The Ram Roundup
September 10, 2023
Dear Longs Peak Middle School Parents,
We hope this message finds you well and filled with the same excitement and enthusiasm that permeates our school this year. The energy and dedication of our parent community have been nothing short of incredible, and we want to extend our heartfelt gratitude for all that you do to support your children's education.
From ensuring your kids arrive at school on time, to those gentle reminders to charge their iPads, your involvement in their daily routines is truly invaluable. Moreover, your unwavering support in their learning journey and your presence at their extracurricular events exemplify the strong partnership between home and school that we hold dear.
As we embark on this academic adventure together, we want to inform you that this past Friday, we sent out notifications to parents whose children have a D or an F in a class. We understand that it is early in the semester, but we believe in proactive intervention to help our students succeed. Even a single missing assignment can have a significant impact on a student's overall grade, which is why we have implemented this notification system.
Please note that these notifications will be sent out twice a month. This schedule will allow you to support your child in addressing any missing assignments promptly or seek assistance if they are facing challenges in their coursework. Together, we can ensure that every student at Longs Peak Middle School has the tools and resources needed to excel academically.
We are excited to announce that many of our clubs will begin in the coming weeks. For more information on club availability, please refer to the details included in this newsletter. If your child is participating in after-school athletics or clubs, we kindly request that you pick them up promptly following the conclusion of the activity to ensure their safety and timely arrival home.
Additionally, we would like to remind you that this Friday, September 15th, is the deadline to purchase iPad insurance. Even a small contribution of $1 can serve as a down payment on this important protection for your child's learning device. Ensuring the safety and functionality of their iPads is crucial for a successful academic year.
Thank you once again for your incredible support, and we look forward to a year filled with growth, learning, and success for all our students.
Warm regards,
Karin Blough
Last Week at the Peak
Baseball Club
Solar Ovens
8th GRADE NEWS.........................
Eighth grade has challenged every student to read 40 books this school year. Please ask your student about their reading! Every student has the chance to go to the library once a week as well as access to our vast digital library through SORA.They are given class time every day to read. Additionally, we encourage them to try to find time outside of school to enjoy their books.
Dear Parents of 7th and 8th Graders,
A quick reminder: Please ensure your child's iPad is charged and ready for school every day. A simple routine of charging it each evening and placing it back in their backpack in the morning goes a long way. Without a charged iPad, our students may miss out on essential classroom curriculum and learning activities. Your support is greatly appreciated!
If you need to purchase a new charger, you or your child can do so in the front office or with Mrs. Adams in room 300. New bricks are $19 and new cords are also $19. $38 for a full set.
Thank you for helping us keep their learning on track.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences are just around the corner! All conferences will be held in person on the following dates by appointment ONLY.
Tuesday, September 26th 3:30 - 7:30 PM
Thursday, September 28th 3:30 - 7:00 PM
Tuesday, October 3rd 3:30 - 7:00 PM
Please click here to access: Meet The Teacher which is the online tool we are using to schedule all conferences.
If you booked an appointment during Back to School Night you should have received an email notification with your appointment time and teacher. We will send out reminders for your appointments in the coming days. Please reach out to us if you think that you should have received an email and did not.
Thank you for joining us on these evenings; we look forward to meeting with you! Food will be provided each night as well.
Meet the Teacher Parent Sign Up- English
Inscripción Para la Conferencia de Padres y Maestros: Español
Superintendent Town Hall Meetings
St. Vrain Valley Schools invites parents, teachers, staff, and community members to join Superintendent, Dr. Don Haddad, for one of our upcoming Superintendent Town Hall meetings. These annual open forums in each of our geographic areas provide an opportunity for Dr. Haddad and other district leaders to listen to our community’s questions and suggestions, share our many successes, and discuss our bold vision for continuing to build new schools as our student enrollment continues to climb.
Dates and Locations:
Monday, September 25, 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Frederick High School
Monday, October 2, 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Skyline High School
Tuesday, October 3, 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Erie High School
Wednesday, October 4, 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Mead High School
Monday, October 9, 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Silver Creek High School
The Longs Peak Middle School Administration Team will be attending the Town Hall Meeting on October 2nd at Skyline. We would love to have you join us!
