The TES Times
October 2022
Dear TES Families,
Greetings & Happy Fall!
October was certainly a busy month here at TES! We started the month off with the Week of Respect where students were treated to a laser light show assembly, had special spirit days, and daily respect messages were conveyed. Congratulations to the winners of our school-wide poster contest! Our Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and First Grade students were treated with a special visit from Fairmount Fire Company, Oldwick Fire Copmany, and Pottersville Fire Company. We are so appreciative of our community helpers! Please continue reading below to learn about the progress your children are making and all of the fun and exciting activities going on here at TES.
Lisa Moore
TES Halloween Parade
Our parade at TES will begin at 9:00am outside the main entrance. Please park in the lower parking lot and line up on the sidewalk perimeter of our school. The parade will begin with Kindergarten followed by each grade level making two loops around the upper parking lot circle.
Please note that the outdoor parade will be canceled if the weather is inclement.
Pre-K Corner
The halls are alive with the sounds of Pre-K singing!
Pre-K students have grown so much since September! They have learned TES rules and routines, and are now ready for more fun with learning!
Students participate in daily choice centers. This gives them the opportunity to mingle with new pals and try out new centers! One of their favorite centers has been trains. Pre-K has an extremely large assortment of wooden train tracks and trains. Students have used the tracks to make all sorts of shapes. Students have also been encouraged to count the trains that fit on their tracks. So far they have managed to fit and count up to 20 trains on one track! Practicing one to one correspondence with toys is so much fun!
Pre-K has also been practicing singing songs for our Halloween party. When Pre-K sings, music fills our hallway! Students really enjoy singing!
- Mrs. Kovalsky
Kindergarten Happenings
October has been an incredible month. We have been so busy learning, growing, and having fun in Kindergarten. In science, we welcomed fall by learning all about the four seasons, we used our scientific observation skills and our five senses to explore apples and pumpkins. We learned about all the changes that fall brings us by graphing weather patterns and inquiring about why leaves change color in the fall. In math, students are comparing and ordering numbers within 5, writing and connecting numerals to quantity within 10, subitizing to 10, and learning about patterns. Subitizing is the ability to instantly recognize the number of objects without actually counting them. In social studies, we learned all about fire safety and had some special visitors come to talk with us about how we can stay safe in the event of a fire as well as provide us with some hands-on learning experiences. Students were able to see the ins and outs of the fire truck, see some of the important tools that firefighters use, we were lucky enough to handle and spray a fire hose, Mrs Gentile tried on and modeled the very heavy firefighter uniform, and we even got to sit in the fire truck! A huge thank you to our brave and incredible firefighters and community helpers that keep us safe.
In Kindergarten we use so many different hands-on activities, experiences, and games (individually, with a partner, or in a small group) to provide students with opportunities to experiment and learn through play. This also teaches our students how to work with others by practicing sharing and taking turns, promotes fine motor skills, and encourages students to use critical thinking and problem solving techniques to better understand concepts. In reading, phonics, and writing, students are beginning to learn about sight words and are being introduced to important reading strategies such as using “eagle eyes” to connect pictures to unknown words when reading. We are also working hard on learning proper letter formation and connecting sounds to letters, recognizing and producing rhyming words, labeling pictures by stretching our sounds to identify letters that we are hearing, and practicing retelling and sequencing events in stories as well as our life cycles.
Students are also working hard at understanding and expressing emotions to become better problem solvers by investigating common problems that arise at school, analyzing possible causes, and brainstorming ways to solve them as well as learning about the role that kindness plays in making school a happy and productive place for all.
- Mrs. Perticari and Mrs. Gentile
Officer Russo Spoke to Kindergarten Students About Safety
Art Appeal
Pre-K students have been learning their colors in art and have created fall landscape collages and painted leaves. We have been working on learning the element of line in Kindergarten and made line caterpillars with each body part representing a different type of line. They will also be creating fall landscapes. First and second graders have been reviewing their understanding of lines and using them to draw. First graders have been creating Autumn Scarecrow drawings and second graders have been drawing "Wild Things" after reading Maurice Sendak's classic book Where the Wild Things Are. Third graders learned about the non-objective grid style of artist Piet Mondrian and used this style to design abstract fish compositions. Fourth graders have entered the weird and wild world of Surrealism and are creating surrealistic collages in the style of artist Rene Magritte. It's a wonderful time to enjoy the lines and colors we are surrounded by in nature. Create some art outside at home!
