Junior Newsletter Class of 2025
December 2023: Crosby Scholars Jr/Sr Program
The Calm before the storm...
Be sure to use this winter break to enjoy the holidays with your family, spend time with friends or spend time doing your favorite activity. (I hear the new Avatar movie is coming out. :). Whatever brings you joy, make time for that.
The Crosby Scholars Team wishes you a safe and happy holiday season.
Tips from the Class of 2023
- Visit Colleges Early
- Don't Procrastinate
- Do Early Action not Regular
- Try to complete the SAT and ACT with scores you are happy with, before senior year.
- DON'T Send your test scores without knowing them.
- Do some out of school activities like volunteering and sports.
- "Get your butt on essays, but don't let them overtake you."
- Use the free application week. (CFNC College App 3rd week of October)
- Use August as much as you can to complete common app.
- Enjoy your senior year. Don't get all caught up in the stress. It's your last year of high school, have fun!
- Ask for help!
- Get your driver's License ASAP.
- Don't let yourself get caught up in the applications that you miss the chance to enjoy your senior year.
- Get a planner and USE IT!!! Trying to keep track of deadlines in your head is not easy.
- "Flirt, make your friend group bigger, just have fun."
- Go to all of the senior events and do all of the things you wanted to do but couldn't because of covid.
- Remember that living in the moment and enjoying taking it all in is more important than being perfect.
Interested in speaking with some of our Alumni, join us for the Game of College on Dec 28!
FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid - Estimate NOW for next year!
The StudentAid.gov website has a FAFSA Estimator. It only takes minutes to complete. This website also, has great information about Federal Aid. Since you will be using your 2023 taxes to complete the FAFSA, use the estimator and then talk to your accountant to make sure you file taxes with this in mind.
T-shirts are being distributed at your high school
Jr/Sr Academy Options
Every junior is required to attend one academy by January 31, 2024. Many of you have already met that requirement. We will continue to offer programs not only for those who need academy credit but for all students that want to fulfill the senior year 2 academy requirement early or just want to attend more sessions to benefit from the information. There is still space in the academies below. Sign up in your student portal.
In-Person Academy Options
- The Game of College - December 28, 2023, 10am - 12 noon - Goodwill Career Connections Center, Statesville
- Hear from Mrs. United States, Tracy Atkinson, Director of DEI and Management Programs at Cintas Global, Inc. See details on the Crosby Student Portal. - January 27, 2024 - Mitchell Community College Mooresville Campus
- ACT Test Prep - 1/27/24 - Mitchell Mooresville - 9 am - 12 noon
- ACT Test Prep - 2/24/24 - Mitchell Statesville - 9am - 12 noon
LIVE Zoom Sessions
- College 101 - Let's Get Started - December 18, 2023, 4pm
- Creating your College List - January 6, 2024, 10am
- bit.ly/speakcollege - Print the 2-page fill in the blank document and after you complete the session send me your answers.
- Financial Literacy - CFNC.org - COMPLETE 10 Modules with 80% pass rate using the Crosby Code. Link to Literacy Academy --- CODE 46A8A3-23-24
- YouScience- Career Exploration Evaluation -Sign up for the 1/31 Academy and a link will be sent to you to complete the aptitude and interest evaluation at your own pace.
Interested in any of these topics, please register in your portal now for the academies that best match your needs and schedule.
Tip from a person that reads hundreds of college applications.
units. Students may not know that those same teachers often quote from those
self-reflections in their letters of recommendation. That might give them a
different perspective to think about as they write those reflections.
Advisor Assignment
In order to match you with the correct advisor, please complete this quick questionnaire. https://forms.gle/6X86TjsFjibvKNzH8
Prepare for Testing
Both the ACT and SAT will allow you to select several colleges to send your scores at no cost prior to the test. If you are not sure how you will perform on these tests, please DO NOT SEND YOUR SCORES without knowing them.
Stay Connected!
Log into Crosby Scholars Student Portal Monthly
Check Email Frequently
Make sure your Cell Phone is on your Student Account
The Iredell County Crosby Scholars Community Partnership
Email: jjamison@crosbyscholarsiredell.org
Website: www.crosbyscholarsiredell.org
Location: 124 4th Crescent Place, Statesville, NC, United States
Phone: 704-873-5005
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/crosbyscholarsiredell/
Twitter: @iredellcrosby