Vose Owl Notes
Family Newsletter - December 2023
Note from the Principals
Dear Vose Families,
December is here and the building is so busy with learning, connection and fun! As we anticipate the upcoming two weeks of winter break (December 18 - January 1), we hope you and your families will find great joy in being together, renewing vacation or holiday traditions, and setting time aside to truly check in on and connect with your loved ones. Time is fleeting and our children grow up so quickly. We know you cherish those special moments.
Additionally, the winter season can also be difficult for some and for many reasons. If you or a loved one might be struggling during this season, we hope you will read the message below entitled "Winter Stress" and that you will reach out to the posted resources for care. We are privileged to support and lead the Vose community! You and your children are so important to us and our staff!
All Good Things,
Monique & Ellen
Important Upcoming Events
CLICK HERE for Beaverton School District Calendar for 2023-24 School Year
- Thursday, December 7th- 6pm PTO Meeting on Zoom (Translation will be available.
Zoom link will be shared with the community on Thursday a few hours before the meeting.)
Friday, December 8th- NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS: Staff Development/Work Day
Tuesday, December 12th - Urban Gleaners Free Food Distribution - 10:00am
Thursday, December 14th - Coffee with the Principals - 8:00-9:00am
- December 16th - January 1- NO SCHOOL: Winter Break
- Tuesday, January 2nd - Urban Gleaners Free Food Distribution - 10:00am
- Monday, January 16th- NO SCHOOL: Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday holiday
- Wednesday, February 21st - Vaccination Exception Day
Parent/Teacher Conference Dates for 2023-2024
- Wednesday, April 24: Fall Conferences (3:30pm - 7:30pm)
- Thursday, April 25: Fall Conferences (7:30am - 7:30pm) - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
- Friday, April 26 - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
El rasgo de carácter de diciembre es CUIDANDO
December Character Trait is CARING
A Message from our Counselors
Happy Holidays,
The Counseling staff would like to wish you a wonderful winter break. The holidays can be a stressful time for adults and children also. “It can be seriously stressful being a parent over the school holidays. So stressful that one can forget that children experience stress, too. Your kids might miss their routine and school friends, feel overwhelmed by family events if they are shy, or be stressed by having to spend more time with siblings.” Harley Therapy Ltd. - © 2006-2023 https://www.harleytherapy.co.uk/. All rights reserved.
As you enjoy each other's company during the winter break, take some time out of the day to create fun memories and keep kids entertained. This may be an opportunity to learn and support each other. Take time to listen to your child’s concerns or curiosities about family traditions or activities. Perhaps you can come up together with new family traditions. Remind everyone that it doesn’t have to be perfect and what is important is to enjoy each other’s company and your experiences together
Here is a list of ideas that adults and children can do together:
1. Play board games: Bingo, Loteria, Pictionary, or come up with your own.
2. Go for an exploration walk around the neighborhood to spot special rocks, leaves, trees to name a few.
3. Make greeting cards to give to friends or send by mail.
4. Cook or bake together.
5. Go to Beaverton Library to check out books.
6. Read to each other.
7. Go to the park and play together.
8. Make popcorn and watch a movie night together.
9. Get comfortable under cozy blankets and share childhood stories.
10. Make a keepsake box, can or jar to store special mementos.
11. Sing along your favorite songs or holiday tunes.
12. Make holidays or winter crafts to decorate.
Alexsia Lozano & Mara Silvera
Felices vacaciones,
El personal de consejería les desea unas maravillosas vacaciones de invierno.Las vacaciones pueden ser una época estresante también para adultos y niños. “Puede resultar muy estresante ser padre durante las vacaciones escolares. Es tan estresante que uno puede olvidar que los niños también experimentan estrés. Es posible que sus hijos extrañen su rutina y sus amigos de la escuela, se sientan abrumados por los eventos familiares si son tímidos o se estresen por tener que pasar más tiempo con sus hermanos”. Harley Therapy Ltd. - © 2006-2023 https://www.harleytherapy.co.uk/. Reservados todos los derechos.
