Weekly Newsletter
Immaculate Conception + St. Joseph School
November 2, 2023
From Mr. Armbruster...
Hello everyone and happy Fall (even though it is already starting to feel like winter). Personally, Fall is my favorite time of year, with leaves changing, ice fishing season approaching, and football! With Fall, comes our annual leaf raking service project for the middles schoolers. This is always an amazing project to be a part of, but it does get difficult trying to plan it out when leaves are actually on the ground, but not so late that we are out below freezing! This year the students did a great job! We had over 20 yards to rake in town, finishing up with parks and the school grounds. This project would not be able to be a success without our amazing parent volunteers and my awesome middle school teachers to support me in the process! The day started with a group rosary in SMC, continued with the service of raking, and we even celebrated a little bit with a pizza party as a reward from our FunRun! Our students, staff, parents, and community never cease to amaze me!
From Mrs. Rohret...
I am Jenna Rohret, the high school theology teacher and campus minister. One of my focuses as a campus minister is to help cultivate Catholicism around the school. As a Catholic school, we should look and feel different than a public school. Here at BCSS, we are doing that in a variety of ways. One way we are ensuring Catholicity is through prayer in the classroom. Each teacher is able to incorporate prayer into their class in whatever way they prefer. You might be wondering, “Why would I need to have prayer in a science class?”. That is a great question. As a Catholic school, our faith is the foundation of all we do and it should also be incorporated into all we do. Along with this, the Archdiocese has a list of Catholicity initiatives that they want each school in the arch to meet. One of these initiatives is incorporating prayer or a faith element into each class. The Arch is holding all Catholic schools to this standard and will be following up with us to ensure we are meeting our Catholicity initiatives. We are so lucky to have a great staff that can share the faith in a variety of different ways!
Mrs. Rohret
From our Middle Schoolers..
Leadership Roles
Last week middle school students were assigned Leadership roles. These roles are helping our school to be more clean and organized. These roles help teach kids to be leaders and take responsibility in helping out. Some of these roles are Birthday Brigade, Recycler, and Safety Patrol. There are many other roles that will help our school out. Each middle school student will have a chance to participate.
By: Ashton Nie and Paisley Parker
Penny War November 6-10
The National Honor Society (NHS) is hosting a penny war to fundraise money for a service project. We will be using the proceeds to shop for underprivileged families from the Cedar Valley. This will be a system-wide fundraiser and all proceeds will be used to buy gifts and supplies for these families.
A student from NHS will be visiting your child's classroom and explaining the rules of the penny war next week. Pennies and paper money will be positive points for their classroom. Silver coins will be negative points for them to give to other classrooms. Competition will be within units (K-2, 3-5, MS and HS) Winning classrooms will get an ice cream treat. The penny war will begin on November 6 and run through the 10th. Thank you in advance for your contribution and for helping these families have a Merry Christmas.
Veterans Day Celebration
The Bosco Catholic School System will be celebrating the Veterans from our communities with an assembly on Monday, November 13 at 9:00 AM in St. Mary Center gym. Veterans and their guests are invited to St. Mary Center Commons for coffee and donuts before the assembly. We will begin with refreshments at about 8:15. All are welcome to join us for the celebration at 9:00.
Attendance Reminder
Parents should call the school office before 7:30 AM if a child will be absent. If you call before 7:00 AM, please leave a message on voicemail. St. Joseph Center (319) 233-5980; Immaculate Conception Center (319) 296-1089.
If you have a planned absence, the K-5 and 6-8 Absence Request Forms can be found here on our school website.
Attendance is recorded in the office. Please include icsecretary@boscocatholic.org when emailing a teacher about an absence.
Visitors and Volunteers
We love having visitors to our school and we couldn't do it without our volunteers. For security reasons we ask each visitor and volunteer to sign in at the office and get a lanyard.
Archery Merchandise
Archery Merchandise store is live now. It will close November 5 at 11:59 PM. Thank you for supporting the Bosco Booster Club and all extracurricular activities.
