Jonesburg Elementary News
Motivate, Value, Prepare
February 19, 2024
Principal: Ms. Jennifer Krattli
JBE's PBIS Principles:
Rule #1 - Be Cooperative - Follow Directions Quickly
Rule #2 - Be Respectful - Raise Your Hand
Rule #3 - Be Safe - KHFAAOOTY
Rule #4 - Be Responsible - Make Smart Choices
Rule #5 - Be Kind - Treat Others The Way You Want To Be Treated
JBE News, Updates and Dates
- JBE PTO Carnival from 11:00-2:00 in the JBE Gym.
- Lunch Menu Change: Just a slight change to the #1 menu option on 2/22 instead of regular Chili it will instead be White Chicken Chili.
- Pictures for Cafeteria - We would like to celebrate the great things our students are doing outside of school. If your student has an accomplishment or activity they are part of and proud of, please e-mail a school-appropriate picture to Mrs. Rachel Hans our JBE Lunch Clerk at rhans@mc-wildcats.org and she will show their picture on the slideshow for a few days.
Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Dates -
Math Club - JBE Math Club meets on Thursday's
February 21st - JBE StuCo Change the World Day for Cardinal Glennon
February 25th - PTO Carnival 11:00-2:00 in JBE gym - We need volunteers to make this possible.
February 25th - Science Day
March 8th -15th - JBE Book Fair
Recess Weather
AMI Reminder - Work due on 2.20.24
This is a reminder that AMI Day means Alternative Method of Instruction. In order for your student to avoid being marked absent, they must complete 4 assignments total from the core areas of reading, writing, math, science or social studies. That means they can skip one of the cores today. You can turn in a hard copy, send your teacher an image of the completed work or write a note to the teacher if it is something like read for 15 minutes. Please reach out to your teacher if you have questions. This is DUE on TUESDAY when we return. If you don't have your choice board at home, you can find it online at https://www.mc-wildcats.org/page/ami . Thank you for helping our students complete the work. Our attendance goal is to exceed 90%, our last AMI day was 85.28%. Together we can accomplish this goal.
Change the World Day - 2.21.24
JBE StuCo Change the World Day is on Wednesday, February 21st. Students are invited to support their favorite team and wear a hat if they choose and bring in their change to make a donation to Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital.
Join us for the JBE PTO Carnival on 2.25.24 from 11:00-2:00
100th Day of School
The 100th Day of School is currently scheduled for March 6th. If we have snow days, this date will change. Students are welcome to celebrate 100 Days by wearing a 100th Day shirt, 100 of something or dressing like a 100-year-old. If you have clarifying questions, please contact your student's classroom teacher.
Counselor Advisory Meeting
Group Pictures
One Book, One Community Kick Off - March 1st
Book Fair Begins on March 8th
Family Fun Night - March 12th
Free Family Bingo Night - April 4th
Summer Library
The JBE Library is continuing our Summer Book Box program. Students will be able to sign-up for a box of books to read over the summer. The box includes three to five books, activities to do at home, and some fun prizes. When students return in the fall they can verbally tell about the books they read and are entered into a drawing for prizes.
The JBE Summer Library program is changing. This summer we are taking Summer Library on the road. We are hosting two summer library programs, one in Jonesburg and one in Bellflower. On June 20th we will host the Jonesburg program out at the pavilions behind the school on a ball game night from 6-8 pm. Kids will have the opportunity to listen to some read alouds, participate in a craft/activity and pick up a free book to take home and keep. On July 10 Summer Library will be at the Bellflower Community Center from 2-4 pm. Kids will also have an opportunity to listen to some read alouds, participate in crafts/activities, and take home free books
JBE Yearbooks On Sale Now
It's time to order your 2023-2024 JBE Yearbook. You can purchase your yearbook online now through March 4. Yearbooks are $12 each and can be personalized with your child's name for an additional cost. Don't miss out and order your yearbook today at
Help Us Find Our Future Wildcats
It is time to start planning for next year. If you have children 5 years old or younger, or you know of people living in our district with children 5 years old or younger, please complete the attached survey and return it to one of the offices.
Thank you,
Dr. Jocelyn Schluss
Preschool Screeening
Call after March 1st to schedule your students appointment for Preschool Screening on March 20th.
Kindergarten Screening
PTO Updates
If you are interested in helping please sign up on the link below. If you have questions, please contact a PTO officer or e-mail jkrattli@mc-wildcats.org and I will connect you with an officer.
Upcoming PTO Dates: WE NEED HELP PLANNING AND HOSTING THESE EVENTS. Please mark your calendar and watch for sign ups in the near future!
-JBE PTO Carnival - February 25th - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
-JBE PTO Meeting - March 12th
Carnival Sign Up
We NEED YOUR HELP!!!! Please look for a way that you can help support our PTO Carnival through your service or donations or both. Events like the Carnival are not possible without the helping hands of many people. Please follow the link and let us know how you can help Volunteer Sign Up. Grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, friends and community members are all welcome to sign up to work. THANK YOU for supporting our PTO, our students and our staff.
