Talawanda High School
#EducateandPrepare #THSFamily
School Counseling Office
SENIORS: please check your email and fill out the google form sent by Ms. Driscoll for scholarship and postsecondary plans. The link is attached here as well. This form MUST be completed by April 25th to ensure recognition of your accomplishments in the commencement program. See Ms. Wise or your school counselor for more information.
The summer and fall applications windows are now open for all of our partner institutions! For more information or links to apply, please click HERE.
Spring End Of Course Exams (EOC's)
In April, THS will be administering the state End of Course (EOC) Exams. During that week, students will be on a modified schedule with the EOCs being given in the morning each day. It is very important that testing students arrive by 7:45 as it is a timed test. Non-testing students will report at 10:00. Students who are scheduled to test will receive an email with their schedule and locations for testing.
The testing week schedule found below. Non-testing students do not need to report until 10:00. Any students that do not have transportation at 10:00 can ride the bus. The Cafeteria will be available for study hall from 7:45-10:0
Please bring a CHARGED CHROMEBOOK to school for each test.
Additional information about EOCs can be found here.
Run Hide Fight
Talawanda High School will be partnering with Oxford Police Department to conduct a building-wide active threat drill on Wednesday, April 26th. Faculty, staff, and students will practice the Run/Hide/Fight protocol as part of this drill. As we get closer to this date, we'll share more details about pre-drill information, the drill itself, post-drill activities, and opt-out information/options. For now, please simply mark the date and know that we continue to hold student, faculty, and staff safety in the highest regard!
Cap and Gowns will distributed on May 9th during all three lunches. If you are not able to pick your order up during lunch, we will have them in the Main Office. Butler Tech students will have theirs delivered to their respective campus.
Brave Day for Juniors
The event will take place Friday, April 14th
If your student does not want to participate, they will need to fill out the notification form handed out in their Junior English class next week and return it to the main office or room 301 at THS. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Mr. Zimmerman via email at zimmermana@talawanda.org.
Prom tickets will be on sale starting Monday, April 10th at 9:00am through Hometown Ticketing. Here is the ticket link to purchase. Tickets are $40/each with a limit of 1 per junior or senior. Every junior or senior will use your student ID number as your code. The 2023 Prom is April 29 at the Shriver Center from 8:30-midnight, with an Afterprom to follow at the REC Center, also on Miami's campus. Students will be given a packet with a parking pass for both events and a waiver for Afterprom after purchasing a ticket. If you are wanting to bring a guest the form attached will need to be completed in full along with a copy of the guests photo ID. The form and photo should be returned to Mrs. Gingerich in the high school main office. Once she receives the completed guest paperwork there will be a code issued to purchase the guest ticket.
The Frontline ProgressBook Parent & Student Mobile App v1.0.2 is now available in both app stores.
This release will now support the ability to receive push notifications for Missing Assignment and Low Mark alerts once upgraded. This update also contains enhancements to the calendar view.
Here is a video link on how to set up Missing Assignment and Low Assignment Marks Notifications.
Setting Stone
Staff Appreciation
Donations Needed for THS Appreciation Event:
THS Teacher & Staff Appreciation Event will be held on Wednesday, May 10, 2023. We need lots of dessert donations for the dessert buffet. Please join me in showing our gratitude to the teachers and staff at THS. Please sign up online using this link
Feel free to contact me with any questions at TomokoTBrown@gmail.com.
Thank you,
Tomoko Brown, THS Appreciation Event coordinator
Call for Thank You Letters:
THS teacher & staff appreciation event will be on May 10. What makes this event special (in addition to the wonderful dessert) is personal thank you letters from students (and from parents) to specific teachers and staff that we post on the wall. Please consider writing a Thank You letter/essay/poem/Haiku, etc. (Up to one page for each teacher/staff. You can submit one or multiple. Include favorite memories to make it special.) The deadline is Monday, May 8. Please email it to Tomoko Brown, THS parent and appreciation event coordinator
(TomokoTBrown@gmail.com). Thank you very much!
Swim Team News
Seniors Anna Abbitt, Lucy Engle, Noah Femiani, Julio Fuentes, and Maren Patterson have been named as Academic All-Americans by the National Interscholastic Swim Coaches Association. To be named as an Academic All-American you must be a senior, have a cumulative GPA of at least a 3.75, and be a varsity letter award winner your senior year. Congratulations to these 5 for getting it done both in the pool and in the classroom!
Additionally, both the girls and the boys teams have been named as National Scholar Teams by the National Interscholastic Swim Coaches Association. The girls were named to the silver level as their cumulative team GPA is a 3.628. The boys were named to the gold level as their cumulative team GPA is a 3.792.
Congratulations Butler Tech Honor Roll Students!
THS Flyers
Calendar of Events
THS Calendar of Events 4/9/23-4/15/23
Sunday, April 9th
No Scheduled Events
Monday, April 10th
No School
Tuesday, April 11th
7:15-8:00am Jostens, Cafeteria, Senior Announcements Delivery
2:50-3:45pm Art Club, Room 603
2:50-3:45pm Tribune, Room 417
5:00-7:00pm Mock Trial Premier League, Room 417
Wednesday, April 12th
2:00-3:30 FFA Meeting, PAC
7:00pm Band Boosters, Room 618
Thursday, April 13th
5:00-7:00pm Mock Trial Premier League, Room 417
7:00pm Football Meeting, PAC
Friday, April 14th
Junior Brave Day, Aux. Gym
Saturday, April 15th
No Scheduled Events