- Mrs. Wadler
First Grade Chronicles
First grade students completed a rhyming bat book and a witch book with juicy adjectives. In Math, students are learning to compose and decompose numbers to 10 and are internalizing addition facts to 10. In Fundations, students are learning how to decode and encode three-sound short vowel words, and trick words, which are memorized. In Writing, students wrote their opinion on their favorite season. Students learned to back up their opinion with reasons using the word, because. Students further practiced supporting their opinions by writing twin sentences, adding examples, and using adjectives! In Science, students explored bats and sound. Students went on a sound scavenger hunt and discovered that sound is made when things move. Students further explored sound by making sounds with rubber bands. They were able to observe that sound gives off a vibration. This brought us full circle back to bats and how bats use sound waves to hunt for food!
- Mrs. Chapman, Ms. Picardo, Ms. Piesla, and Mrs. Saksa
Second Grade Scoop
This month second grade students continued to learn about communities. We learned about the different types of communities, goods and services, and wants and needs within a community. We also have continued to practice identifying, comparing, and ordering numbers to 1,000 and addition facts through 20. Thank you for your continued support with practicing addition facts and reading on a nightly basis. Second grade has also begun working on a fall poem. We discussed nouns and adjectives and ways to make our writing more descriptive. This is one of our first of many poems we will write throughout the year. This month we also had the week of respect and learned more about this character trait through assemblies, books, and activities. Students learned the different zones of regulation and each class had the opportunity to visit Ms. Donovan to discuss the different zones. We are looking forward to the end of the month festivities!
- Mrs. Bristow, Mr. Frankosky, Ms. Piesla, Mrs. Nugent, and Mr. Strange
Third Grade Buzz
Click-click-click! That is the sound of third graders typing their personal narratives. Students have happily engaged in the writing process to craft small moment stories.They have written catchy hooks to grab their readers’ attention. They have exploded the moment by describing the sensory details.They have also shared the internal story by sharing their thoughts and feelings related to the events. Lastly, our writers have learned to thoughtfully close their narrative by sharing a feeling, hope or something they learned.
Students discovered that they love to share their writing with their peers and celebrate one another in Author’s Chair. They also reflected on their experience writing a personal narrative. They identified their strengths as a writer, as well as a goal they would like to work on as we consider our next piece of writing. They are feeling proud and we can’t wait to see what they write next!
- Mrs. Emge, Ms. Kouzis, Mrs. Fuentes, Mrs. Pill, and Mrs. Nichols
The Library Review
Students have been FALLing in love with books this month at the TES Library Media Center! Across the grades, we have been reading different fiction and nonfiction books that connect to Fall nature. At the end of October, students will be working together on a “creepy” S.T.E.A.M. project. The students are enthusiastically finding and checking out library books. We hope families have been enjoying sharing and reading their library books together!
- Ms. Rose-Mason
Fabulous Fourth Grade
Fourth graders were busy this month as they began a study of the 5 regions of the United States. Students are working in groups to answer the guiding question, "How is each region of the U.S. unique?" Students will present their assigned regions to their classmates after they become "region experts".
On the left is a picture of Ms. Wade-Taffera and Mrs. Palmer "twinning."
- Mrs. DelGrande, Mrs. Forsythe, Mrs. Fuentes, Mrs. Palmer, and Ms. Wade-Taffera
Enrichment - Check Out Our New Programs!
Art Enrichment - Black Cats
Spanish/Library Enrichment - Book Art
en·rich·ment: noun/ the action of improving or enhancing the quality or value of something.
Enrichment classes for students in grades first through fourth have begun. Students have been having a wonderful time getting creative and connecting with friends! A few of the many exciting projects that students have explored this month are virtual escape rooms and fall crafts!
Student can sign up once a week for enrichment class while they are at lunch. After lunch, they can go to Enrichment instead of the playground. There will be enrichment for Library, Spanish, Technology, and Art!
TES Lunch Bunch is Back!
After a long Covid hiatus, Lunch Bunches are back at TES. Lunch Bunch is a fun opportunity for a small group of students to eat together with our school counselor, Mrs. Donovan, away from the busy lunch room.
It is the perfect setting to chat around a lunch table and get to know our classmates. Any student may request a lunch bunch, and sometimes a student may be invited by another student to “join” their lunch bunch. It is wonderful to see our students talking, laughing and enjoying spending time together.
If a student attends a lunch bunch, you will receive an email or note to let you know. If you do not want your child to attend a lunch bunch, please send an email to: sdonovan@tewksburyschools.org
Project Aspire
The wheels are turning...
