Blacklick Bulletin
**Updated: September 4, 2023

Message from Principal Groves - Week of 11/06/23
Dear Blacklick Families,
Thank you all for the birthday wishes last week! Friday was a day that I always remember with so many students and staff dressed up as "principal for the day". I really appreciate all of your kindness.
We have a very busy week this week! We are really looking forward to our Veterans' Day Assembly scheduled for Friday. Please see below for details.
As always, do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns at 614-759-5100 or by email at grovesk@gjps.org.
Kristen Groves
Book Fair - THANK YOU!
Thank you to all the families who supported the book fair during school, at the Community Celebration, or online! We raised $4000 for our Blacklick Library! A special thank you from Mrs. Ball to all the volunteers who helped to make our book fair a success - we couldn't have done it without you!
Picture Retake day - Thursday, November 9, 2023
Picture retake day is scheduled for this Thursday, November 9. If you would like your child to have his/her photo retaken, please send in the photos you originally purchased. *Please notify your child's teacher if you would like your child to have his/her photo retaken. We don't want to miss anyone!
If your child was absent on our original photo day (September 15) or if your child is new to Blacklick, we will be sure that they have their photo taken on November 9.
Cognitive Abilities Assessment: Grade 2 and Grade 5
Please mark your calendars!
Students in grade 2 will take the Cognitive Abilities Assessment on November 8 and November 9. Testing for our grade 2 students will begin at 10:00 AM on both dates.
Students in grade 5 will take the Cognitive Abilities Assessment on November 14 and November 15. Testing for our grade 5 students will begin at 9:15 AM on both dates.
Candy for the Troops!
We will be collecting Candy for the Troops! Do you have extra Halloween candy that you would like to donate to the U.S Military? Please send in all of your extra candy to your child’s classroom teacher by Wednesday, November 8, 2023. We will be partnering with the Buckeye Military Moms Organization out of Worthington, Ohio. This organization will be shipping the candy to US military troops.
Veterans' Day Assembly at Blacklick - November 10, 2023
An Invitation to the Blacklick Elementary Veterans’ Day Assembly
The annual Blacklick Elementary Veterans' Day Assembly is scheduled for Friday, November 10th. We will be having two assemblies on this date: 9:30 AM and 10:45 AM.
Please be sure to send in your RSVP form to your child’s classroom teacher by Friday, November 3rd if you are planning to attend. The RSVP form will go home this week in student PRIDE Folders.
We will be recognizing all Veterans and Active Military Guests that attend each assembly.
Blacklick PRIDE Partner PTO (Parent/Teacher Organization)
The next PTO meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 14, 2023 in the Blacklick library at 6:30 PM. Check out the most up to date information from the Blacklick PRIDE Partner PTO by clicking on the link below:
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Karen Davidson, PTO President, at ptoblacklick@gmail.com.
Highlights from Kindergarten Related Arts
Music in Kindergarten
Kindergarteners are exploring how to move the voice up and down! “Bessie the Cow” helps us make all kinds of musical sounds. We are practicing having safe bodies in the music room during “move around activities”.
Art in Kindergarten
Kindergarten students are learning about Vincent van Gogh and his famous painting, the Starry Night. Students are learning to paint showing motion (dashed, swirling lines), how to make their color lighter by adding water. We also discovered that mixing yellow and blue makes green! Later, students will cut paper and glue on a tower and buildings.
Library in Kindergarten
Blacklick Bazaar - Save the Date!
Saturday, November 18, 2023
The Blacklick Bazaar is back again this year and will be held in the Blacklick Elementary cafeteria and gymnasium!
Please plan to attend the Blacklick Bazaar on Saturday, November 18 from 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. There will be over 60 direct sales and craft vendors that will have great items for purchase.
We will also host a raffle with items donated by our vendors during the bazaar. All proceeds from the raffle will be donated to GRIN (Gahanna Residents in Need).
Admission is free! Please invite your friends! We hope to see you there!
GJPS District News!
Gifted Visual and Performing Arts Referral Process
Each year school districts in Ohio are required to offer an opportunity for students in grades K-12 to be identified as gifted in the area of Visual and Performing Arts. The identified areas of giftedness for Visual and Performing Arts include Visual Arts, Vocal Music, Instrumental Music, Drama/Theater, and Dance. If you know of a student that may be gifted in an area of the Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) and would like for them to be screened for possible gifted identification in that particular area, please complete the Visual and Performing Arts Nomination Form.
Click here to learn more about the two-phase VPA gifted identification process.
Nominations will be accepted until noon on Monday, November 20, 2023, and will only be accepted using the Google link above.
If you have any questions, please contact Colleen Boyle at gjpsgifted@gjps.org.
CommUNITY University
CommUNITY University is an opportunity for our GJPS adult community to come together and learn tools and resources for supporting our students' success in school and beyond. Mark your calendar for our first event on Nov. 9 at Clark Hall starting at 6 p.m. You can browse the GJPS CommUNITY University Course Catalog and then please register for the sessions you would like to attend by Wednesday, Nov. 1.
Blacklick Pop Tab Collection for the Ronald McDonald House of Central Ohio
As a school community we will be collecting pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House of Central Ohio. Please check your child's PRIDE folder for information regarding this collection.
WHAT: The Pop Tab Program is a fundraising project that supports Ronald McDonald House Charities. By collecting tabs from aluminum cans, RMHC of Central Ohio is able to recycle them in exchange for money that is then put towards paying the utility bills for the Ronald McDonald House.
WHEN: September 5, 2023 - May 1, 2024
WHERE: Students can drop off pop tabs in the boxes located in each hallway at Blacklick Elementary.
GJPS Heart and Pride Award
Celebrating Our Staff
We are excited to announce the Heart and Pride staff recognition award! This award is being established to recognize outstanding staff members who make a profound impact on our students and Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools.
This nomination form will remain open year-round and is open to any member of our staff, regardless of position. Please nominate a staff member you feel is deserving by September 29, 2023 to be considered for October recognition, but if you miss the deadline, please still submit nominations as this is a monthly award.
GRIN (Gahanna Residents in Need): Snack Bags
Gahanna Residents in Need (GRIN) will once again provide weekend snack bags to families who need support with food. This program is meant for those with a need to supplement food at home for their children.
You may follow this link - https://forms.gle/UBsm7G85rhHaVyg66 - to access and sign-up for the program. Please fill out the form and note any special dietary needs.
Free/Reduced Price Meal Benefits
If you believe your family may qualify for free/reduced-price meals, please apply online for free or reduced-price meal benefits with these easy steps:
- Sign in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
- Choose "MORE" in the left-hand column.
Free/Reduced-Price Meal Benefits Online Application Tutorial (PDF)
Blacklick School Events
Mark Your Calendar!
November 8 and 9 Grade 2 CoGAT Testing
November 8 Family Night Out: Chipotle
November 9 Picture Retake Day
November 10 Veterans Day Assembly
November 13 No School for Students (Professional Learning for Staff)
November 14 and 15 Grade 5 CoGAT Testing
November 18 Blacklick Bazaar
November 22-24 Thanksgiving Break (No School for Students or Staff)
November 28 Family Night Out at Glow Putt
December 7 Family Night Out: MOD Pizza
Important GJPS Links
Blacklick, Ohio 43004