Football Merchandise
Congratulations to the JH football team on an undefeated season. Please help remember & celebrate this accomplishment.
Store closes November 15
Youth Group
Youth group will meet on November 8 from 6:15 - 7:30 PM in the DB FCS room. All 8th grade- 12th graders are welcome!
Help the COF Raise Funds for Kindergarten Classroom Emergency Doors
If you ordered Frosted, Pecan and/or Caramel Rolls from the COF match fund fundraiser, orders may be picked up at St. Mary Center on Saturday, November 4, from 4:30–6:45 PM or Sunday, November 5, from 8:30-11:15 AM. Some extras will be available but are not guaranteed. All proceeds will go to help with the cost of the emergency doors in our kindergarten classrooms at Immaculate Conception School.
Please consider purchasing some raffle tickets (link below). If you would like raffle tickets sent home please email Ms. Berry. You may return completed raffle tickets with payment to school and Ms. Berry will get them turned in for the drawing on November 8.
Grades 3,4 & 5
On Tuesday, November 7 our 3rd, 4th, 5th grade students will be attending Lightning Thief at UNI's Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center (GBPAC) in Cedar Falls as part of the Kaleidoscope Series.
Blood Drive November 7
Blood Drive: The Don Bosco National Honor Society will be hosting a blood drive with the American Red Cross in the high school gym on Tuesday, November 7. Appointments are available from 1-6 PM. Walk-in donors are welcome, but we do prefer to have scheduled appointments as much as possible. To schedule an appointment visit the Red Cross website (the zip code for Gilbertville is 50634 to assist you in finding our drive.) You can also call the school office at 319-296-1692 or contact one of these NHS students: Sophia Barnett, Paige Corkery, Alexis Even, Andrew Kimball, Kaiden Knaack, Emily Naughton, Katey Schmit, or Cali Weber. Thank you for helping with this life saving mission.
Catholic Order of Foresters Pizza Party November 5
The Catholic Order of Foresters pizza party at Chuck E Cheese in Cedar Falls will be Sunday, November 5 between 11 AM and 1:30 PM. All COF youth members will receive free pizza, soda & 15 token card. All adults attending can buy all the pizza & soda they want for $10. Please see Donna Delagardelle at the sign up table.
Pee Wee Wrestling Practice
Pee Wee wrestling practice will begin on Wednesday, November 15, and run through the end of January. Practices will be at 5:15 PM right after High School practice. Please have your student get ready in the weight room hallway and be respectful of the high school team until we're ready to let loose. If you have any questions about Pee Wee practices, feel free to contact Isaiah Corbin at 712-389-5174.
New Scrip Quicklink on BoscoCatholic.org
We've updated our Scrip page and made it easier to find right from the bottom of our homepage. If you're not using Scrip for your everyday purchases, you should be! All you do is purchase gift cards and a percentage of the face value is returned to us. 50% goes to the school and the other 50% may be applied to tuition if you like. Learn more
- November 3: Professional Development Day (no classes)
- November 3, 4, 5: Bosco Catholic Fall Play
- November 5: Youth Choir 10 AM Mass at IC
- November 7: PTO Meeting
- November 12: Youth Choir 10 AM Mass at IC
- December 3: Youth Choir 10 AM Mass at IC
With support from families, we respect and encourage students to reach their potential
- Spiritually by developing a strong relationship with Jesus and knowledge of His church,
- Academically by igniting learning, leadership and life skills,
- Physically by learning about and living healthy habits and
- Socially by becoming active members of the community who serve others as stewards of the Gospel so they are the light of Christ in the world.
Preparing students to be the Light of Christ in the World!
Submit newsletter articles to icsjnewsletter@boscocatholic.org by 3 PM on Wednesdays.
Website: boscocatholic.org
Facebook boscocatholic.org
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 256, Gilbertville, IA 50634
Immaculate Conception K-8
311 16th Ave
Gilbertville, Iowa 50634
St Joseph Center PS/PK
6916 Lafayette Rd
Raymond, Iowa 50667