Meadowbrook News
February 9, 2024
From Principal Natalie
Good afternoon Meadowbrook,
It is with a heavy heart that I must address a concerning issue that has recently emerged within our school community. Over the past few weeks, we have witnessed an increase in the use of racist language among some of our students. This behavior is not only unacceptable but also deeply troubling, as it goes against the values of respect, empathy, and inclusivity that we strive to instill in our students. As educators and caregivers, it is imperative that we address this issue head-on and work together to ensure that our school remains a safe and welcoming environment for all students, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or background.
In light of these recent events, I urge all parents to engage in open and honest conversations with their children about the importance of respecting others and celebrating our differences. It is crucial that we emphasize the harmful effects of racist language and behavior, both on individuals and on our broader community. Encouraging empathy, understanding, and kindness towards others should be a fundamental part of our children's education, both at home and at school. Additionally, I encourage parents to actively monitor their children's online activities and social media usage, as these platforms can often be breeding grounds for harmful rhetoric and behavior. By working together and fostering a culture of inclusivity and acceptance, we can combat racism in all its forms and create a brighter future for our children.
In partnership,
Caregiver Book Study
Interested in developing your antiracist skillset and mindset? If so, please consider joining Mr. Lawson and I on February 15th at 6:00pm in the Media Center to kick off a caregiver book study of the text: Raising Antiracist Children: A Practical Parenting Guide by Britt Hawthorne and Natasha Yglesias.
The PTO has purchased copies of the book for participants, however you can also order your own copy. Last year our participants reported appreciating and enjoying the experience! We look forward to learning and building partnerships with you focused on this important work. Child care will be available during the event.
Looking for Volunteers!
Join us in welcoming incoming Kindergarteners and their families to Meadowbrook at Kindergarten Roundup on Thursday February 22nd. Arrive at 5:45pm. Please sign up to help out via this Sign Up Genius link.
Volunteers are welcome to bring a young helper (please still only use one slot for adult volunteer with child).
Please contact with questions:
Heidi Thompson - heidithompson2722@gmail.com
Carrie Kissoon - carriekissoon@gmail.com
Camp Royal Registration Open
Registration for Camp Royal is open now! Camp Royal offers a variety of camps for students entering Kindergarten to 5th grade. We offer half-day or full-day camp options as well as supervised time from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., and over lunchtime. All camps take place at the Eisenhower Elementary.
From Nurse Karen
Valentine’s Day is coming up, and I want to take this opportunity to speak about classroom celebrations. Exchanging favors/cards is allowed (as usual, if a student wants to bring a favor, they should bring one for every student in the class). We encourage you to consider non-food items as much as possible. Students will be asked to take all favors home and to not open candy in the classrooms. We have students with severe allergies to products and unfortunately, some popular candy items are manufactured in factories where they cannot guarantee that they did not encounter nut products during packaging or manufacturing.
As always, feel free to call with any concerns or questions!
Book Swap
Its BOOK SWAP time!
During the month of February, Meadowbrook will be collecting gently used or new books for the annual book swap that will take place on March 4th and 6th. Students may bring their gently used books directly to their classroom teachers. We are in high need of chapter books (especially for higher grades), graphic novels, non fiction books and even fun work books. Every student will get to go through and pick books to bring home at the book swap. Students are projected to get 2-3 books at the swap regardless of how many they donate.
We also need as many parent volunteers as we can get to help set up and run the swap, starting February 26th. Please sign up using the link below to help out!
Any questions please reach out debbie1028@comcast.net
The MN READ Act and Hopkins Literacy Plan
mandatory screening for dyslexia for ALL students required professional development state-approved curriculum options focused on the science of reading. Hopkins uses Fastbridge for dyslexia screening. This assessment is one of two MDE-approved options and is given three times a year to all students in K-5. Your scholar’s fall and winter results are now available from their teacher and are a great talking point for spring conferences. These results are used to determine which students receive additional reading support. Hopkins began training teachers on the science of reading in 2019 using LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling). This program is the top program nationwide for introducing teachers to research and new methods for teaching reading and spelling. We are excited to be planning for our early childhood educators to take part starting this summer and reaching 100% completion of our K-3 teachers and our K-12 special education and reading teachers. Additionally, watch for opportunities to participate in our upcoming Community and Caregiver Literacy Academy for ways to help support literacy development at home and build home/school connections. Books to Check Out: The Fierce 44 By TheUndefeated.com Brick by Brick By Charles R. Smith, Jr. We Are America By Walter Dean Myers
The READ Act key components include:
In Hopkins, the importance of meeting scholars’ literacy needs was already a value through our Hopkins Literacy Plan and many of the legislative components are in place or in progress.
Middle School Transition Events
Tuesday, April 9
Parent Information Night: 6-7 p.m., Hopkins North Middle School Cafeteria
Friday, May 10
Student Step-up Day: 5th graders at NMS for the day
Stay tuned for more information to follow!
Golden Valley Girls Softball
Registration for the 2024 season is open! Visit our home page for details including fun PRIZES for referrals and first year player discount!
Questions? Contact Kacey Laurent (klaurent917@gmail.com)
PTO Corner
Communication Survey: PTO Needs to Hear from You!
We have the opportunity to re-examine how we communicate with our Meadowbrook families and we want to hear from you! Your voice matters to us. The results of this survey will help our PTO leadership team discover what you value, your engagement preferences, any frustrations you are experiencing, and will inform our decision-making process for future communication offerings. Specifically, we will be making decisions this spring on whether to continue to invest in the current online directory or to move in another direction.
To take the survey, please follow this link,
Please complete the survey by Friday, February 23rd, 2024. Thank you!
