Homer High-Lights
VOLUME 11, ISSUE 2, September 2022
Principal's Corner
How can I make sure my child has a good school year? We all want our children to be successful, but it is not always easy to make this happen. We also have to take into account that we are still recovering from COVID-19 mitigation and we need to to remember that we were still wearing masks only 6 months ago.
I don't have the answer to how to guarantee your child will have a good year, but Phyllis Fagall in her Washington Post article has some good suggestions. You can read the entire article here: Five ways parents can help children have a better school year.
While this article is targeted for younger students, many of the suggestions are still helpful for older students. The authors' five suggestions include:
- Forget the notion of normal. Take advantage of the experience, no matter what it looks like.
- Take their emotional pulse. If they are struggling in any way, find help.
- Have them reflect on personal goals. They are more likely to attain goals if they write them down and track how they are doing.
- Offer structured fun, directed social time. Okay, this is for young students, but make sure your child is balanced between work and play.
- Affirm that they'll be fine. It is important for students to know that you think they can figure it out and be successful.
At the high school level we know that students who get involved in extra curricular activities are more successful than those who don't. Encourage your child to get involved. We have lots of activities to meet almost every student's needs from DDF (Drama, Debate & Forensic), sports (or sports managers), Student Council, Battle of the Books and much more.
I am looking forward to another great school. If you have a suggestion, a great idea or have a concern, please let me know. You can call me at 235-4600 and ask for Mr. W or schedule a time to chat. I am always willing to listen and take feedback.
Positively yours,
Douglas Waclawski
Welcome to Our New Staff
9/2 - Cross Country vs Kenai High @ Ohlson Mnt. Trails
9/2 - DDF Parent meeting 5:15 in library
9/3 - Football vs Kenai High
9/5 - Labor Day no school
9/6 - HHS Site Council meeting 4:10pm in Library
9/9 - Early release @ 2:20pm
9/10 - Homer Swim & Dive Invite
9/10 - Volleyball vs Nikiski High
9/12 - Grade Check
9/12 - KPBSD School Board meeting at HHS 6:00pm
9/16 - Pep Rally @ 5th period: 1:50-2:45
9/16 - Homecoming Bonfire
9/17 - Football vs Nikiski High
9/17 - Homecoming Dance in commons 8:00-11:00pm
9/20 - School Picture Day
9/22 - XCR Borough Championships@ Ohlson Mnt. Trails
9/23 - DDF Homer Meet
9/24 - DDF Homer Meet
9/24 - Lady Mariner Soccer Camp for grades 3-6, 2:00-4:00pm
9/27 - Volleyball vs Soldotna
9/30 - Basketball Camp 7:30am in the gym
Want To Know What is Going on At HHS? Follow Us On Facebook!
Lots is happening! Homer High School uses Facebook to communicate with students, parents and the community about events, emergencies, school closures, sporting events, and more. Go to facebook.com/HomerHS/ and follow us to stay up to date!
Thirteen HHS juniors and seniors earn National Rural and Small Schools Award
Congratulations to these Mariners for demonstrating academic excellence! They are among 62,000 high school juniors and seniors from across the U.S. who earned College Board National Recognition based on their PSAT and/or AP test scores. This honor can carry significant financial incentive as some universities offer renewable scholarships to students who have achieved the award.
(pictured from L to R: Leah Evans, Seth Noot, Hannah Stonorov, Lucas Story, Thea Person, Theo McDonough, Spencer Co, Seamus McDonough, Clark Milstead, Zach Marley; not pictured: Lliam Boss-Harmon, Leah Dunn, Bristol Johnson)
New School Year
Mariner Way (Working Draft)
Counselor Corner
College and post-secondary applications
- Most applications are available to seniors now. Due dates range from October for certain early action deadlines to November, December and January for regular admission. Some schools also accept applications on a rolling basis throughout most of the school year.
- The most efficient way to apply to multiple schools is through the Common App (www.commonapp.org ). Many schools, but not all, subscribe to this service.
- Do your research! www.akcis.org ‘s School Sort tool can help students identify schools that meet their criteria (geographic location, cost, available majors, size, etc.)
These sites have valuable reviews, statistics and estimated costs:
AVTEC – Alaska Vocational Technical Center – https://avtec.edu/
- Highly reputable training in trades and careers in less than a year
- Nearby in Seward, AK
PSAT – Saturday October, 15th at HHS
PSAT – In addition to being excellent practice before the “real” SAT for 10th and 11th graders who are planning to apply to college, the PSAT is the only opportunity for juniors to qualify for the prestigious and lucrative National Merit Scholarship.
- Sat., Oct. 15 at 8am (Primary test date)
- Wed., Oct. 12 at 9am (Alternate date for HHS student athletes with 10/15 competitions)
- $20 Payable by cash or check to HHS bookkeeper Julie Gauthier
- Fee waivers may be available to 11th graders who have applied and been approved for free/reduced lunch http://mealapp.kpbsd.org
Students may sign up now via this link.
AHERA School Management Plans
Notice about Security Cameras at HHS
School Lunch Update & Costs
Students must have money in their accounts to purchase lunches. Student can charge up to 2 lunches if you have filled out the permission slips. We know that life happens, so please make sure you fill out this form if you want your child to be able to charge lunches (only twice!) if they forget their money. All KPBSD forms can be found online here: Forms
If your family is financially challenged, you can fill out the free and reduced lunch forms to see if you qualify for help. You can find the application form here: Free & Reduced Lunch Application
Meal Price Information
- Students approved for Free and Reduced meals $0.00
- Students K-12 $2.50
- Adults $3.00 excluding milk
- Second meal $3.00
- Students approved for Reduced meals $0.40
- Students K-6 $3.50
- Students 7-12 $4.00
- Adults $5.50 excluding milk
- Elementary second meal $4.00
- Secondary second meal $4.50
Homer High School
Email: dwaclawski@kpbsd.org
Website: http://homerhighschool.blogs.kpbsd.k12.ak.us/wpmu/
Location: 600 E Fairview Ave, Homer, AK, USA
Phone: 907-235-4600
Facebook: www.facebook.com/homerhs