Patriot News
November 2021
Message from Mrs. Moore
Pine View Parents,
November marks the beginning of the holiday rush. This season can be one of anxious anticipation or extreme anxiety! Having a gratitude list during stressful times is a proven way to reduce stress and focus on what is important. At PVES we are grateful for so many things and are focusing on:
- Declining Covid Cases!
- Welcoming Back Volunteers – please sign up to be an approved volunteer. Email Mrs. Minichino with questions
- Returning family events such as Cookies with Santa on December 9 – please join us for this fun family event sponsored by the PTO. The event will be mostly outdoors to adhere to CDC guidelines. More information to come.
- Dedicated teachers who work tirelessly to make sure students are academically and emotionally strong.
- Students who are persistent and eager learners!
- Caring and flexible parents who have endured the ups and downs of these challenging times!
Please take the time and ask your child(ren) to write down what they are grateful for, and revisit it often to promote emotional wellness during challenging days.
Your Grateful Principal,
Kay Moore
PTO Cookies with Santa
Save the date for Thursday, December 9!
Cookies with Santa will be 5:30-8pm at the school.
We will have crafts, milk & cookies and, of course, Santa!
More information will come closer to the event.
Stay in the know and follow PVES on social media.
Gifted Inclusion at PVES
On Wednesday, October 6 our gifted inclusion classes had guest teacher, Heidi Smith, GRT (Gifted Resource Teacher). She taught a lesson on structure and function of the brain to our 3rd, 4th and 5th grade gifted inclusion classes.
The purpose of the lesson is to explain the parts and functions of the brain, leading to the construction of a brain hat. Discovering more about how our brains work will lead to success in the classroom – and life!
Learner Profile of the Month: Risk Taker
The IB Learner Profile aims to develop students who are risk-takers. Students who are risk-takers are able to approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought. They have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. Risk-takers are brave and articulate in defending their beliefs.
How can parents help at home?
- If your child is feeling uneasy about trying something, encourage them to attempt it and have them reflect on how it felt.
- Set short term goals. Consider activities that push your child out of their comfort zone. Encourage them to offer their opinion, spend time learning a new activity, try a different food, learn a new game or even to spend time with someone they don't usually spend time with.
- Explain the difference between being a risk-taker (trying new things) and engaging in dangerous activities.
- Ask, "What's the hard part?" to identify the challenge and brainstorm ways to fix it.
Attention PVES Military Families
October Student of the Month Celebration video
PVES Information
Location: 5333 Parkway Boulevard, Land O' Lakes, FL, USA
Phone: 813-794-0600
Twitter: @PatriotsPves
Mark Your Calendar
- Thursday, November 4th: Fall Picture Retakes
- Wednesday, November 10th: Early Release Day- Students will be released at 1:50pm
- Thursday, November 11th: PVES Veterans Day Ceremony
- November 22nd-26th: No School- Thanksgiving Break