Joint Meeting with Tanglen Elementary
Each year, Tanglen Elementary hosts a PTO meeting in partnership with our Hopkins/Minnetonka activities leaders. Each group gets 3-4 minutes to share details about their sport/camp/activity (registration details, costs, etc). We'd love to have caregivers from each school join us to learn info about all the many things our community has to offer.
2/12/24 at 6:30pm in the Tanglen Elementary Media Center.
5th Grade Party Planning
Hey 5th Grade Parents, help us throw an awesome End of Year party for your 5th graders for their last day at Meadowbrook! We are looking for donations to help us make the day great! Please donate and thanks for your generosity! https://www.paypal.com/donate?campaign_id=NZXJY7JS8A5Q6
Funds May Cover:
- A tee shirt / keepsake for all 5th graders
- A fun day at a park with DJ, games, etc
- Breakfast and lunch catered
- And more!
Order a Yearbook
School is in full swing and we are hard at work on your child’s 2024 Yearbook. We can’t wait for you to see this year’s book! Don’t put it off, order now at ybpay.com!
The Meadowbrook ID Code is: 14465724.
Staff Wish Lists
Looking for a way to honor and support an educator before Winter Break? Browse the online wish lists and consider purchasing something for their classroom: https://meadowbrookpto.weebly.com/teacher-wish-lists.html. Teachers have submitted their wish lists and we have compiled them in one page. (If you don't see your favorite educator on the list, nudge them to send their list to the PTO.)
Restaurant Nights
- Upcoming Dates:
- February 14: Davanni's from 4-9pm (663 Winnetka Avenue N
- March 21: Noodles & Company from 4-8pm (7808 Olson Memorial Hwy)
- April 17: Chipotle from 4-8pm (515 Winnetka Avenue N)
- May 6-12: Culver's of Golden Valley
- What are Restaurant Night funds used for? The sales from Meadowbrook Restaurant Nights are used for PTO funds. These funds provide many opportunities for all students and teachers. This includes, but is not limited to field trips, equipment for classrooms and the media center, artist residencies, and transportation costs for events and field trips.
- How much has Meadowbrook family's contributions to Restaurant Nights made so far? We have raised a total of $398.43 for the Meadowbrook community in only three months of fundraising so far! As you can see, these nights are of great benefit to the students and staff at Meadowbrook, and each time you dine to donate it is greatly appreciated!
The Online Meadowbrook Student Directory has a new look and new website! Visit HopkinsMeadowbrookPTO.org for access to the new directory.
- Registering is fast, simple and secure. Only verified, registered Meadowbrook users can view the directory.
- By signing up you will have access to contact information for other registered users, which is great for parent communication, birthday invites, and play dates.
- The school is unable to share any student contact information. However, if that student is also registered, you may find their contact information in the directory.
How to Sign Up for the Directory:
- Current Users: If you had a log-in from the previous directory, visit the website. Click the “Forgot Password” link to reset your password. Then update any personal information in your profile that you would like to share and you are all set.
- New Users - Sign up is easy! Visit the website. Click the “Sign up” button. To create your account, enter your full name and email address, and create a password. Including your full name will help staff verify that you are a Meadowbrook caregiver. From there, you can update your profile with the contact information you would like to share.
How to Help The PTO:
- Volunteer - Complete this form to express your interest: https://forms.gle/4G39cpzZQ8kddGXs7
- Download the Box Tops for Education app and scan your receipts after shopping. Any qualifying purchases will go directly to Meadowbrook PTO- no need to 'clip' anymore!
Any questions? Reach out to us at meadowbrookelementarypto@gmail.com or visit us on Facebook , Twitter, Instragram, or our PTO website
District-Wide Announcements & Events
Save the Dates! (2/29, 3/21) Educational Services Advisory Committee (ESAC) focus for 2023-24: Student Success in Hopkins- An Overview & Next Steps
During these three sessions, we will overview our process for redefining student success metrics, our findings, and our next steps for measuring student success in 2024 and beyond, which will include ongoing community partnership and feedback. We will meet in the boardroom in the Eisenhower Community Center from 6:30-8 PM on all three nights. All are welcome!
Save The Date: Sounds for Justice
It will be held on Feb. 16, 2024, at the Hopkins Center for the Arts.
SoulFlower and the Omar Abdulkarim Quartet will perform. The show starts at 7 p.m., but there will be an opportunity to mingle, shop, or network with others from 5:30 p.m.
Hopkins Education Foundation News
Only 50 tickets are left for Hopkins Education Foundation's Royal Bash. Buy before February 1! Gather your friends and make it a night to remember. Email Jennifer.Cameron@hopkinsschools.org for a group seating promo code to ensure you are seated together. We can't wait to see you there!
2024-25 Calendar
At the December 12 School Board Meeting, the Hopkins School Board approved the 2024-25 calendar. Over the next few weeks, we will add these dates to our digital calendar and provide a printable PDF.
Important Calendar Dates
February 14: Restaurant Night at Davanni's 4:00-9:00pm
February 15: Raising Anti-Racist Children Book Study 6:00pm
February 19: No School - President's Day
February 22: Kindergarten Round Up 6:00-7:30pm
February 28: PTO Presents 7:00-8:00pm
Meadowbrook Elementary
Main Office Line: 952-988-5100
Attendance Line: 952-988-5110
Online Student Directory: https://hopkinsmeadowbrookpto.org/
Email: natalie.sawatzky@hopkinsschools.org
Website: https://hopkinsschools.org/schools/elementary-schools/meadowbrook-elementary
Location: 5430 Glenwood Avenue, Golden Valley, MN 55422, USA
Phone: (952) 988-5100
Facebook: facebook.com/HopkinsMeadowbrook
Twitter: @MeadowbrookGV