Parent Partnership
Heading into October...
We hope you and your student(s) are settling into your new Distance Learning routines--and wherever you are in your journey so far--keeping in mind that it is indeed, a journey! We are all going to be in different places and that's ok. Remember that we are here as your school team ready to help problem solve and work together. We hope to help the journey go a little bit smoother for you and your kids.
This newsletter is intended as a resource for you to be in the know of what kinds of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) your child will be receiving. Please keep reading to find out more about Social Emotional Lessons that Mrs. Hargrave and Mrs. Gotfried will be teaching each Wednesday.
Please contact us to connect via email, phone, or zoom.
Emily Gotfried emily_gotfried@beaverton.k12.or.us -School Counselor
Susan Hargrave susan_hargrave@beaverton.k12.or.us - Student Success Coach
Take good care, Findley Community.
Emily Gotfried and Su Hargrave
Students have also been doing a wonderful job on their Seesaw lessons. We are learning so much about your student and value each of them for their uniqueness and talents.
We want to remind you that your student has a live zoom lesson every other week. On the weeks we don't have a live lesson, there will be a Seesaw lesson for them to complete. Here's a peak at the weeks ahead so you know what's coming up!
This is a 4 day week, so Wednesday will be treated like a regular school day with no SEL. We'll miss your students!
Kindergarten: We will have our first live zoom SEL Lesson for Kindergarten on 10/14 from 9:30-10:00 with Mrs. Hargrave! Students will be introduced to The Zones of Regulation and have a lesson on Seesaw to help them practice "The Zones".
First Grade and Second Grade:
First and second grade will have a live zoom lesson this week (10/14) with Mrs. Gotfried.
First Grade: 10:15-10:45
Second Grade: 9:30-10:00
Look for the link coming from your child's teacher!
Your first and second grader will be sharing an item that means something to them in break out rooms (our amazing para educators will be helping to facilitate these groups). We will send out an announcement on Seesaw on Tuesday asking them to bring an item to share along with some questions to think about around their item. Our goal is to give students time to get to know one another and to foster inclusion in our community. Then, they will be sharing that item as part of their Seesaw activity.
Please make sure your student's item is school appropriate and follows the BSD Student Handbook for school appropriate items.
Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade:
Third, fourth, and fifth grade do not have a live SEL zoom lesson this week (10/14), but they do have a Seesaw lesson to complete. Students will be exploring the topics of self awareness and self acceptance. We want students to think about the things that make them unique and who they are. Then, when we meet together the following week on zoom, we will talk about similarities they have with their classmates. Our goal is to foster empathy and inclusion in our community.
What Should I Do if My Child Misses a SEL Lesson on Wednesday?
We LOVE getting to see your child and having them every other Wednesday. We also understand that they might miss the live zoom one day. You can email us if you'd like a video of the lesson and a copy of the slides and we will get those to you for your child to watch/review. You can also log onto Seesaw and they can complete the lesson on there if they're able to. If they can't do the lesson without the video-- email us and we'll send it to you!
In Case You Missed it in the Findley Newsletter!
Fill out the survey below:
Distance Learning Tip!
Thank you for all you do, parents! We are truly in awe of how you are supporting your children at this time,