RHHS Wildcats News You Can Use
Important Upcoming Dates
- Friday, November 10; No School for Students
- Monday, November 20 - Friday, November 24; Thanksgiving Break
- Monday, December 18 - Tuesday, December 19; Final Exams
Winter Formal
Bass Fishing Team Raffle
Spread the Good News! #ouRHouse
We know staff members at RHHS go the extra mile - we want to hear about it! When a staff member makes you/your student feel special or does something exceptional, YOU can give them a shoutout and in return, the PBIS team will send them a treat!
Check out the newest edition of information that will be communicated via Richmond Hill High School's Athletic Department!
- Amber Crews: A- Carter
- Emily Neff: Cartwright-Gelly
- Tam Daniels: Gentle- Langridge
- Debbie Kilpatrick: LaQuay- Odell
- Megan McDonough: Offringa- Slaughter
- Amber Miles: Slusarski- Z
- Deanna Appleton: Dual Enrollment Counselor
For additional information regarding the Richmond Hill High School Counseling Team, please click here!
RHHS Essential Information
School times
7:30am-2:25pm/Buildings open at 7am
Office Hours
Certificates of Enrollment
Car-rider/parent drop-off information
Bus rider information- Bryan County Transportation Services
School nutrition information-
MySchoolBucks - Online Payment Portal
- Breakfast - $2.25
- Lunch - $3.25
Questions regarding remaining lunch balances should be directed to Alisa Vallbracht (School Nutrition Director) avallbracht@bryan.k12.ga.us/912-459-5121
Nurse/Clinic information-
Nurses: Taryn Parker (tparker@bryan.k12.ga.us) and Caitlyn Matias (cmatias@bryan.k12.ga.us)
If you should need to discuss health information at length, please call to schedule a meeting. All clinic forms are available HERE. Inhalers and epi pens that are carried by the student must have forms completed by their physician.