September 2023 v3
Embracing the Chaos of Back to School with Self-Care
As the cooler weather settles in and we quickly return to the school year routine, we encourage all of our school staff to make their health and well-being a priority! It can be easy to put the needs of others first, but remember we are most successful and productive when we are in the right mindset and functioning at full capacity. Dr. Christina Pate, the Deputy Director of the Center to Improve Social & Emotional Learning and School Safety recently published a podcast that discusses the importance of educator self-care and recognizes the additional stressors that educators have faced over the last few years. She also gives some practical strategies to help us on our journey of self-care.
No School in Session at the Sawtooth Ridge Community School
Currently the MCOE operated community school on the Coleville High School Campus is temporarily closed due to declining enrollment.
Rincón español
Luckily for teachers and parents many school subjects are cognates; meaning they have the same roots and/or have similar spelling, pronunciation and meaning in two languages. Spanish and English share about 25,000 cognates, about 35% of words. Here are some helpful hints:
- Adverbs in English that end in -ly commonly have the same root in Spanish and end in -mente. For example, naturally and naturalmente
- Nouns that end in the English -ity commonly have the same root in Spanish and end in -dad. For example, capacity and capacidad
- Nouns that end in the English -tion commonly have the same root in Spanish and end in -ción. For example, attention and atención
Becoming Stress Wise at School
In this webinar, the authors of From Stressed Out to Stress Wise will offer a framework to navigate classroom stress, including visual maps and simple practices you can use to guide students to an enriched state of awareness and self-regulation. Learn more about this step-by-step framework to shift from stressed out to stress wise in a progressive way. Leverage the power of relationships to create a classroom where stress is acknowledged as a messenger of change rather than a monster. (ascd.org). The archived webinar can viewed here.
Virtual Fields Trips Available for Free from Discovery Education
Sometimes we may find it challenging to take our students on field trips, the cost of traveling, closed highways, overnight excursions, finding enough chaperones, etc. Discovery Education has made it easier to share the experiences of field trips through a fantastic collection of Virtual Field Trips. These filed trips are free to watch and each of them come with an educator's guide in English and Spanish to help with planning and provide additional resources related to the subject matter. The collection includes the following topics:
Health & Wellness
Careers & College Readiness
Tech & Manufacturing
Science, STEM, Exploration
Financial Literacy/Economics
Natural World/Conservation/Environment
Community Engagement
Argumentation with Evidence
Collecting & Analyzing Data
Scholarship Opportunities for Preschool , TK and Kindergarten Teachers Available Through MCOE
- Are you interested in teaching preschool , TK or Kindergarten? MCOE has grant funds available to support individuals pursuing a teaching credential or working on units towards the TK standards. Earn $1,000.00 per nine course units. The funding is available for the next three years and there are opportunities locally and remotely to earn credits. Contact Tammy Nguyen or Ana Danielson for more information.
- CSU Sacramento is accepting applications in their Child and Adolescent Development Program, an online BA program. This program allows students to finish their upper division coursework and graduate from Sacramento State within three years’ time. The program was created to meet the needs of working adults and students living in rural areas who seek to complete their first Bachelor’s Degree. Courses will be held synchronously two evenings a week from approximately 6:30pm-9:20pm. Click here for more information.