Mientras disfrutan de la compañía de la familia durante las vacaciones de invierno, tómese un tiempo del día para crear recuerdos divertidos y mantener a los niños entretenidos. Esta puede ser una oportunidad para aprender y apoyarse mutuamente. Tómese el tiempo para escuchar a su niño si tiene preocupaciones o curiosidades de las tradiciones o actividades familiares. Quizás puedan idear nuevas tradiciones familiares. Recuerden que sus esfuerzos no tienen que ser perfectos y lo importante es disfrutar de la compañía y sus experiencias.
Aquí hay una lista de ideas que adultos y niños pueden hacer juntos:
1. Juegue juegos de mesa: bingo, lotería, Pictionary o crea el tuyo propio.
2. Realice una caminata de exploración por el vecindario para detectar rocas, hojas y árboles especiales, por nombrar algunos.
3. Haga tarjetas de felicitación para regalar a tus amigos o enviarlas por correo.
4. Cocine u hornee juntos.
5. Vaya a la biblioteca de Beaverton para sacar libros.
6. Lean unos a otros.
7. Vayan al parque y jueguen juntos.
8. Preparen palomitas de maíz y vean juntos una película.
9. Póngase cómodo bajo acogedoras mantas y comparta historias de su infancia.
10. Haga una caja, lata o frasco de recuerdos para guardar recuerdos especiales.
11. Canta tus canciones favoritas o melodías festivas.
12. Haz manualidades navideñas o de invierno para decorar.
Alexsia Lozano y Mara Silvera
Padres Unidos November Meeting!
Fun at the Beaverton City Library!
Storytime & checking out books!
Last month our Padres Unidos group met at the Beaverton City Library! Thank you to the amazing Ms. Araceli. She had story time, songs, games, a library tour, and she shared a lot information with us!
Welcome to Mr. Winchell, new School Social Worker
Please join us to welcome Mr. Joe Winchell, our new School Social Worker, who started on Monday, November 27. We are excited to have his many years of experience in a variety of roles helping students and families in various settings. He and Ms. Maples have been collaborating to help make for a smooth transition. Welcome Mr. Winchell!
Winter Stress
The holidays are a time for tradition, loved ones and cheer. It can also be a reflective time to remember lost loved ones, long for past connections or walk down memory lane. The holiday season can bring about stress and heightened emotions that can increase our depression and anxiety symptoms.
To insulate yourself from the stress of the holidays, check out the Mayo Clinic's recommendations. They offer some great tips to setting healthy boundaries and self-compassion during the holiday season.
Sometimes self compassion and boundaries are not enough, and getting professional help can really make a big difference in maintaining a positive healthy lifestyle.
If you are interested in getting connected with a mental health professional, here are some things to try:
*Call your insurance company and request a list of providers in your area that accept your insurance. You can also visit your insurance website and access the provider search engine.
*Visit your medical provider and request a referral. Some clinics offer brief support by a mental health professional as part of the clinic offerings.
*Hawthorn Walk-In Center-provides a variety of services including 24-7 crisis response, mental health and substance use intake and referral and much more! 503-291-9111
*Check out the Beaverton School District Mental Health resource page for a list of counseling agencies
Dena Schreiner, LCSW, LSSW
Southridge HS Substance Use Specialist
Dear Vose Elementary (MY750),
The Kroger Co. Family of Stores is committed to bringing hope and help to the local neighborhoods we call home. Our stores are on a mission to not just part of, but to help create a stronger community. We recognize that every community has unique causes that need support. Thank you for being such an important organization in our community.
We encourage you to ask your supporters to link their rewards card to your organization. Community Rewards is easy to use, The more your supporters shop with us, the more money your organization will earn!
We are committed to carefully protecting our customer's personal information. In order to meet their expectation of privacy, we have adopted a simple policy to never share a customer's personal information. Our privacy policy applies to Community Rewards participation as well.
Thank you for being such an important organization in our community,
Community Rewards Staff
Beaverton City Library News
WCCLS Student Library Cards are on the way!
