What's the Word?
Literacy Team Newsletter, Volume I, Issue 2 January 2015
Happy New Year!
M-STEP Update for Spring 2015 Testing
Some details about the M-STEP have been released. The new assessment meets all of the requirements put into law by the legislature; that it be: an online assessment, with a paper-and-pencil option; aligned to the state standards; expanding writing assessments to additional grades; providing an increased number of constructed response test questions so that pupils can demonstrate higher-order skills, such as problem solving and communicating reasoning; and pilot tested before statewide implementation.
- Grades 3-8: Smarter Balanced content plus Michigan-developed field-test items. This will include a Computer Adaptive Test (CAT), a Classroom Activity, and a Performance Task.
- Grade 11: Smarter Balanced content plus Michigan-developed field-test items. This will include a Computer Adaptive Test (CAT), a Classroom Activity, and a Performance Task. This is in addition tothe ACT plus Writing and Work-Keys.
- The M-STEP (grades 3-8, 11) will include items from the following Michigan Standards: reading, writing, language, listening.
- Academic growth will be measured using Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs), a well-established measurement of student learning that has been piloted and implemented in several states. SGPs describe a student’s learning over time compared to other students with equivalent prior test scores. To learn more about SGPs, click here.
Helpful Links
- The most current assessment transition document outlines the details for the M-STEP.
- For additional details, visit the Oakland Schools Literacy website page dedicated to M-STEP updates.
- To get up to date news on the state assessments, subscribe to MDE’s Spotlight on Assessment and Accountability Newsletter.
- M-STEP Sample Items
Word Study Survey
The Oakland Schools Literacy Team is gathering information about the current state of word study across our county. If you are a K-5 general education classroom teacher or K-12 Special Education teacher supporting students in the area of literacy, we invite you to participate in a survey on Word Study.
Oakland Schools is establishing a word study stakeholder group, representing both large and small districts with a variety of economic backgrounds. Stakeholders will include staff from both general and special education. This survey is intended to gather critical information that will be used by the stakeholder group moving forward. Please forward the survey link to general education teachers of grades K-5 and special education teachers K-12 who work within literacy. The deadline for completion is January 16, 2015.
Mixing Sources, Amplifying Voices: Crafting Writing in an Information Age
Facilitator: Professor Troy Hicks, Central Michigan University
Date: January 20, 2015, 7-8 PM (one hour optional follow up discussion)
Format: Webinar
Spend the Day with Donalyn Miller
(Author of The Book Whisperer and Reading in the Wild)
Sponsored by the Oakland County Reading Council
Date: January 31, 2015, 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Format: 1 day workshop
Supporting Low Level Readers in the Content Area Classroom
Facilitators : Dalyce Beegle and Darin Stockdill, PhD
Dates: Winter cohort - February 3 and 25th, 2015
Format: 2-day series
Formative Assessment in Action with James Popham
Date: February 6, 2015, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Format: 1 day workshop
Literacy & Technology Leadership Lab, Cohort 2
Facilitators: Delia DeCourcy & Paul Morsink
Date: Winter Cohort begins February 10
Format: 2 full days and 3 evening sessions
Facilitators: Delia DeCourcy, Darin Stockdill, PhD, and Susan Wilson-Golab
Dates: Winter Cohort begins February 12
Format: 2 full days and 1 evening
How Student Blogs Support Literacy Learning & the Common Core
Facilitator: Stephanie Dulmage, Technology/Curriculum Integration Specialist
Date: Monday, February 16, 2015 7-8pm (one-hour optional follow up discussion)
Format: Webinar
Thinking, Acting, and Writing Like a Scientist – NEW 1st Grade Writing Unit
Facilitators: Sandy Biondo, Ph.D & Robby Cramer, Van Andel Science Institute
Date: March 3, 2015 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Format: 1 day workshop
Foundations of Conventional Literacy for Students with Moderate to Significant Disabilities
Facilitators: Dr. David Koppenhaver & Dr. Karen Erickson
Date: March 4, 2015 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Format: 1 day workshop
Reinventing Classroom Reading: What Digital Media Offer Us
Facilitator: Professor Sara Kajder, University of Georgia
Date: March 24, 2015 7-8 PM (one-hour optional follow up discussion)
Format: Webinar
Marcia Bonds
Key Elementary School, Oak Park
Jianna Taylor
Orchard Lake Middle School, West Bloomfield
Hattie Maguire
Novi High School
Colleen Meszler
Special Education Consultant
Secondary Literacy Consultant
"Let's Talk About Student Engagement"DARIN STOCKDILL
Oakland County Effective Practices Conference Call for Proposals
To apply, visit https://jfe.qualtrics.com/form/SV_e9dF69hRK1pyWRD
4T Virtual Conference Call for Proposals
About 700 K-16 teachers from across the globe sign up each year to attend this virtual conference co-sponsored by Oakland Schools and the University of Michigan School of Education.
