The Scholarly Beat
August 2022
“Shine bright like a SCHOLAR so that we can ensure high levels of learning for ALL!
A Note From Dr. Stewman & Mrs. Hennarichs
We are excited about the start of the 2022-2023 school year! Our theme for this year is "Shine Bright Like a Scholar", so we can achieve high levels of learning for ALL!
In order to stay up to date throughout the school year, please click the buttons below regarding several options for communication. We want to be sure that we communicate often and accurately. So, please reach out with any questions. If you need more information you can contact the office or email or You can also send us a message on our Sonora Elementary Facebook Page.
Within the next few days we will be sending out a newsletter that will focus on arrival and dismissal. We have purchased a system to help streamline our process and we are excited to share more.
We hope to see all of you at the Pop In Party on Thursday, August 11th from 4-6:00 p.m. It's going to be a great year of learning and growing together!
Pop in Party
Thursday, Aug 11, 2022, 04:00 PM
Sonora Elementary School, Sonora Road, Springdale, AR, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Let Us Do Your School Supply Shopping for You
If you haven’t already, please consider doing this soon! As teachers prepare for the 22-23 school year, please consider using this link to pay for your child/children’s school supply fee. You can also pay by check or cash at our Pop In Party. Teachers are already preparing for our Scholars!
School Lunch
Greetings! Please help us share the message through our community about the new bus routes. The corrected bus routes are now available for viewing today, August 4, 2022. Scan the QR or click Here.
Our transportation office will be happy to talk with you and help answer your questions. Please call us at 479-750-8830.
Car Rider Dismissal/Arrival & Contactless Check Out/In
Beginning on Monday, August 23rd,
PK students and siblings:
- All siblings of PK students will be dismissed to the front of the building to dismiss with their PK siblings. This will allow our parents of PK students to pick up in one location.
- PK does not begin until 8:00 a.m., but kindergarten through 5th graders must be in the building by 7:45 .m. PK parents can drop off K-5th grade students at the front entrance. Then, please park in a parking space while waiting for PK drop-off.
Car Rider Dismissal:
- All parents or guardians must display the new car tags when they enter the school driveway. Please put them on your rear view mirror so the staff person sending the staff supervising the car riders can see them easily.
- Starting this week, we will only be using the new car tags like one in the picture below. ANYONE WHO COMES TO PICK UP A STUDENT WITHOUT THE NEW CAR TAG MUST GO TO THE FRONT OFFICE. A SCHOOL EMPLOYEE CAN CHECK YOUR ID AND PRINT A NEW TAG FOR YOU. All available staff will be working the dismissal line, so they may not be available right away to go get a new tag for you. This will delay the time it takes for you to pick up your child, so please remember your tags.
Sonora Elementary School
"Home of the Scholars"
Established 2011
Mascot : Sonny the Scholar (Owl)
School colors: red, silver, and black
Location: 20200 Sonora Road, Springdale, AR, USA
Phone: (479) 750-8820
Twitter: @SonoraScholar