Eagle Post
February 2024
Superintendent's Nest
Welcome to February! January sure was wild with snow and ice days. Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow, so we are supposed to have an early spring! We do live in Michigan, and the weather changes so quickly; we shall see if Phil is correct. Either way, please get outside and enjoy winter!
This month, there are two items on the ballot for the school on February 27th. The first proposal is renewing the operating millage to 18 mills. This only applies to non-homestead properties in Glenn School District. The second proposal is to increase the number of board seats from 3 to 5 seats. Currently, Kevin Poolman, Natalie Mika, and Amber Brush are on the school board for Glenn Public School. Speaking of school board members, we will be hosting Breakfast with the Board on Monday, February 12th, from 8:00 to 8:30 am in the multi-purpose room at the school. All community members, parents, students, and staff are invited to attend. This is a great opportunity to meet the members who volunteer their time and talents to serve on the school board, along with asking them questions regarding the upcoming proposals on the ballot.
At Glenn School, we are looking for someone who has grant writing experience. Our PTC has some grant opportunities available but need some assistance writing and filing for the grants. Please let Ms. Cate or I know if you are interested.
March is quickly approaching, and we need your help! We encourage adults to come in and be a “Mystery Reader” at the school. You can bring your own books or we can find books for you to read to the students. Please let Ms. Cate or I know if you are interested, and we will find a date and time that works for you and the students.
The Glenn Community Center Winter Market is taking place Saturday, February 17th and Sunday, February 18th, from 10 am-3 pm. The Glenn PTC will have a table at the market where items made by students will be for sale/suggested donation. The funds raised will continue to bring fresh snacks, hot lunches, field trips and so much more to the students at Glenn. Please tell your family, friends, and neighbors to come out and shop.
Save the Date! Sunday, May 26th we will have our 170th Celebration from 12-3pm! Glenn School has been in operation for 170 continuous years which makes us the oldest, rural, continuous school in the state of Michigan! Now that is worth celebrating! We are planning an exciting afternoon on the school grounds and hope to see you there!
4H is in its second year at Glenn School. Ms. Dian Liepe is looking for leaders to lead projects and/or assist. 4H takes place every Thursday from 3:30-4:30 pm. If you would like to help or know someone who would please contact me. “It takes a village to raise a child.”
Stay healthy and active!
Ms. Jamie Walle
Upcoming Events
7th - Craft Morning
12th - Breakfast with the Board at 8:00 am
12th - Board of Education - Special Meeting at 5:00, Regular Meeting at 5:15
13th - 100th Day of School
14th - Count Day & Valentine's Day
16th - Hot Lunch
17th & 18th - Glenn Community Center Winter Markets
21st - South Haven Field Trip - Ice Skating & Public Library
23rd - Half Day for Students
27th - Election Day
All Month - Collecting Donations for ACCF Peanut Butter Drive
1st - Hot Lunch
1st - Outstanding People for Education Nominations Due
5th - Kalamazoo Symphony
7th - PTC Meeting at 5:30 pm
8th - No School
11th - Board of Education Regular Meeting at 5:30 pm
15th - Hot Lunch
21st - Saugatuck Field Trip
21st - Kindergarten Open House at 5:30
25th-28th - Conferences Week
29th - First Day of Spring Break
Nature Education
Learning Together
Students discussing hibernation, migration, and adaptation of animals during winter.
Hands On
Students discussing what animals do in winter by sorting.
Wau-Ka-Na Walking
Students enjoying the beautiful weather on their walk to the Nature Preserve.
Love for Literacy
Thank you to Allegan Area ESA for the literacy grant that is providing so new many books for our students to enjoy!
PTC Corner
Next Meeting March 7 at 5:30
School Fun
4H Cookies
Students enjoyed baking cookies for the Winter Markets.
Movie Day
When 1st & 2nd students were learning at Wau-Ke-Na their stuffed animals enjoyed movie day!
I ❤️ My School
In honor of school choice week, we asked the students why they love Glenn School.
Outstanding People for Education
We are accepting nominations for our annual award for Outstanding People for Education. Any student, staff, family member, or community can nominate a staff member, volunteer or any one who truly stands out to receive this award. Three nominees will be selected by committee to win the award.
All nominations are due March 1st. Please contact Ms. Cate at cate.rutter@glenn.school or 269-512-7972 with questions or nominees.