The wheels are turning in Project Aspire! Second and third graders are learning about the importance of symbol representation and how to categorize symbols. Pictured here is a student showing how she changed the days of the week to symbols. Our goal was to make the symbols universal, although that was challenging! We learned that universal symbols are the most powerful, because they can be understood all over the world! Fourth graders are exploring comic strips for humor as we embark on a journey to discover how figurative language can be found in this type of literature. ASAP math grade 1 students are learning how to find missing parts in number sentences using number bonds. Grade 2 is working on comparing three digit numbers. Grade 3 students are strengthening skills in finding patterns in a series of 4-digit numbers, while fourth grade ASAP students are working on multidigit multiplication.
TES Club News
Garden Club
Our PTA Garden Club got off to a rainy start but on our second meeting we had beautiful weather! The kids got down in the dirt and planted some tulip and crocus bulbs in our butterfly garden. They also learned to recognize the common local weed mugwort, and cleared our garden beds of it. We look forward to more sunny fall afternoons caring for our school garden and learning about plants!
Yearbook Club - Submit Your Photos
If you take any photos throughout the year and would like to share and submit them for consideration for the yearbook, please upload them by joining our Lifetouch community. Any questions please reach out to Mrs. Rinehart: krinehart@tewkburyschools.org
How to upload photos?
Website: https://community.lifetouch.com/invitecode=TEWKSBURY-23
Yearbook Invite Code: TEWKSBURY-23
The Musical Express
We are FALLing too!
We are FALLING in love with music this October! The students of TES have been working on rhythm, using their proper singing voice and composing music. The Pre-K and Kindergarten classes can sing their "Hello Song" all by themselves. The 1st and 2nd graders can identify music in different meters. The 3rd graders are starting work on note naming and 4th grade have begun their instrumental learning!
It has been an absolute pleasure teaching music to the students of Tewksbury over the past few years. A warm welcome to Mr. Chris Shaffer, who will be our new music teacher starting in November. Thank you for the many, many musical memories!
- Mrs. Spina
Welcome Mr. Shaffer!
From Ms. Morogiello, School Nurse
Fall is here! Please see these safety tips recommended by The Institute for Childhood Preparedness:
- Mrs. Morogiello, School Nurse
If you have any student health-related questions, please contact Nancy Morogiello at nmorogiello@tewksburyschools.org or 908-832-2594 x2011. Report student absences prior to 9:00 AM by inputting to Pick Up Patrol.
Counselor's Corner
Week of Respect
Every New Jersey Public school recognizes the first week in October as the "Week of Respect". Here at TES, we had themed days to hallmark the importance of kindness, respecting differences and working together. We had a school-wide poster contest and were able to enjoy seeing our student's artistic abilities used to share messages of respect.
We recognize and celebrate that our school community is only as strong as each of it's members and we are all enriched when we grow and work together.
- Mrs. Donovan, School Counselor
Español Express
We've been very busy in Spanish class! Kindergarteners are starting to learn their colors, focusing on the leaves changing colors. First graders are learning the days of the week and the different activities that make one day different from the next. Second graders learned about the coquí, a noisy frog in Puerto Rico. Third graders have been acting out and writing a story about a girl who doesn't like anything, even pizza! Fourth graders are learning to write and say simple statements about themselves in Spanish. Check out Rockalingua or Duolingo for a fun way to practice Spanish at home!
- Mrs. Obercian
Technology - Digital Citizenship
This month in technology class the students have been learning about digital citizenship. Elementary school is a great time for students to learn to be responsible digital citizens and learn the basics rules of using the internet. We use the Commonsense Media curriculum and will learn how to be a good digital citizen and how to stay safe online.
In addition, we are learning how to balance our media time and understand what is safe to share online. Learn with us! Here are some family activities to do at home. K-4 activities:
- Ms. Rinehart
Health & Physical Education Update
Are You Ready for Some Football?
Football is here! Students in grades two through four have been learning to hold, throw and catch a football with proper form through various activities and games. Kindergarten and first graders continue to work on movement activities.
- Mr. Wooby and Ms. Mukherjee
Pink Out Day
Mrs. Moore and Mr. Wooby
The Staff Celebrating Pink Out Day to Raise Awareness for Breast Cancer Research and Treatment
Ready for a Close Up!
Trunk or Treat - October 22, 2022
The Grinch Came to Trunk or Treat!
Just Chilling!
Enjoying the Afternoon at TES!
A Special Invitation
See Mrs. Callahan's Artwork and Join Her for an Artist's Reception at the Tewksbury Library
Our school secretary, Eileen Callahan, is also an artist and has work displayed during October through the end of November at the Tewksbury Library. There will be an Artist's Talk and Reception on Sunday, November 20th, from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM. Please join Mrs. Callahan and her friends at the library!
Lunch at TES