If you want to donate something for the SILENT AUCTION please let jkrattli@mc-wildcats.org or any PTO officer know. Thank you for the support.
Volunteer Authorization & Fingerprints for Field Trips and other volunteer opportunities
We are quickly approaching Field Trip season and want to make sure you have time to get your fingerprints done in time to go on the field trip with your student.
We will be using the same process that we have used for the past couple of years. After you fill out the paperwork and complete the fingerprint process, you will be good for six years.
If you think you have already completed this process, you can ask your students teacher to check or contact the Joneburg Elementary Office.
If you need to complete the process, you can download the pdf's below or request a hard copy of the paperwork from your student teacher or contact the Jonesburg Elementary office.
You will need to return the Volunteer Authorization Form and the Fingerprint Privacy Notice to the JBE office. We will then send it to Central Office and Melissa Lockhart will reach out to you via e-mail for the next steps of your process.
DO NOT go get fingerprints without going through this process because you must have the school's code in order for them to be sent to us and for us to receive the results. If you have any questions, please reach out to us so we can help you.
MCR2 Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Important Dates - Tentative & Subject to Change
February 21st - JBE StuCo Change the World Day
February 22nd - School Bus Driver Appreciation Day
February 22nd - Group Picture Day
February 25th - PTO Spring Carnival 11:00-2:00
February 27th - End of Month Assembly
February 28th - JBE Science Day
March 1st - Child Advocacy Center at JBE
March 1st - Student Council Ice Cream Sales $1
March 1st - JBE Read Across America Day
March 1st - JBE One Book One Community Kick Off
March 1st - Larry Richards Club Meeting 3:35
March 3rd - 9th - School Social Worker Week
March 5th - 12th - School Board Appreciation Week
March 7th - JBE Spring Pictures
March 8th - Hole Lotta Books - 7:30-8:00 Book Fair Preview in Library for guests of students
March 8th - Missouri Read-In Day - Drop Everything and Read at 12:30
March 8th-15th - JBE Book Fair
March 10th - Recognize School Social Worker Week
March 12th - JBE Family Fun Night - 6:00
March 12th - JBE PTO Meeting - 7:15
March 15th - End of 3rd Qtr
March 20th - JBE StuCo Change the World Day
March 20th - JBE Preschool Screening
March 22nd - 3rd Qtr Report Cards & 4th Qtr AMI sent home
March 25th - MONDAY SCHOOL - Friday Specials
March 26th - End of Month Assembly -Kiwanis Terrific Kids & Optimist 5th Grade Student of the Month
March 26th - Last One Book Chapter
March 27th - 3rd Quarter Growth Parade
March 28th & 29th - NO SCHOOL - Spring Break
April 4th- School Librarian Appreciation Day
April 4th - JBE One Book Family Bingo Night
April 5th - Paraprofessional Appreciation Day
April 5th - Student Council Ice Cream Sales $1
April 5th - JBE Kindergarten Screening
April 5th - Larry Richards Club Meeting 3:35
April 9th - Possible JBE StuCo Blood Drive 2:00-6:00
April 10th - JBE 5th Grade to St. Louis Cardinals Game with Jonesburg Optimist
April 17th - JBE StuCo Change the World Day
April 19th - 4th Qtr Mid-Term
April 19th - Field Trip - 2nd Grade to Daniel Boone Home
April 19th - Field Trip - 1st Grade to Prairie Fork
April 21st - 25th - Volunteer Appreciation Week
April 22nd - Possible Snow Day Make-Up
April 23rd - Bus Driver Appreciation Day
April 26th - Administrative Professionals Day
April 26th - 4th Qtr Mid-Term Progress Reports sent home
April 26th - Delores Miller Young Authors Day
April 30th - End of Month Assembly -Kiwanis Terrific Kids & Optimist 5th Grade Student of the Month
May 1st - School Principal’s Day
May 3rd - Ag Safety Day
May 3rd - Larry Richards Club Meeting 3:35
May 5th - School Lunch Hero Day
May 6th 10th - Teacher Appreciation Week
May 6th - Possible Snow Day Make-Up
May 10th - School Nurse Appreciation Day
May 10th - JBE Field Day
May 15th - JBE 5th Grade Stevens Farm
May 16th - JBE 4th Grade to Capitol
May 16th - JBE 5th Grade Stevens Farm Rain Date
May 17th - Student Council Ice Cream Sales $1
May 17th - MAP Reward Kona Ice 11:30-12:30
May 19th - MCHS Graduation
May 21st - JBE 5th Grade Celebration
May 22nd - JBE Career Day
May 22nd - PK Celebration 3:00, doors open at 2:50
May 23rd- JBE EOY K-4th Awards
May 23rd - Last Day of School/End of 4th Qtr **Early Out Dismissal for students NO PRESCHOOL- 12:30 and Bus Dismissal - 12:50 Staff work all day
May 24th - Staff Work Day - 9-3
May 28th - June 21st - Summer School