Salk Seahawk Scoop
Week of 9/17/2023
Positive Behavior Program at Salk
In addition to the monthly character traits, teachers and staff recognize positive behaviors on a daily basis by awarding students Seahawk Cash. This cash can be used to redeem classroom prizes arranged by the teacher or entered in a drawing for a monthly treat that one teacher or staff member will host. As an example, the September drawing is for an Ice Cream Sundae Party!
Lastly, each month the school will host a monthly incentive that all students have an opportunity to participate in. Students lose this privilege if they receive a Think-about or office referral in that month. Each month the students start fresh. This month, the school will be celebrating with extra recess and popsicles.
Please encourage all of our students to Be a Seahawk and RESPECT THE NEST!
No Fuss Fundraiser
Mr. Birkmeier
Charlie the Therapy Dog
Charlie is coming. Charlie's first visit to the school this year will be this week on Friday, September 22. Students will be introduced to Charlie and taught how to interact with him on the daily announcements. If you would like to reinforce the rules with your student they are listed below. Parents are welcome to say hi to Charlie if they see him at drop off or pick up.
Charlie, is an English Creme Golden Retriever. Not only is Charlie a certified therapy dog, but he is one of my family dogs and I am so excited he will be joining the Salk family. Charlie became certified after completing his training and testing by The Alliance of Therapy Dogs. He has also earned the title of AKC Canine Good Citizen. I am also a certified therapy dog handler after completing my testing and observations by The Alliance of Therapy Dogs.
Charlie's purpose is to ease student's anxieties and increase positive emotions. We do not want his presence to cause fear or anxiety. As a reminder, parents have the ability to opt out of having their student interact with Charlie. If you DO NOT want your student to be around Charlie, then please fill out the opt out form linked here.
For the safety of students with allergies and Charlie, he will not be in the lunch room. Charlie will also remain out of classrooms in which parents have a student who opt out. Charlie will be under my supervision and kept on a leash at all times.
Studies have shown that therapy dogs have the ability to increase positive emotions, promote engagement in learning activities and positive attitudes toward learning, reduce negative behaviors, as well as encourage prosocial behaviors including acting as a social catalyst to facilitate social interactions with others. Charlie can't wait to join the Salk family and have a positive impact on students.
Rules for Interacting with Charlie:
Use calm bodies and inside voices when around Charlie.
Always ask before petting Charlie.
Don't take food around Charlie/feed Charlie
Go Seahawks,
Anthony Birkmeier
Safety is a top priority at Salk and we can all use these important reminders from time to time.
Parents dropping their children off every morning may utilize the drop off loop at our main entrance. Please do not park in the loop. If you need to park in order to help your child into school, please find a spot in the parking lot.
PLEASE DO NOT DROP OFF IN THE BUS LOOP. This area is designated for buses and can be a dangerous place to drop off your student.
Please refrain from parking anywhere other than designated parking spaces, this includes, parking in handicapped parking spots unless your handicap parking pass is properly displayed.
We continue to have a good relationship with our neighbors at St. Ronald’s Church. They graciously allow us to use their parking lot. Please use designated parking spots there as well and refrain from parking in the main driving lane leading behind the church.
STUDENTS SHOULD NOT BE DROPPED OFF UNTIL 8:20 AM. This is for the safety of the students.
Thank you for your support in keeping our Seahawks safe in our parking lots. See the map below for reminders.
Dismissal Announcement
Health Guidance for Going to School
We want to partner with our families to make our school a safe, healthy and welcoming environment for your students.
Make sure to send your child to school if they are generally healthy and able to participate in their usual day-to-day activities. Avoid keeping children at home unless they are too sick to participate.
We have put together this helpful chart of when to keep your child home and when they can return to school for common illnesses.
Free Meals for All
As you may have heard, all students in Fraser Public Schools are eligible to receive free meals this school year. Every student enrolled in our district can receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at NO CHARGE to your household each day.
Meals Information
Breakfast and lunch menus for the first week of school and the month of September are linked below. Elementary Schools will have a limited variety of a la carte items to purchase using CASH ONLY. All students can choose to purchase an additional breakfast or lunch at the full paid student price.
Education Benefits Form
Even though meals are free for everyone, it is still important for your household to complete an Education Benefits Form, which can be found online on the Family Portal website. This form is critical in determining the amount of money that our district receives from a variety of state and federal supplemental programs. It could also help your family qualify for additional benefits.
We are asking that you please complete and submit the Education Benefits Form as soon as possible. All information on the report submitted is confidential, and it should take only a few minutes to complete.
Menus for lunch and breakfast items do not need to be turned in this year. Teachers will go over the lunch room procedures with students the first day of school.
Save the Manatee 5K
Hello Salk Families:
We are lucky to have Ms. Argiri joining us as a long term guest teacher at the beginning of the school year. Ms. Argiri has founded and organized the annual Save the Manatee 5K and I wanted to pass along information to sign up. I would love to see a bunch of Salk Families there.
Come join the fun at the 20th Annual Save the Manatee 5K, Two Mile Walk or Mini Manatee Mile at Lake St. Clair Metro Park on Saturday, October 7, 2023. Your registration fee includes a manatee t-shirt, finisher's medal and race bib. Kids twelve and under also receive a stuffed manatee. Bring your fury friend, as dogs receive their own medals. Visit savethemanatee5k.com for more information.
The registration form is attached below.
Save the Date
- 9/11- 9/22 No Fuss Fundraiser
- 9/17 - Constitution Day
- 9/19 - PTO Meeting @ 3:45 Salk Media Center
- 9/29 - Homecoming Parade & Football Game
- 10/4 - Count Day
Access the full District Calendar HERE at any time!
Salk PTO
Salk PTO Information
The 2023-24 Executive PTO Board:
Christine Ireland - President
Jordan Wheeler- Vice President
OPEN - Secretary
Amy Wiederhold- Executive Assistant
OPEN - Treasurer
To contact the PTO - ptosalk@gmail.com
Contact Us
Main Office: (586) 439-6800
Absentee Phone Line: (586) 439-6890
- 24 hour recorded line, please leave your child's reason for absence and length of time out. Absences reported to this line ensure most timely and accurate record.
Principal: Mr. Anthony Birkmeier, anthony.birkmeier@fraserk12.org
School Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Marcy Krebs, Marcy.Krebs@Fraserk12.org
Building Hours - 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
School Hours: 8:35 am – 3:30 pm
First Bell: 8:30 am
Instructional Bell: 8:35 am
Students must be in class by 8:35 am or they are marked tardy