Fife High News
Spring 2021
March 22-26, 2021
Dear Fife Families,
This week our big event is we begin registration for student's classes for next school year. Please see below for more information on when and how students will be registering.
Also, in case you missed the news, graduation for the Class of 2021 is now scheduled for the Puyallup Fairgrounds on Tuesday, June 15, 2021. We are excited for the potential to have an in person graduation with the seniors!
Get 'Em Trojans,
Brandon Bakke
This Week's Schedule:
At a Glance: Important Events and Dates
Mon March 22
- 10:30 Family Class (in zoom as usual).
- Teacher Office Hours expand to 12:20-2:20
- Seniors: Jostens Graduation Order Pick up: Drive up 12-2PM in bus loop
Tues March 23
- Cohort A and Remote
Wed March 24
- Cohort B
- Future Trojan Night (9th grade families) 6-7PM in Zoom
Thurs March 25
- Cohort A and Remote
Fri March 26.
- Cohort B
Registration Begins For Next Year!
It is very important for students to attend Family Class on these days so that they have a say in what classes they take next year.
We have created a website that has all of the information that students will need to help determine what classes FHS offers as well as to pre-register for classes. Information and videos about courses, departments, college credit, and weighted grades are available now on the website. The pre-registration information and videos will be available starting Monday morning and students will go over this information as well as start the Pre-registration process in Family. The course information and registration website can be found on the FHS website or at https://sites.google.com/fifeschools.com/courseinfo/home
Support the Fife Scholarship Foundation, Proceeds go to generating scholarship for our Fife Students! (click image below)
House Bill 1660 Fee Waiver
Fee waivers or reductions would apply to ASB cards, ASB club dues, ASB field trips, and other optional non-credit activities (ex: dances, home games, plays, and competitions/conferences).
If you would like to allow the Fife School District Food & Nutrition Services Program permission to use the information provided on this application to determine and/or share your child's eligibility for fee waivers or reductions to participate in optional non-credit activities, please complete the form linked HERE!
Important Reminders
Students: Remember on days you don't have class... complete your Asynchronous Day Attendance Check In!
- Each morning on your Asynch days you will get an email front the attendance office prompting you, the student, to fill out the check in form for the day.
- EACH day a new link and is ONLY good for that day.
- Simply check the link to the form, fill it out, and hit submit.
- This must be done by 12PM each of these days and will only take you a few seconds to complete.
Troubleshooting setting up the The Daily Symptom Checker! (Attestation)
Reminder for parent/guardians to input your students cell phone number entered so you can get the daily text reminder.
Be sure your parents are looking for the email titled: School Health Check
In order to get your phone number imputed, you have to answer “yes” I’m coming to school that day. If you say “no” you won’t have the option until the next time your scheduled to come in.
Each day an EMAIL and LINK is sent, it ONLY works for that DAY (you can't use a link sent in a previous day email).
More troubleshooting: be sure to check junk mail if you parent has not seen it in their inbox.
Food Info
- Food pick up stations will continue on Mondays only. Students can pick up packs of meals for the week.
- Students who come to campus. School Lunches are available when you are at school.
- The days you are on campus you can pick up a breakfast go pack when you leave each day.
Transportation Information
Hybrid students who indicated they are riding the bus can obtain their bus information using this link: LINK HERE
- Remember masks required on the bus
- You will be assigned a seat on the bus
Fife High School
Email: tgieck@fifeschools.com
Website: https://fhs.fifeschools.com/
Location: 5616 20th St E, Fife, WA, USA
Phone: 253-517-1100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fifehigh/
Twitter: @fifeHSTrojans