Lincoln Bulletin
March 27, 2020
Lincoln School
Email: michelle.woodring@d303.org
Website: Lincoln.d303.org
Location: 211 South 6th Ave, St. Charles
Phone: 331-228-2501
Facebook: facebook.com/LincolnElementary
Twitter: @Lincolnd303
Lincoln Bulletin-Spring Break Edition
Good afternoon--we are heading into spring break after two weeks of new eLearning and physical distancing.I, first of all, would like to say thank you to all of you, parents, students, siblings, our Lincoln community has been nothing but caring, hard-working, open-minded, and patient during this time. You have shown our three Lincoln Leopard tenants--being respectful, responsible and most of all safe. Thank you!
Next week is spring break, it is definitely a great time to recharge, and relax. I selected the background to give us a sense of spring break and vacation time, even though many of us will remain far from oceanside due to the recommendations of the CDC for staying at home. Please take this time to enjoy your family time.
Meals provided for any student or family
District 303 is providing meals for any student who needs it between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m Monday-Friday at Thompson Middle School, 705 W. Main Street. Anyone who needs breakfast and lunch may pick up a “grab and go” bag with up to two days of food at a time.
We have also heard from the USDA that there are SNAP scams happening. We are attaching a press release from them with a warning.
Opportunity to lend a note of encouragement! Calling ALL Students!!
As we all know this time of physical distancing can be a difficult time, and even more so for our local seniors. I would like our students to write a letter, draw a picture, send a greeting card to our seniors who have become part of our Lincoln community. The seniors who live at Covenant Living of Geneva, have helped organize our book room, they participated in our Veteran's Day assembly and they have even regularly been our senior readers. During this time they are isolated and would love your letters, pictures or greetings. Below is the address if you are able to send them -
Covenant Living of Geneva
27 N Bennett
Geneva, IL 60134
Another idea I had is we can try to continue reading with them but it would be either over google hangouts or another way virtually--
If you are interested in this please email me michelle.woodring@d303.org.
From our Social Worker
Hello families,
I have been thinking of you often during this challenging time and I am missing my sweet students already! At my house we have had our ups and downs, but we are doing our best to focus on the positives, like extra family time and spending time outside. We are strictly following CDC guidelines for "social distancing" in hopes that this can all be over as soon as possible. Please talk to your kids about their "civic duty" to follow these guidelines so they too can do their part to help our community.
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW REGARDING E-SOCIAL WORK SUPPORT: The following information includes what you need to know for ongoing social work support and services while we are away from school. Please review the information below and let me know if you have any questions. Please reply to this email so I know you have received it. Thank you!
1.) Community Resources: As our resources begin to run low, increasing social and economic needs can arise. Linked you will find an updated resource list for our community in response to COVID-19. I am also available daily via email if there is any way I can assist with this process at shannon.bernal@d303.org. As a part of the Lincoln community, we are here to support each other so please don't hesitate to reach out.
2.) Food Distribution: Food distribution will continue to be available for all D303 students to receive breakfast and lunch using a drive-up process between 9:00-11:00 at Thompson Middle School available M-F. Anyone can access this "grab and go" service for up to a 2-day supply at a time.
3.) Routines and Schedules: As we are faced with this very unfamiliar experience, there are many unknowns. It is easy for children and parents to become anxious and overwhelmed. One great solution for this is to set a daily routine and schedule. This gives children and parents a sense of purpose and control. Please review the attached suggestions for a daily schedule to help you develop one that will work best for your family. It is my recommendation that your daily schedules include the following items:
- Academic time-Eschool learning opportunities
- Quiet time-reading, rest, independent, self-soothing time
- Social time-virtual playdate, play a game, phone calls
- Outdoor time-walk, play, exercise
- Family time-family dinners, family book, family game
4.) Social Work Services: Student social work support services will continue while the school is closed. This will be included;
- Counseling Services-Phone, google chat, or video counseling
- Weekly/daily social-emotional check-survey
- In-home social-emotional learning activities for students/families
Please complete the google survey for me to learn the best means and times to contact you and your students.
Once you have completed this form, please expect contact from me shortly based on your feedback. If you receive a call from a blocked number, please pick up it might be me!
Thank you for your all you are doing to come together as a family and a community to make the best of this unimaginable experience. We can do this, if we are in it together!!!
Thank you and stay healthy,
Shannon Bernal,
School Social Worker
Lincoln School
Intra-district Transfer
For the 2020-21 school year ALL elementary students have been assigned to their attendance area school by the District. This includes elementary students currently attending a school on an intra-district transfer. An Intra-District Transfer Request must be submitted online no sooner than 8:00 a.m. on April 7, 2020 and no later than 4:00 p.m. on April 20. A link to the request form will be posted on the District 303 web page (district.d303.org) by 8:00 a.m. on April 7.
If you are requesting a transfer for more than one child, a separate request must be submitted for each. Due to fluctuating class sizes at schools and each grade level, siblings are not guaranteed placement. If granted, transportation is the responsibility of the parents.
If you have questions about the process, please call the District office at 331.228.2000.