- receive a stipend to present a one-hour interactive webinar
- undertake 12 hours of virtual training in effective webinar facilitation
- earn free SCECHs
- CLICK HERE to learn more and to apply
- present 20-30 minute section of a one-hour webinar
- can present solo or as part of team
- CLICK HERE to learn more and to apply
Archived Webinars: Reading & Writing in Digital Spaces
Oakland Schools Literacy and The Oakland Writing Project kicked off a new literacy webinar series on October 16. Archived webinar recordings and materials from our first three sessions can be found below:
Small Bites: Research in the K-5 Classroom
Facilitator: Professor Kristin Fontichiaro, University of Michigan School of Information
Small Bites: Research in the 6-12 Classroom
Facilitator: Delia DeCourcy, Secondary Literacy Consultant, Oakland Schools
Digital Technologies and Expectations for Writing in College
Facilitator: Professor Jeff Grabill, Michigan State University
REGISTER for one or many upcoming events in the series. All sessions are FREE. SCECHs are available for Michigan educators who attend two or more of the two-hour sessions.
Literacy Research Association Video Channel
The Research to Practice videos are listed below with the number in the series and the title/topic:
Episode 1 - Disciplinary Literacy
Episode 2 - Graphic Novels
Episode 3 - Multimodality and Writing
Episode 4 - Gender as a Lens
Episode 5 - Multiliterate and Polyglot Friendly Educational Spaces
Episode 6 - Design Based Research
Episode 7 - Academic Vocabulary
Episode 8 - Gaming
If you're looking for an accessible entryway into learning more about current research, this is a great place to start. There are many other videos on the channel as well, so feel free to visit, and if you watch videos and leave a comment, give a shout out to Oakland Schools Literacy!
CCSS-aligned Interdisciplinary Units
- a unit overview
- scope and sequence
- lessons from each content area
- additional resources
- student work samples
Units are published to Atlas Rubicon and are downloadable via Google Drive. Though each unit was written for a particular grade, they can be adapted for other grade levels.
WW II: Barbarism & Conflict
ELA & History
In this four week unit created by teachers at Berkley High School, students simultaneously study World War II in their US History course and Lord of the Flies in their English course. The common thread between the text and the war is the progression towards barbarism within individuals and societies.
Industrialization of Food
ELA, History & Science
This trimester-long unit created by teachers at Birmingham's Lincoln St. Alternative School explores the sustainability of processed foods. How does the media influence our vision of processed foods? What social and economic changes have allowed us to process food, and what are the implications?What Does it Take to Survive Civil War?
ELA & Social Studies
In this four week unit created by teaches at Oak Park Preparatory Academy, students study the universal theme of survivorship from a personal/individual and family perspective to a state and national perspective as they research both the Union and the Confederate sides of the Civil War.
New Process for State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECH)
Please stay tuned for details as Oakland Schools reviews our SCECH process. Should you have any questions regarding SCECH credits earned at Oakland Schools, please contact Lori Dean, our onsite SCECH Coordinator.
Delia DeCourcy, Secondary Literacy Consultant
Michele Farah, Elementary Literacy Consultant
Susan Golab, Secondary Literacy Consultant
Les Howard, Elementary Literacy Consultant
Diane Katakowski, Speech and Language Consultant
Colleen Meszler, Special Education Consultant
Deb O'Neill, Special Education Supervisor
Darin Stockdill, Content Literacy Consultant