Heath Brook School...
Information and news from and to the school community
November - Giving Thanks, Part 2
COVID TEST KITS for FAMILIES...The state is offering free Covid Test Kits and TPS has secured 12 cases of tests, which will provide us with 1,080 kits (2 tests per box). We would like to offer a kit to each student. The kits will be available for distribution on November 21st. We have created a google survey for families to let us know if they would like to have the kits. Please let us know through the survey if you are interested in receiving a kit. https://forms.gle/9fnGJMhsjTJPFaXc7
Information from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Dear Families,
The Commonwealth, the Northeast and much of the US are seeing increases in respiratory illness in infants and children. Some of these infants and children are requiring hospitalization for support with breathing and hydration. Emergency departments and other acute care health facilities have been managing significant increases in the number of patients requiring care. Most of these illnesses are caused by respiratory viral infections, including common seasonal viruses like respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), rhinovirus and enterovirus, and influenza. Infants and children may be particularly susceptible to seasonal respiratory viral infections during the 2022-2023 fall and winter because they have had limited previous exposure to these respiratory viruses. We anticipate that there could be more respiratory illnesses as RSV continues to spread and influenza season ramps up
The Department of Public Health and the Massachusetts Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics want to remind parents and families about steps to take to prevent illness and stay healthy this season:
1. Vaccinate your children ages 6 months and older against influenza as soon as possible.
2. Vaccinate your children ages 6 months and older against COVID-19; children 5 and older who had their primary series more than 2 months ago should receive an updated COVID-19 booster as soon as possible.
3. Remember, you can get a COVID-19 vaccine and flu shot at the same time.
4. If your infant has been offered treatment with protective antibodies due to their prematurity or another condition, keep on schedule with their monthly treatments.
5. Practice hand hygiene frequently with soap and water or hand sanitizer. Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, or if a tissue is not available, cover them with an elbow, not a hand.
6. Clean high-touch surfaces in your home frequently with household disinfectants.
7. Keep children home from daycare or school who have fever, especially with a cough, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, congestion, runny nose, or sore throat, until they are fever-free for 24 hours without medications that reduce fever.
8. Avoid social gatherings if you or your children are ill.
9. Contact your pediatrician or healthcare provider if you believe your child needs medical care. Your provider can offer advice on whether your child needs to be evaluated in person, tested for COVID or flu, and the best location (doctor’s office, urgent care, emergency room) for care.
Thank you for doing all you can to keep you and your family healthy during this fall and winter season.
Dr. Estevan Garcia, Chief Medical Officer Massachusetts Department of Public Health Dr. Mary Beth Miotto, President Massachusetts Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics
News from Mrs. Cracchiolo, District Wide Literacy Coach
Did you know research has proven that a family and school connection leads to greater student academic success? We need your help to bring that research to life for your children. Please come be a part of our K-2 caregivers' literacy night on January 26, 2023. Bonus...there will be giveaways, and you'll get to see the inside of the brand-new Center Elementary School!
Please take this short survey to help with the planning: https://forms.gle/LycZ8ZEEVmSf9Hvi9
Annual screenings (vision, hearing, height and weight) are now complete. If you received a referral letter please have them signed by your child’s physician and return it back to the school nurse’s attention. Thank you in advance.
Flu and other respiratory illnesses are off to an early start. Take action and get your flu shot and stock up on infection-prevention supplies.
Flu signs and symptoms usually come on suddenly. People who are sick with flu often feel some or all of these symptoms:
feeling feverish or chills Cough
Sore throat Runny or stuffy nose
Muscle or body aches Headaches Fatigue (tiredness)
Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults.
Be well, stay well,
Mrs. Rossi
The Dot
Creative Arts standards
some work from our 2nd grade artists
2nd Grade Concert Notice Heath Brook School
Dear Parents: November 1, 2022
I wanted to let you know what a pleasure it has been working with the 2nd graders this year! They are really fun and full of energy! After a long COVID stretch, we are finally able to hold a concert again!
We are preparing our concert for you and wanted you to mark your calendars for Friday, December 16. The concert will be in the Heath Brook School cafeteria.
The classes of Bancroft and Bowden will perform at
10:00am on Friday, December 16.
The classes of Enos, Taggart, and Mulloy will perform at
2:00pm on Friday, December 16.
Children should wear black pants or skirts and white tops. If you don’t have black and white, just improvise with a dark color on the bottom and a light color on the top!
The students are working hard to prepare for this concert and I am very proud of them. I look forward to seeing you there!
Miss Bridgford
Music Teacher at the Dewing and Heath Brook School
The World According to Mister Rogers - Important Things to Remember
The Courage to be Yourself
Information from our Parent Advisory Council (PAC) and Tewksbury Special Education PAC (TSEPAC)
Find out more...
Link to PAC Facebook page:
Link to TSEPAC website: https://www.tewksbury.k12.ma.us/departments-programs/special-ed-welcome-page/tsepac/
Link to TSEPAC Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100054229568417
Heath Brook School
Email: tgerrish@tewksbury.k12.ma.us
Website: www.tewksbury.k12.ma.us/heath-brook
Location: 165 Shawsheen Street, Tewksbury, MA, USA
Phone: 978-640-7865
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heathbrooktewksbury
Twitter: @hbschool_tps