Brockett Bulletin
Superintendent Communication: January 26, 2024
Newby Family Board Game Night
Newby families had a chance to connect this week with an evening event devoted to board games, snacks and fun. See more photos on the MSD Facebook page!
District Science Curriculum
The McMinnville School District is committed to following the Oregon Department of Education curriculum adoption cycle, which allows us to consistently provide high-quality learning materials to all students and staff. Research shows that high-quality instructional materials have a strong effect on student growth and achievement.
This year, MSD is working on our newest Science curriculum adoption.
For more information about the state-recommended adoption cycle and state-approved materials, please visit ODE’s High-Quality Instructional Materials webpage, which includes a link to the evaluation criteria. Additionally, here is a link to all formally adopted curriculum used throughout the district.
Internship Opportunity
Is your student interested in the field of broadcasting? Our local MCM-TV is offering hands-on opportunities for students to learn about live TV event broadcasting using industry-standard video cameras, replay systems, recording and streaming technology, and other broadcast tools.
Find out more here.
“If I were Mayor” Contest
Lafayette and McMinnville students in grades 4 - 12 are invited to enter Oregon’s 2024 “If I Were Mayor” arts contest. Categories include elementary (poster), middle school (essay) and high school (digital media presentation).
Find more details and how to enter here.
Mac High Interns Explore Future Careers
Mac High’s Criminal Justice Pathway interns toured the Federal Correctional Institution in Sheridan last weekend to learn about careers in federal corrections.
Students talked with staff and toured the facility to observe the living and working conditions and to hear about programs available to inmates.
Do You Know Where Your Bus Is?
Download the bus barn’s free app called FirstView to track your child’s bus in real time and notify you when it’s nearing your stop. Find out more here.
Threats and Rumors
MSD partners with SafeOregon, a program created for students, parents, school staff, community members and law enforcement officers to report and respond to student safety threats. Students and parents can anonymously report tips that are routed to local law enforcement and investigated.
This could be a good time to start a conversation with your child about “see something, say something.” Find out more about the program, and add this number to your contacts: 844.472.3367.
Tax Help for Teens
If your child had a summer job and wants to learn how to file their taxes under the guidance of an expert, they are invited to register for a meeting next Tuesday, Jan. 30 from 6 - 7 p.m. at the McMinnville Public Library. Space is limited! Find out more.