Pre-K, Kindergarten and New BSD Students: WCCLS Student Library Cards will be arriving in the mail between the end of November and mid-December! Please be on the lookout for a white envelope addressed to your child from Library Services at Beaverton School District. Visit your local public library today to checkout up to 5 books.
WCCLS Tarjeta de Biblioteca para Estudiante están en camino!
Estudiantes de prescolar, kínder, y nuevos alumnos de BSD: Las tarjetas de Biblioteca para Estudiante de WCCLS llegarán por correo entre finales de noviembre y mediados de diciembre. Por favor, esté atento a un sobre blanco dirigido a su hijo de los Servicios de la Biblioteca del Distrito Escolar de Beaverton. Los estudiantes pueden usar su tarjeta de inmediato en su biblioteca pública local y en línea. Visite hoy su biblioteca pública local para sacar prestado hasta 5 libros.
Unicycle Club coming back soon!
We are trying to bring back our Unicycle Club at Vose for 2nd grade - 5th grade students. We had a Unicycle Club for over 20 years at Vose prior to the pandemic and we are excited to work on bringing it back! Please call the office, 503-356-2430 and leave your name & phone number if you are willing to sign up as a parent volunteer! We are hoping to get started in January!
Ballet Folklórico at Vose - calling all parents & helpers
We are trying to put together a Ballet Folklórico group at Vose for 2nd grade - 3rd grade students. Please call the office, 503-356-2430 and leave your name & phone number or ask for Sara de la paz Garza, Family Liaison if you are willing to sign up as a parent or community volunteer! We are hoping to get started in January!
for more info:
Baile folklórico, "folkloric dance" in Spanish, also known as ballet folklórico, is a collective term for traditional cultural dances that emphasize local folk culture with ballet characteristics – pointed toes, exaggerated movements, highly choreographed. Baile folklórico differs from danzas and regional bailes. Although it has some association from “danzas nationalists".[1] Folk dances", that is, "dances that you will find in the villages, not on stage" were researched and disseminated by Alura Angeles de Flores. Each region in Mexico, the Southwestern United States and Central American countries is known for a handful of locally characteristic dances.
Beaverton School District Inclement Weather Information
When we have inclement weather, school schedules could be affected. School closure or delayed start decisions will typically be communicated to media outlets and posted on the district website, ParentSquare and social media by 5:30 a.m. The District makes decisions based on the ability to operate school buses safely, the ability of parents and students to drive safely, and the ability of students to walk safely. Decisions are made for the entire District. However, we encourage families to make transportation and attendance decisions for their children based on their own assessment of travel conditions at their locations.
For the latest inclement weather information:
Check the district website. A page pop-up will be posted if there’s a change in school operations.
The BSD Public Safety webpage has information about inclement weather procedures and snow routes. Log on and click “Inclement Weather Information.”
Follow us on:
Twitter @BeavertonSD
Facebook @BeavertonSchoolDistrict, or
Instagram @beavertonsd
Tune into media outlets for updates.
Is it Bullying?
Remember, there WILL be conflicts because school is a place where children can learn how to interact with others, students and adults. There can be many miscommunications and misunderstanding between children because they are learning what emotions are and how to interact with others. Please remember that families usually only hear PART of the story, and that as school staff we also want to help resolve the situation in a way that helps everyone feel better and do better moving forward. PLEASE don't let your default emotion be ANGER...instead, be CURIOUS, and reach out to your child's teacher, sharing concerns and asking questions so we can all help each other!
News from the School Nurse!
We are in the season where various illnesses spread more easily among our community. Here are reminders for preventing the spread of illness as we enter the cold Oregon months:
Speak to your child’s pediatrician about them getting a flu shot and covid vaccine this fall season. Both are recommended for all children 6 months of age and older. Use the following link to find a location close to you that offers the Flu or Covid vaccine: https://www.vaccines.gov/find-vaccines/
Avoid close contact.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too.
Stay home when you are sick.
If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands when you are sick. This will help prevent spreading your illness to others.
Cover your mouth and nose.
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and encourage children to do the same. It can help prevent others from getting sick. Respiratory viruses spread mainly by droplets made when people who are sick cough, sneeze or talk.
