News from the Nest
Strength. Determination. Knowledge.
Hello, All!
I challenged my team on Monday to find three things they're grateful for each day, and I'm thankful that I've done the same. This practice helped ground me in an otherwise stressful and challenging week.
As you know, we had our first positive Covid-19 case in the building. While we take every precaution to keep our students, staff, and families safe, we know the reality is that we are still living and working in the midst of a pandemic. This reality is why following our practices and protocols is so important. I'm grateful we were able to minimize the exposure to our community and swiftly take action to prevent further spread. I'm grateful to the parents of potentially exposed children who took my call up until 11:00 pm on Tuesday evening and demonstrated kindness and compassion in response to a message I hated delivering. I'm grateful for a team of educators who came together and did whatever was necessary to continue educating our students despite the challenging circumstances, as they have done for the last three months. You would be hard-pressed to find a more adaptive and dedicated team.
Despite the 6' distancing, mask mandates, temperature checks, cohorting of students (keeping individual classes of students together and away from other classes of kids), and daily sanitization of the building, there will always be some risk involved in educating students face-to-face as long as COVID exists. We will continue doing everything in our power to keep your students safe while they are with us. That said, if your mind has changed about how you'd like your student to attend their learning sessions, we understand. We support the choice that is best for your family and your scholar, and I am grateful that we have the flexibility to offer you those choices. Please take a few minutes to respond to this short survey about how you'd like your child's learning schedule to look over the next marking period. This information will inform our next steps in considering the learning environment for all of our scholars. We will follow up with you in a few short weeks.
Wishing you well,
The company is offering online ordering this year! Please visit to place your order. You can also order by phone by calling the number on the flyer below.
GHA Drive-thru Trunk-or-Treat!
Friday, Oct 30, 2020, 05:00 PM
GHA Parking Lot
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Employee of the Month
Sports Survey
October Character Trait- Student of the Month
Our October character trait is Digital Citizenship!
Boys & Girls Club
MTA has agreed to provide transportation both TO and FROM the Boys and Girls Club for all of our families who want to attend. To register, please notify Chris in the office. We have three forms you will need to fill out, and then we can add your students to the Boys and Girls Club program. The forms are also below if you'd like to print them at home.
The Boys and Girls Club provides an educational learning environment for students on days when they're not in school with us. The Club expanded their hours and staff to accommodate small groups of eight students or less! Your child will receive support with their virtual learning as well as participate in other activities throughout their day. The Club also provides breakfast, lunch, and a snack for all students!
Have Questions? Contact Us Today!
Location: 3196 Pasadena Ave, Flint, MI 48504
Phone: 810.768.3860