Los servicios de interpretación al español estarán disponibles en cada event
Attention! All students entering 6th grade are required to have a Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) vaccine! This is likely the 6th one because typically Dtap (the younger child's version) is given at 2, 4, 6 months, 18 months, and 5 years of age.
Is your student up-to-date?
Read more about the Tdap vaccine here https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/tdap.html
CMAS Results
Here are some tips to help guide your understanding of the score reports:
1. Identify Strengths and Areas for Growth: Score reports can spotlight your child's academic strengths and can also reveal areas that may need additional attention and support. Use the reports to talk with your child, teachers and school counselors about potential strategies for improvement.
2. Set Realistic Goals: Score reports can be a starting point for setting goals for your child. By working collaboratively with teachers, you can develop a plan to support your child’s growth and ensure they reach their full potential.
3. Pandemic effects continue. It is important to remember that the pandemic’s lingering impact on education may be reflected in your student’s score reports.
These score reports are just one piece of the puzzle, and they do not capture the full range of your child's abilities or potential. They serve as snapshots of your child’s progress at a specific point in time and should be viewed as tools for growth, not definitive judgments.
One of the things that makes Longs Peak Middle School truly special is our robust offering of after-school clubs. We take immense pride in creating an environment where every student has the opportunity to participate in activities that extend beyond the normal school day. It's not just about academics; it's about fostering a well-rounded and enriching experience for our students.
Research consistently shows that students who actively engage in extracurricular or co-curricular activities demonstrate higher attendance rates, improved academic achievements, and a generally more positive outlook on school. These activities help our students discover their passions, build essential life skills, and form lasting friendships. We believe that these experiences are an integral part of a well-rounded education.
We understand that it takes extra effort on the part of parents and guardians to ensure that your child can participate in these activities, from arranging transportation to managing schedules. We want to express our heartfelt appreciation for your unwavering support.
As we move forward into this academic year, we encourage every student to explore the diverse range of clubs we offer. We are excited to witness the growth and development of your children as they become active participants in our school's extracurricular opportunities. Please see below for a list of our current and upcoming clubs! Dates and times are also posted on our school calendar on our website.
Advanced Choir - Students will have the opportunity to develop their skills as a musician, gain practice time with Ms. Bailey, and meet other musicians. This is primarily student led, and Ms. Bailey is happy to provide resources. Join us weekly on Wednesdays.
Advanced Orchestra - Students will have the opportunity to develop their skills in orchestra and gain practice time with Mrs. Schlieper. Join us weekly on Monday and Wednesdays.
Art Club - Come as you are and be creative with Mr. Wysong as we work on various art projects. Join us weekly on Tuesdays.
Baseball Club - Are you interested in the game of baseball? Join the baseball club with Mr. Hancock to learn more about the game and prepare to play the game at the next level! Join us on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4-6.
Battle of the Books - Join Mrs. Olsen and Mrs. Large-Swope as you build your competitive reading skills. Compete against other students in teams in various reading challenges. Join us on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month.
Bike Shop - Do you want to learn hands-on bike repair skills? See Mrs. Tucker for more details. Join us every 3rd Monday of the month starting in October!
Business Club - Come get some real-life business experience! Help us design and run a Longs Peak Middle School Store. We will be working together to design products to sell at school and sporting events. See Mrs. Tucker for more details. We will meet every other Wednesday beginning in October.
Board Game Club - Do you like board games? Do you like hanging out with friends and making new ones? The Ram Fam Board Game Club is starting soon! Meet with Mrs. Scovill & Mrs. Schuller after school once a week to have fun playing board games! The only rule is that you can’t be on a screen.
Cheer Club - Come bring school spirit to Longs Peak! Learn cheers, routines, and dances that will be performed at various school events. Join us Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30am - 7:30am
Musical/Drama Club - TBD, see Mrs. Bailey with questions.
National Junior Honor Society - NJHS is a service based club serving LPMS and our community. Membership is by invite only for 7th and 8th grade students. Members work with Ms. Heien to maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher and complete a minimum of 20 service hours each school year. Join us on the first Wednesday of the month.
