 performance.
When should we arrive if we are watching the 1:00 Performance?
When should we arrive if we are watching the 7:00 Performance?
Students should report to the following locations:
- K & 1: Kindergarten room by Main Entrance (Miss Kampsen's Room)
- 2: to the music room
- 3: Classroom
- 4 - 6: to the cafeteria
What if my child has a role in the pageant/play?
- 6th grade students should enter through the NW Doors by the Bombo Court.
- All other students (including nativity scene students) should enter through the front Middle Doors after 6:15.
Should my Child(ren) dress up for the pageant?
What if a family member needs help getting into the building?
Because our building has a lot of stairs, please call the school prior to pageant day to discuss any family member that needs assistance getting into the gym.
Will there be a make-up date if the pageant gets postponed due to inclement weather?
Yes! We have added two different make-up dates into our calendar should we need to postpone the pageant due to inclement weather. The first weather make-up date is Tuesday, December 17. Should we fall into a situation where we have to postpone both the 12th AND the 17th, our final makeup date would be Thursday, December 19. Any changes regarding postponement of the pageant will be communicated through JMC text/email messages and through our Facebook page.
Can I attend the 9:00 AM dress rehearsal?
At this time, the 9:00 dress rehearsal is not open to the public. This rehearsal gives all those involved in the production of the pageant the opportunity to perfect their scenes. This rehearsal also give all staff and students the opportunity to watch the pageant in its entirety. Therefore, there is not enough seating available to open it to the public. We thank you for your understanding.