Clean your hands.
Washing your hands often with soap and water will help protect you and your children from germs. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
Germs can be spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth.
Practice other good health habits.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home, work or school, especially when someone is ill. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food.
What to look for:
Flu Symptoms
Influenza (flu) can cause mild to severe illness. Flu symptoms usually come on suddenly. People who have flu often feel some or all of these symptoms:
fever* or feeling feverish/chills
sore throat
runny or stuffy nose
muscle or body aches
fatigue (tiredness)
some people may have vomiting and diarrhea- this is more common in children than adults.
*Not everyone with the flu will have a fever.
COVID-19 Symptoms
Fever or chills
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) Symptoms
Runny nose
Decrease in appetite
These symptoms usually appear in stages and not all at once. In very young infants with RSV, the only symptoms may be irritability, decreased activity, and breathing difficulties.
Stay safe and healthy!
Yaasi Seyedhossini, RN, BSN
*Information received from the Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Vose Oregon School Report Card Released
Strive for 95!!
Help us Strive for 95! This year, we are aiming for a daily attendance rate of 95%. This means 95% of our students would attend school on any given day.
The single most important factor contributing to student achievement is school attendance. During this time, it is especially important to attend school each day and engage to be successful. Students are expected to arrive on time and for the entire day. If your student is going to be absent, please contact school at 503-356-2430 before 8:00 am. Voicemail will be available to leave a message to include the student’s name and the reason for their absence. Parents can also report absences on ParentVue. This is to ensure that every student is accounted for and for their safety.
Attendance is an important life skill that will prepare students to excel in college, career and life. We encourage all families to please help your child succeed in school by building the habit of good attendance early. Showing up daily is crucial to academic success. If you or your child are having struggles and you'd like some help, please reach out to our counseling team by calling the office at 503-356-2430. Thank you for helping us STRIVE FOR 95 at Vose!
Vose Attendance Year-to-Date:
For all grades PreK-5th grade: 93.1%
Attendance for the Month of October
Total for all grades PreK-5th grade: 92.5%
PreK: 82.3%
Kindergarten: 92.9%
1st grade: 90.9%
2nd grade: 92.6%
3rd grade: 94.9%
4th grade: 93%
5th grade: 93.2%
Our totals went down slightly over the course of the month! With your help, we can make our goal!
Visitors & Volunteers
Visitors and Volunteers
Campus visitor protocols-As a friendly reminder, all visitors on campus during school hours MUST sign in the office and wear a visitor badge.
Volunteers must pass fingerprinting prior to working on campus or helping with functions during school hours. Volunteer forms will be included in the back to school packets being sent home with students at the start of school. Additionally, all volunteers MUST sign in the office when on campus. It takes all of us to help keep our campus safe.
REMINDER - No Dogs Allowed on Campus
PLEASE: Use Crosswalks
While watching after school dismissal at Vose, our District Transportation Safety Team have noted that a large group of parents pick up their students in the lawn in front of the school and walk west on the south side of Denney Road, crossing Denney at multiple places between the school and SW Queen Ln in the middle of the street, not using a crosswalk. We highly encourage all families to cross Denney Road at the crosswalk in front of the school. We have crossing guards at Denney Rd as well as Lombard Ave. to help ensure children and families safety. We care about your safety!
Parking in Handicapped Parking Spots with Permits Only
We have noticed several families who do not have permits parking illegally in the ADA reserved parking spaces. ONLY DRIVERS WITH A HANDICAPPED PERMIT CAN PARK IN THESE PARKING SPOTS. Our community policing team will be coming through and will give parking tickets to those who are parking in those spots illegally. Please do not even use for a quick drop off in the morning. Please use the main drive up lane in front of the building along the curb like all other parents or part in a regular parking space. Thank you for leaving this space free for our families with ADA parking permits.
Birthday Celebrations at School
Parents/Guardians should not bring treats, balloons, etc. to the classroom for a “party.” In addition:
1. Birthdays may be celebrated in the classroom by teachers, at the discretion of the teacher. This approach will allow for each student’s birthdays to be recognized, maximize instructional time, as well as limit the sugary foods that are consumed when regularly celebrating birthdays in the classroom, limit allergic reactions and honor the diversity among our students and families.
