Principal Newsletter #4: 2021- 2022 School Year
Dear Families,
Thank you to everyone who participated in Back to School Night last week. It was great to see everyone in person and welcome you into classrooms. I would also like to thank the RUSD board members in attendance and our Superintendent, Kimberly McGrath for attending.
A huge THANK YOU to the Bel Aire PTA and Staff Appreciation team for feeding the teachers that evening. The teachers loved the taco truck and felt most appreciated.
While the Bel Aire specialists couldn't host you in their classrooms, they have prepared a video that allows you to get to know them and their programs. Enjoy!
Principal John DiCosmo
Bel Aire offers a weekly math club for highly motivated math students who want an enrichment opportunity. The club is run by Dr. Allan Gold with the assistance of a few helpers. The club is held on Tuesday mornings, 7:30-7:55am, beginning September 14, in the C Building classrooms.
The program provides a variety of math questions requiring logical reasoning and problem solving strategies. Students work together and should be fast and independent learners. The adults guide and direct students, as needed. Students have the opportunity to participate in contests they are prepared to solve based on their weekly problems.
If your child is interested in joining the club please email Dr. Gold at agold@reedschools.org by September 7th, so he will know whom to expect.
Thanks so much for your interest! We look forward to a year of fun math challenge!
NEW Bel Aire Running Club!
Hosted by your PE teachers and supported by The Foundation for Reed Schools.
When: Monday through Friday morning 7:30-8:00
Where: On the Bel Aire track.
Who: Any student with appropriate shoes may join us at their convenience.
Questions? Contact: jsievert@reedschools.org
Upcoming Dates:
September 12th – Spirit Wear Order Deadline
October 6th – Bel Aire PTA Meeting
Choicelunch Volunteers:
Interested in volunteering on campus this year at Bel Aire? Consider Choicelunch! Every day parent volunteers assist with our incredible Choicelunch program, organizing and handing out lunches to the kids. It's fun, easy and quick. Commitments are for a regular “once a month” shift from 12:00-12:45pm with 3 fellow parent volunteers (don't worry, we can always help find substitutes). Form a group with your friends and make it a regular lunch date, or just add your name on the rotation that works for you and meet some new people.
Want to learn more and gain access to the sign-up sheet? Simply submit your email here to be added to the distribution list.
We look forward to working with you!
Your Bel Aire Choicelunch Coordinators, Sarah Abbott (sabbott29@gmail.com) & Keri McCarthy Ferry (keri.l.mccarthy@gmail.com)
Reminder: All volunteers on campus this year will need to show proof of vaccination and wear a mask. You can bring proof of vaccination with you the first time you volunteer on campus or email a digital image in advance to Lora at the front desk: lnazarian@reedschools.org
Bel Aire Spirit Wear: Is your child ready for Bel Aire Spirit Day? Send them to school in style with Bel Aire Spirit Wear. Check out this year’s NEW hoodie design by local children's designer and Bel Aire parent, Mandy Boyd or order one of our classic favorites (t-shirts, hoodies, flannel pajama bottoms and hats). Orders must be paced by September 12th.
All proceeds support the Bel Aire PTA.
Bel Aire PTA:
If you are interested in learning more about the PTA or want to get involved, please join us for our next Bel Aire PTA meeting on Wednesday, October 6th at 9:00 a.m. via Zoom. For more information, contact Bel Aire PTA Site Chair Laura Smith, lauracarolinesmith@gmail.com
If you have any great photos you’d like to share; please email them to the RUSD PTA Secretary @ mickeybruce7@gmail.com #jointhepta #seewhatshappening #schoolspirit #rusdptarocks #ptasofinstagram
Support the PTA by becoming a member!
RUSD is continuing our proud partnership with Choicelunch to provide school lunches for the 2021-22 school year. Take full control with their easy to use, customizable contactless lunch options. Support the PTA and feed your kids with Choicelunch. A small portion of every lunch purchased is donated to the RUSD PTA. For more information about Choicelunch, log onto www.choicelunch.com or sign up today at Order Choice Lunch
RUSD Mission & Vision: Each student will be challenged and inspired to reach their fullest intellectual, social-emotional and creative potential to positively impact the world.
John DiCosmo, Principal
Email: jdicosmo@reedschools.org
Website: www.reedschools.org
Location: Bel Aire Elementary School, Karen Way, Belvedere Tiburon, CA, USA
Phone: (415) 388- 7100