Week 3: Learn From Other Educators
EDCI/DED 318 Tech for Teaching & Learning-Spring 2018
Everyone benefits from a classroom website
Everyone is on the internet these days or so it seems has a website. Everyone can have their own parking space on the internet. There are many, many services offering FREE web pages and blogs. it is possible for anyone to have a home on the web and now you do as well to with your new Weebly website. This is your new Professional Education PORTFOLIO!! A place to show what a wonderful teacher you are or are going to be.
Even your own classroom will most likely have a website required by your school. Schools subscribe to services that provide each teacher with web space. As Martha Stewart says, “it’s a good thing.”
Many teachers have already jumped on the technology bandwagon and have developed classroom websites. These teachers understand how having such a site online can benefit everyone involved with the classroom—including the students, the teacher, and the parents.
Classroom websites are great places to post newsletter-type information such as classroom events and needs. They are also an ideal space for posting pictures of what is going on in class, student projects or on field trips as well as for posting homework directions and study tips.
Everyone benefits from a classroom website, and they don’t have to be complicated. Having a class site means teachers don’t have to send home paperwork—parents can just check the website. And everyone benefits including us.
You will be learning and reflection on a teacher's website this week
This week you will be reviewing 1 (one) teachers’ website and writing a review/reflection about what you discovered and learned looking through the educator's site.
Be thoughtful, think deeply! A few sentences about will not be sufficient. You will need to spend some time and dig deeply, Look through the pages, click on links, watch the video. learn and discover.
Your review/reflection should represent scholarly thought and writing about exactly what you discovered and learned through your investigation of the teacher's site. Be specific and detailed in your review/reflection. Give specific examples and include LINKS and IMAGES and maybe even video.
Requirements for the review/reflection
- Add a subpage under Reviews, like you did last will with your Getting Started with iPad page
- Title the subpage with the Name of the site you are reviewing.
- There will be an assignment spot in Canvas for you to add the URL of your subpage review/reflection.
- Your review/reflection must include not less than one image but the more, the better.
- Your review/reflection must include a link to the website/blog you are writing about, but link to everything you discuss.
- Your review/reflection must include the author's name and links to their social media like Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, etc, whatever they use that you find linked from their sites. DIG DEEP.
- Your review/reflection page must include your own social media icons (and they must be active and work), add them like we did last Week for your Getting Started with iPads page.
- Tweet your review and include the Twitter handle for the person you are reviewing as well as our class hashtag #edci318 or #ded318 and the author's twitter handle.
- Choose 1 site from the list below, (they are in no particular order) there is a variety, find ones that interest you. If you go to one and don’t like it, find another!
- Take a little time and look at some of these examples from the previous semesters, to get an idea of what to write about and how to make your page look. http://brendanclary.weebly.com/shelly-fryer.html , http://robindaniels1.weebly.com/shelly-fryer.html,
http://rachaelduden.weebly.com/shelly-fryer.html, http://scottfrantz.weebly.com/shelly-fryer.html
Grading Breakdown
- The review is worth 35 points total.
- Image(s)-5 points,
- Links(s)-5 points,
- Tweet using class hashtag #edci318 or #ded318 - 5 points
- Authors twitter handle included in Tweet--5 points
- Thoughtful Review-15 points
Free Technology for Teachers
Hooked on Innovation
Learning is Learning
Ditch That Textbook
Shake Up Learning
Cool Cat Teacher
Moving at the Speed of Creativity
Silvia Tolisana
ILearn Technology
Kelly Tenkely
The PE Geek
Connect, Collaborate, Create
The Principal of Change
George Courous
Teacher Tech
Northeran Art teacher
Colleen Rouse
https://northernartteacher.wordpress.comLearning in Hand
Appsolutely April
Cyndi Kuhn
College of Education
Kansas State University
paper.li: iPads in the Classroom
Email: ded318@gmail.com
Website: cyndikuhn.info
Location: Gardner, KS, United States
Twitter: @cyndidannerkuhn