Summit Virtual Academy
Weekly Update - Week of October 31, 2022
Happy Halloween!
Good afternoon, Blackhawks! This coming week is Halloween, and Monday is a half day of school for in person students. You are still encouraged to work the full day, especially if you are behind, but be mindful that staff may not be available in the afternoon.
At this point, we are nearing the end of the first marking period. While marking period grades are not issued for Summit Virtual Students, I will push out a progress report to students and parents on November 11, the end of the marking period. In order to gauge where your student should be at this time, they should be 50% complete with their coursework in order to be on track to complete it for the semester.
Tonight is the first round of playoffs for football. Your Brandon Blackhawks will be taking on Goodrich at Goodrich tonight at 7:00pm. It is a great night for football if you are able to make it.
Keep working hard on your classes and communicating with your instructors and Mr. Belluomo consistently. Remember, don't wait until the end of the semester to ask for help if you are struggling. As always, contact the office at 248-627-1820.
Mrs. Koslowski
Summit Virtual Academy Principal
Mr. Belluomo
Summit Virtual Academy Counselor
Fall Count Period Continues...
- Submit at least one graded assignment in each of your online classes on count day
- Demonstrate steady two-way communication weekly over a period of four weeks, from October 05 - November 01
Students did a great job to start in terms of communicating and submitting assignments. Keep it up. The fall count period lasts from October 5 to November 01. Remember, students being fully counted is extremely important for the entire school community. Our count period will end this coming Tuesday, November 01. If you have any questions, please reach out to the office.
Non Homestead - Operating Tax Levy
Upcoming Dates and Events:
- Friday, October 28 - Playoff football game at Goodrich at 7:00pm
- Monday, October 31 - Halloween, Half Day of School
- Friday, November 11 - end of first marking period
- Monday, November 14 - Winter sports begin
- November 23 - November 25 - Thanksgiving Break
Virtual Financial Aid Night
Reminder of Expectations
- Expect your student to work for roughly 45-60 minutes per day, per course
- By now, you should have been reached out to by a counselor regarding your course progress. These will happen once a week. It is extremely important that you respond to communication. Please note that the student needs to respond and be in communication, not just the parent(s).
- Your main point of contact for content specific questions is your course instructor. If you need help doing so, don't hesitate to reach out to us at 248-627-1820.
Conferences - Elementary and Secondary
Suicide Prevention Training
Parent/Student Resources
Link for elementary overview: https://e.edmentum.com/eoa-getting-started-students-parents-caregivers/
Instructional Model overview for online learning (last page has links embedded to parent orientation presentations):
Brandon Library Teen Event
Counseling Corner
- Mr. Belluomo - rbelluomo@brandon.k12.mi.us
Brandon School District's Summit Virtual Academy
Email: mkoslowski@brandon.k12.mi.us
Website: http://www.summitvirtual.org/
Location: 1025 South Ortonville Road, Ortonville, MI, USA
Phone: 248-627-1820