The Compass Notes for Families
October 7, 2022
Hello, Pirate family!
Happy Homecoming!
We had a blast seeing all of the creativity and fun that our students had embracing Homecoming. Scroll down to see some of our fun photos from the week. Just a reminder that students DO NOT have school on Monday, October 10, since Monday is a Professional Development Day for teachers. Your student's teacher has their Parent Teacher Conference sign-up ready for you in their newsletter. Feel free to sign up for a virtual or in person conference that best suits your family's schedule. Be safe, and have a great weekend. Go Pirates!
Dr. Kim Archer, Compass Principal
Mrs. Allison Page, Compass Assistant Principal
Ms. Abby Wittmeyer, Interim Assistant Principal
New Information
Coffee & Conversation with Dr. Jay Harris, Superintendent at Compass
Compass Families! Our new Superintendent, Dr. Jay Harris, is inviting parents and community members to join us for "Coffee & Conversation" connections in our buildings, and will be visiting Compass on Friday, October 14 from 8:45-9:45am in our Compass Cafeteria! These informal events are designed to share our District goals and listen and learn from families to improve our overall educational experience for our students. We hope you can join!
There is a Leader in Me!
Compass Elementary utilizes the Leader in Me framework as our school’s leadership initiative. A goal of the Family and Community Action team here at Compass is to provide additional education to families about the 8 different habits that your student(s) are taught to empower them to lead their own learning. Each month, your child’s teacher will provide education in their weekly newsletter about a habit for the month. Along with the habit for the month, there will be a family worksheet for each student to complete with their family. If a student brings that worksheet back to school, your child will earn a prize donated by Nodaway Bank to our very own Compass PTA!
Leader in Me founder, Steven Covey, once said, “Family is the most important organization in the world.” We appreciate your partnership is building healthy, happy kids at school, at home, and in the community!
Compass Trunk or Treat
Cafeteria Assistance
Lunch Visit Sign-Ups
Dates to Know
Monday 10: No School for Students
Tuesday 11: PTA Meeting in Compass Cafeteria 6:30 - 7:30pm
Friday 14: Coffee & Conversation with Dr. Jay Harris, Superintendent from 8:45 - 9:45am
Wednesday 19: 2-Hour Early Out at 1:50pm
Friday 28: Report Cards Go Home
Saturday 29: Compass Trunk or Treat
Wednesday-Thursday 2 & 3: Parent/Teacher Conferences
Friday 4: No School for Students
Tuesday 8: Picture Retakes
PTA Meeting in Compass Cafeteria 6:30 - 7:30pm
Wednesday 9: 2-Hour Early Out at 1:50pm
Previous Information
Open Positions at PCR-3
The school year has started, but we still have some openings across our District, including bus drivers, custodians, paraprofessionals, and lunch monitors. If interested in joining our team, click here to apply! Specifically at Compass Elementary, we have openings for a Lunch Monitor and Custodian.
Birthday Treats/Celebrations
Keep in contact with us!
We want families to stay connected to all Compass information. We invite you to use the buttons below to visit our social media and platforms.
You can always pick up the phone and give us a call anytime. The school number is 816.858.0172. If you have a specific question for administration, please email us at (Dr. Kimberly Archer, Principal) (Ms. Abby Wittmeyer, Interim Assistant Principal) or (Mrs. Allison Page, Assistant Principal - maternity leave).
Thank You to Our Compass Elementary Pirates R.O.C.K. Business Partners!
Compass Elementary School
Location: 401 Kentucky Avenue, Platte City, MO, USA
Phone: 816-858-0172
Twitter: @CompassElemPCR3