2. If your child wants to invite children from the class to his/her birthday party outside of school, the invitations should not be delivered to children at school unless the whole class is being invited. Please note that student phone and addresses are confidential and therefore cannot be provided by the teacher.
Option School Application Process for Middle & High Schools Begins October 16
Applications for the 2024-2025 school year for incoming 6th - 12th graders will be available on October 16. All applicants must reside within BSD boundaries. Resident students not currently attending a BSD school will need to complete a paper application.
Students may only select one option school on their application. They should give careful consideration to their choice of school. Once an application has been submitted, no changes will be allowed.
Applications must be received online or in the Option Schools and Programs Office no later than Friday, December 8 at 3 p.m. Visit the Option Schools & Programs webpage for more information.
The 3 Pillars of Dual Language
1) Bilingualism & Biliteracy: signage, newsletters, assemblies and announcements are all delivered in both Spanish & English. We offer multiple opportunities for students to utilize their home language assets to speak their first language at school and feel their cultural and language identities are safe and supported throughout the school community.
2) Grade Level Academic Achievement: we utilize high quality instruction, assessments and academic supports in both Spanish and English throughout our school to ensure students can demonstrate growth and achievement as they strive to reach their fullest potential.
3) Sociocultural Competence and Critical Consciousness: Our students have multiple opportunities each day to learn about their own cultural and language identities, as well as those of other students and also those around the world, in order to help them develop pride, confidence and empathy for themselves and others around them as they develop into productive global citizens.
We implement these 3 Pillars of Dual Language through also implementing the 4+1 Domains of Learning...see below...we'll share more about all 5 in next month's newsletter!
4+ Domains of Language Learning
Understanding the four domains of language and engaging in specific activities can greatly assist parents in supporting multilingual learners. Here's a brief description of each domain, along with suggested activities for home:
Listening: Listening is the foundation of language development. Multilingual learners should actively engage their ears in all languages. Encourage your child to:
- Listen to stories, songs, and conversations in various languages.
- Play games like "Simon says" in different languages to boost listening skills.
- Watch multilingual videos or movies with subtitles.
Speaking: Speaking involves expressing thoughts and ideas through language. To support this domain:
- Engage in daily conversations in all languages spoken at home.
- Encourage your child to narrate their day or describe pictures using each language.
- Play language games like "word of the day" where they learn and use new words from different languages.
Reading: Reading is crucial for building vocabulary and language skills. Foster reading in multiple languages by:
- Providing a diverse collection of books in different languages.
- Reading bedtime stories in various languages.
- Creating a cozy reading nook where your child can explore books from different cultures.
Writing: Writing helps develop creativity and language proficiency. Encourage writing skills by:
- Having your child maintain a journal in each language, sharing their daily experiences.
- Writing letters or emails to family members or pen pals who speak different languages.
- Creating multilingual storybooks or comics with your child, allowing them to write and illustrate stories.
Bonus Domain - Cultural Understanding: 5. Cultural Understanding: Understanding the cultural context of languages is vital for multilingual learners. To promote this domain:
- Explore cultural events, festivals, and traditions associated with each language.
- Prepare and enjoy traditional dishes from various cultures together.
- Encourage your child to ask questions about different cultures and engage in discussions about customs and traditions.
By actively supporting these language domains through daily activities, you can create an enriching multilingual environment at home. Remember that patience and consistency are key in helping your child become confident and proficient in all the languages they encounter.
Community Resources:
Nexus Church
Food Pantry still is open on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month. Open from 9-11.
Classes for English as Second Language Fall Schedule:
Every Saturday, September 16- November 18
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Location: Family Life Center, 12555 SW 22nd St, Beaverton, OR 97008
Vose Elementary School
Email: ellen_arnold@beaverton.k12.or.us
Website: https://vose.beaverton.k12.or.us/
Location: 11350 SW Denney Road, Beaverton, OR, 97008
Phone: (503)356-2430