Poetry at the Peak - Calling all poets, writers, and dreamers! We will have our annual Poetry at the Peak Workshop after winter break. Bring your ideas, your passion, your creativity, and your curiosity. You don’t need any prior experience. Work with Mrs. Scovill, Mrs. Schuller, & Mrs. Large-Swope to write every week and end our time together with a Poetry Reading. Meeting dates TBD.
Robotics Club - This club will work with Mrs. Goble to explore the world of robotics through the building and testing of your own robots. We will use VEX IQ robotic kits. Meeting dates TBD.
Roots to Shoots Garden Club - Students will work with Mr. Freeman & Mr. Jiron to be involved with every step of taking care of the Peak Patch garden including but by no means limited to planning, planting, repairing drip lines, composting, harvesting, and general upkeep. Join us Fridays in September and May.
Sewing Club - Want to learn how to sew and the useful skills that come with this knowledge? See Mrs. Alford for more details. Join us weekly on Wednesdays starting in January.
Skittles Club - Skittles Club is Longs Peak’s GSA (Gay-Straight-Alliance). This club is for anyone that identifies as LGBTQ+ and allies. This club will consist of team building, crafting, and advocating with Mrs. Laquatra. Join us once a month on Tuesdays.
Stem Club - Are you interested in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math. This is the club for you. Come explore science through hands-on activities with Mr Hancock. Join us weekly on Tuesdays.
Wildlife Rangers - Students will work with Mr. Freeman to explore types of urban and rural wildlife in Longmont and the surrounding area while monitoring and maintaining remote cameras on City of Longmont and Boulder County open space property. Students will also communicate their findings with Park Rangers and Wildlife Biologists! Join us on Fridays.
Yearbook - Come build the school yearbook with Mrs. Delong. Take pictures, organize the pages, and sell the final product. Meeting dates TBD.
Yoga Club - Yoga Club is a place where students can learn basic Yoga poses and understand how to use their breath and intentional breathing practices to calm themselves when they are dysregulated. They will learn from Mrs. Schuller about the importance of self care and learn mindfulness practices to use in their everyday life. Meeting dates TBD.
Coming SOON! ~ ESports Club
Things to know before coming to the building.....................
* Ring the doorbell located on the brick wall near the front entrance.
* State the reason for your visit and provide identification if requested.
* If you are leaving something for your student, the front office staff will give you access to the vestibule where we would like for you to place the item on the table in the corner and complete the Item Drop Off form on the green clipboard. Please include the students first and last name as well as their grade.
* If you are picking up a student early, the front office staff will permit you access to the vestibule where we ask that you please sign them out using the form attached to the clipboard and your student will meet you there.
* If you have a scheduled meeting please state the name of the person you are meeting with so that the front office staff can notify that person and have them meet you in the front office. All visitors must sign in and receive a visitor badge before leaving the front office and entering the main building. The meeting organizer will escort you to the meeting place.
'23 - '24 iPad Insurance Window closes September 15, 2023
The LTP Student iPad Insurance window will close on September 15th. Parents who wish to join the insurance pool for the current school year will need to make at least a partial payment before that date. All students are eligible to join the insurance pool for the school year.
This optional insurance fee will be voided on September 15th if no payment has been made.
2023-2024 Student iPad Insurance: $25.00
Read more about the LTP Student iPad Insurance Program.
Even a down payment of $1 will get you insurance for this year with the balance due later on. Insurance costs $10/$15/$25 (free lunch/ reduced lunch/ regular price). We want every single student to have iPad insurance because accidents happen each and every day. With insurance, a broken iPad can be replaced immediately and without additional cost. Without iPad insurance, there is a $236 fee for a broken iPad.
Does your child need a new iPad charger? Replacements can be purchased for $36/set from Mrs. Adams in room 300. We need each of our students to come to school each day with a fully charged iPad.
We are strongly encouraging all families to take advantage of iPad insurance. Click the link here for more information. LTP Student iPad Insurance Program
Click the link below for more information about the Learning Technology Program.
