Swansboro High School
Weekly Updates - June 4, 2023
It is hard to believe that we are in the final stretch of the 2022/2023 school year. It was another action packed week that included our end of year chorus and orchestra concerts and our Rho Kappa Induction. Our Unified Sports officers have spent the weekend in Raleigh assisting with the Special Olympics and senior Andrew Fevang competed in the summer games in the 50 breaststroke, 4x50 freestyle, 50 backstroke and 50 freestyle. Congratulations today to our athletic award winners for the 2022/2023 year. They included:
Peyton Eckert, Female Athlete of the Year
Garrett Panos, Male Athlete of the Year
Sami Boyd, Female Scholar Athlete of the Year
Cole Armstrong, Male Scholar Athlete of the Year
Marielle Hirkala, Sportsmanship Athlete of the Year
Sean McGill, Coach of the Year
Chrissy Taylor, Assistant Coach of the Year
Our seniors had fun pranking us on Friday with the school decorated for Christmas. Thanks to the Class of 2023 for keeping their prank classy and their continued school spirit.
Monday is the last regular day of school and exams begin on Tuesday. Seniors will participate in a class meeting on Monday during Refresh. Please review exams schedules with your students to ensure they are on time and prepared for their exams daily. As a reminder, exams count for 25% of final grades. Parents can help students do their best on final exams by encouraging them to review study materials provided by teachers, ensuring they get plenty of rest and go to bed early, eat a healthy breakfast and send them off to school with words of encouragement.
Next weekend will include our Class of 2023 senior parade on Saturday and our baccalaureate service on Sunday. Both events are open to the public and we would love to see you out to support our Class of 2023 graduates.
Sponsor Dr. Gross and Help Build a New Marching Band Tower
Swansboro High School
Email: Helen.Gross@onslow.k12.nc.us
Website: https://www.onslow.k12.nc.us/swansborohs
Location: 161 Queens Creek Road, Swansboro, NC, USA
Phone: (910) 326-4300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/swansboro.high.98/