Raleigh Hills Newsletter
February 12, 2020
Watch the Video Below for RHK8 News/ Vea el video a continuación para noticias de RHK8
Links to Information from the Video/ enlaces a información del video
Beaverton High School Information for 8th Graders
Picture Day Sign Up/registro de Dìa des photos
https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d4bafa828a5fac61-raleighReturn to School Video/regreso al video de la escuela
NEW RHK8 Facebook Page
MOD Pizza Fundraiser - 2/16.21
Save the date -- Tuesday, February 16th --
MOD Pizza 12196 SW Scholls Ferry Rd
is donating 20% of takeout orders to Raleigh Hills! Take a night off from cooking and join us in eating for a great cause.
Just mention "Raleigh Hills" when ordering for your meal to be counted, or use the code GR176787R for online orders! You can RSVP & see all details here: www.groupraise.com/events/176787#groupraise #modpizza #raleighhills #savethedate
Kindergarten Registration/El registro de kindergarten
¡Difunda la palabra! El registro de kindergarten para el próximo año comenzará el 1 de febrero. Puede inscribirse en línea u obtener un paquete de papel de la escuela. Organizaremos una reunión informativa de kindergarten el 18 de febrero en Zoom a las 6:00 pm.
Raleigh Hills K8
Website: https://raleighhills.beaverton.k12.or.us
Location: 5225 Southwest Scholls Ferry Road, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: 503 356-2160
Twitter: @RH_K8