September is Attendance Awareness Month
September is Attendance Awareness Month and at Longs Peak, we believe that good attendance is critical to academic success and to a successful middle school experience. When a student misses a class, they miss a learning opportunity, which cannot be recaptured. Educational research indicates that a significant part of the student's experience is derived from classroom relationships, activities, discussions, and participation. Regular attendance is of utmost importance for school interest, social adjustment and academic achievement, particularly for closing the achievement gap.
- Missing only 2 days a month (for any reason) can have a significant impact on student success.
- Building high attendance habits is a life skill that will impact a student's success as a future employee, leader, and citizen.
- Students who attend school regularly are more involved in activities, athletics, fine arts and other programs that build healthy social networks and important life experiences.
- Attendances is one of the largest predictors of whether a student will graduate. By sixth grade, absenteeism is one of the three signs that a student may drop out of high school.
- By college, a chronically absent high school graduate has only an 11 percent chance of receiving any degree, impacting career choices, lifetime earnings, success, well-being and their future.
For Longs Peak Middle School, our goal is simple: have your child attend everyday - or as you manage your family's needs, strive to miss less than 5 days of school per year.
Cafecito/Coffee Chat
Thank you to all the parents who joined us for our first Cafecito on Friday. It was so great to see you! If you missed this one, please join us on Tuesday, September 26th at 5:00PM. This date is during our first day of Parent Teacher Conferences while our teachers eat dinner.
Food and translation services are available! We would love to have you join us!
Upcoming Cafecito Dates:
Tuesday, September 26th at 5:00PM
Friday, October 27th at 8:15AM
Tuesday, November 28th at 3:30 PM
If you have a particular topic that you would like us to cover, please feel free to reach out to our Parent Liaison, Maria Perez at 3030-776-5611 or perez_maria@svvsd.org.
We are excited to offer 7 Mindsets, our Social Emotional Learning in Ram Ready on Mondays. Each month we will focus on a particular Mindset. This month we have been focusing on Everything is Possible.
The last 2 critical components of Everything Is Possible include:
- Think Positive – People with a brighter outlook on life are not only happier, but also accomplish more. We must believe there is more for us in life, expect good things from others, and find the positives in all situations. These simple act make us happier in the moment, and the future becomes infinitely brighter.
- Act and Adjust – We must act if we want to get results. It is important to plan, but only if the plans drive us to action; if we do not act, nothing will change. The greatest obstacle to taking action is fear of failure, but the most successful people in the world don’t see failure, only feedback. Simply learn from mistakes and move forward, because this is the only way to make our dreams into reality. Act on them, and be prepared to adjust.
- Model self-compassion. We are so hard on ourselves. It is very important to recognize that our children will observe our tendencies, how we talk to ourselves and, unfortunately, how unfairly critical of ourselves we can often be. Work on how you view your own efforts, challenges and successes, and consider the self image you’re modeling for your children. Don’t forget that they really are more likely to do as we do, rather than as we say.
- Don’t foster perfectionism. Perfectionism is a primary cause of anxiety, locking us up and preventing us from taking action due to fear of failure. This is most prevalent in young people living in a world of reality TV and sensationalism. More than ever, they must understand they are human and that mistakes are a healthy part of learning and growing up happy and successful. Let them do their own work, let them make mistakes and let them learn to grow through adversity while they are under your roof.
- Celebrate risk-taking and failure. One great practice at the dinner table is to ask your child what they “failed at that day” or what didn’t go very well. Rather than focusing on the mistake or loss, ask them to consider how they can grow from it, what they learned, what new skill could be developed, what relationship would be created or expanded, etc. Congratulate them for trying, and point out that the people who succeed are those who take risks and fail, so your kids are in good company and on their way.
Activities to Do with Your Child
Student Behavior Expectations
Administrators reviewed Student Behavior Expectations during the first week of school. Please log into Parent Portal and sign off on the Code of Conduct if you have not already done so. Parents, please make sure that you have completed your sign off no later than September 30th. Here are directions on how to complete it online.
Students will be required to adhere to the following expectations throughout the entire school day, without exception:
- No cell phones or bluetooth headphones/earbuds during class time. Cell phones are a distraction to the learning environment and are required to be put away at all times. If you need to reach your student or they need to reach a family member, the are always welcome to use the phone in the front office.
- Students are not allowed to wear hats or hoods inside the building, this includes in the cafeteria, hallways and the classrooms.
