Southwest Elementary Newsletter
December 2023
A Note from Mr. Hofer
Parents and Students,
The cold weather has arrived - students should have a coat, hat, and gloves with them every day and if they want to play in the snow they also need boots and snow pants. Dressing in layers is a great strategy.
If the windchill is greater than 10 degrees students will be outside for recess.
If you find your family needs assistance with coats, hats, gloves/mittens, please contact Kelly Sikardi at ksikardi@hscsed.org.
Wishing you well,
Brian Hofer
Southwest Principal
Southwest Christmas Programs
Date: December 19th
Location: GHS Concert Hall
K-1: 5:30 p.m.
2-3: 6:15 p.m.
4-5: 7:00 p.m.
Please have your child arrive 15 minutes early. At a later time, closer to the programs, we will share with you details of dropoff and pickup locations for each grade level. By clicking on the grade levels above, you may find folders with practice resources. Here's a rehearsal schedule. Here is the more detailed note Mr. Eckwall sent home this week.
2nd+3rd graders are invited to share with me pictures of "Elfie Selfies" to project the night of the concert.
Please let Mr. Eckwall know if you might be able and willing to assist with Concert Hall setup on December 9th, or help the night of the programs. Thanks to those who have already volunteered!
Sunshine Crew
Attention 4th and 5th grade parents. Is the Sunshine Crew something your child may be interested in? Check out the video below to learn more about the Sunshine Crew.
PTA Information
Hello! Here's some things to look forward to this December!
PTA meeting Thursday, December 14th at 6:30 pm. Child care will be provided.
Also on December 14 we'll be a Teacher's Cookie Exchange! Please help us provide cookies for the teachers that they can take home on break. Cookies need to be brought to the school by December 13 so they can pick them up on Thursday. Here is a link to sign up!
On Wednesday December 20th, we will be providing a Christmas lunch for the teachers! Details to come.
Cookie kit pick up is December 20th!
PTA will be doing dress up days for the last week of school this year! Be on the lookout for a paper coming home in the next couple weeks.
Elementary Lego League Team
Good luck to the Elementary Lego League Team in the Qualifier Competition on December 17th!
December Calendar Items
December 8th- 1/2 Day Inservice
December 9th- Geneseo Christmas Walk
December 14th- PTA Meeting (6:30 p.m.)
December 19th- SW Christmas Programs
December 22nd- End of the 2nd Quarter, Christmas Parties
December 25th- January 5th- Winter Break
January 8th- Students return from Winter Break
Pick Up & Drop Off
Southwest Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
Health & Wellness
Contact Information
Is your contact information updated in Skyward? Winter weather is not that far away! If adjustments to the school day are made all communication will be sent out to your contact information that is in Skyward.
If you need to update your information, please contact Mrs. Marshall at (309) 945-0699 or email her at jmarshall@geneseoschools.org.
Southwest Elementary School
Email: bhofer@geneseoschools.org
Website: https://geneseoschools.org/southwest/
Location: 715 South Center Street, Geneseo, IL, United States
Phone: (309) 945-0699
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Southwest-Elementary-School-Geneseo-IL-206219249417001/