- Students must use public language at all times in the building, at recess and school related events.
- Bathrooms are technology free zones.
In St. Vrain and at Longs Peak Middle School, we are part of a championship team, where everyone is working together to ensure student success.The expectations are that we all go above and beyond what is stated in the Code of Conduct, as well as in our academic coursework and co-curricular activities, in order to ensure that all of us - ourselves and our teammates - reach our full potential.
The following behaviors are unacceptable on a championship team. These include behaviors that:
- Threaten or cause harm to the school or individual staff members or students
- Demonstrate discrimination
- Involve weapons or physical violence
- Use social media or other written communication to harass other students or staff members.
It is important to know that school staff will take appropriate action if certain detrimental behaviors occur, even if the behaviors are off of school grounds.
Behind every championship team is a community of supporters to celebrate and champion your success. In St. Vrain and at Longs Peak this includes our teachers, counselors, nurses, school staff, administrators, parents, families, and many others.
We ask that our entire Longs Peak community:
- Treat others with kindness and respect
- If you need help, reach out to others for support.
- Get involved in school programs, clubs and activities.
- If you see something, say something.
Thank you for supporting your student, their peers and our entire school community! Our staff is always available to support you in anyway. Please reach out to us!
Cross Country Reminders
Our District is very excited to participate in the program. Here is some additional information and a few important reminders about what this means for our schools and families.
- Please continue to fill out the Free and Reduced Price Lunch form. While meals will be provided for free to all St Vrain students through Healthy School Meals for All, it’s important for us to continue gathering this information to receive full access to available federal funds that support nutritional programs at our school. We ask all St Vrain families to please complete the form during registration for the 2023-24 school year. By providing this information, you will help our district access all available funds to cover the cost of meals, and other nutritional programs for students. Plus, families who fill out the form may qualify to receive discounted school fees, class materials, bus passes, utilities support and more!
- All household income information provided through this form is strictly confidential and protected by law. Only one form is required for all children in the household. Immigration, migrant, citizenship or refugee status is not required when completing the form.
Family Benefits to Submitting a Free & Reduced Price Lunch Form:
● School program fees are waived.
● After-school program fees are waived.
● Preschool programs fees are waived.
● SAT and ACT tests and college application fees are reduced.
● Access to community food banks services are available.
● Discounts on utilities and internet service are available.
● Discounts for participation in community groups like sports or YMCA programs are available.
2023 - 2024 Bell Schedule
Ram Ready, Set, Go!!
Girls Volleyball
Parent Cafecito/Coffee Chat
- Tuesday, September 26th at 5:00PM (during conferences while teachers have dinner)
- Friday, October 27th at 8:15AM
- Tuesday, November 28th at 3:30PM
Picture Day
- Retakes October 18th
Late Starts - Students arrive at 10:20, classes start at 10:25
- November 1st
- December 6th
Music Concerts
- Orchestra: 10/18 @ 7:00, 10/24 @ LHS 6:00, 12/12 @ LHS 6:00, 3/12 @ 6:00, 5/16 @ LHS 6:00
- Choir: 10/11 @ 6:30, 11/15 @ LHS 7:00, 12/19 @ LHS 6:30, 3/13 @ LHS 6:30, 5/14 @ LHS 6:30
- Band: 10/12 @ LHS 7:00, 12/15 @ LHS 7:00, 5/10 @ LHS 7:00
Parent Teacher Conferences
- September 26th, 28th and October 3rd beginning at 3:30
Who Do I Call?
Karin Blough-Principal
David Glover - Assistant Principal
Neil Shupe- Dean of Students, Athletic Director
Katie Malone- Counselor- 5th Grade + 6th Grade
Megan Fruvellhoff- Mental Health Interventionist- 7th + 8th Grade
Maria Perez - Parent Liaison
Noriko Fujiwara- Health Clerk
Elena Garrido - Attendance Secretary
How to Reach Us
Email: heiser_sandy@svvsd.org
Website: http://lpms.svvsd.org/
Location: 1500 14th Avenue, Longmont, CO, USA
Phone: 303-776-5611
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LongsPeakSVVSD/
Twitter: @longs_peakms