Falcon Newsletter
October 4th, 2023
A Pilgrimage Through October
Good Afternoon!
We are at the end of the first quarter of the school year. Time is flying! It is a joy to watch our students grow. We had a great opportunity last week to take part in our annual "Pray Walk Talk" event. It was an amazing day for our students/staff/families.
Our 1st - 8th grade students enjoyed lunch together, before heading to the parking lot for a blessing from Father Wood. We then walked to Kiwanis Park, and started the events for the day. There were 4 stations that our students rotated through. First, was a Spiritual Retreat which was led by Deacon Jim Tucker. Second, was relay races with an array of fun physical activities led by our PE teacher Mrs. Mary Thibodeau. Third was a scavenger hunt led by parishioner/school parent/SAC member Jo DeLorenzi. Last was the snack/drink station which became the sidewalk chalk station, where our students left all sorts of pleasant/prayerful messages for whoever the next group to come is.
There are so many "Thank You's" that need to be said. All of our station leaders, Deacon Jim, Jo DeLorenzi, and Mary Thibodeau were absolutely amazing! Ms. Angie Tomlinson, our parish and school nurse, organized the event, and it was seamless! Our PTO executive board, Andrea Barry, Lecye Lippoldt, Carly Hobart, and Renee Witten were behind the scenes to make it all happen! Thank you to Jayne Martinez and SSM Health for donating the pizza, snacks, and water for the day! Our bus driver, Mrs. Black, got the 1st graders back to school safely. Midwest City Police Department helped us cross a busy SE 15th Street. Our teachers, OH our amazing teachers... They are built differently! It was like a "walk in the park" (no pun intended!... maybe a light jog😀) for them! Lastly, our volunteers! WOW! We had an all-star group of parent and grandparent volunteers who came out in full force. Thank you so much for giving up your day to spend with us, and to make this event a huge success!
Perhaps the biggest gift of the day was returning to the school to find notes (Pictured Above) in each classroom and office that the PK3, PK4, and Kindergartners had gone into each room to pray for us. This is one of the many reasons I love Catholic Education. Thanks to our PK & K teachers and students for being so thoughtful. There is no question that their prayers helped make our day so special.
It was a great day of prayer, reflection, fun group activities, and quality time together outside. Thank you in advance for your continued prayers for our parish school!
We have scheduled some tentative dates for informational meetings for parents about the new Parental Choice Tax Credit. There is a button below to view the information that is available at this point. The tax commission has not set the rules yet, and we will not have much more information until we get the rules. We anticipate them providing us with the rules sometime in the next few weeks, so we have set the information meetings for October 24th & October 25th, both at 6:00pm. Both meetings will cover the same material. Please plan to attend one. Thank you in advance!
Lastly, we will be receiving "Learning Bags" from Catapult Learning. These bags have grade specific learning material such as, books, flashcards, a workbook, etc... There are some good materials for your child(ren) to take advantage of at home. We will be sending these home with the students as they arrive.
- General PTO Meeting tomorrow night (Oct. 5) in the St. Augustine room at 6:00pm
- Middle School Parents: If your child is being confirmed and is attending the Holy Fire Confirmation Retreat on October 28th, please turn your permission slip in if you have not already.
- World's Finest Chocolate fundraiser ends October 12th.
- St. Vincent DePaul Society Food Drive runs from 9/27 - 11/1. Please consider sending your child(ren) to school with a few non-perishable food items to donate.
- We will have early dismissal next Wednesday & Thursday, October 11 & 12 at 12:00pm for Parent / Teacher Conferences. No lunch service on those days. Students may bring a snack. Teachers will be sending out signup sheets for their classes.
School Mass & Rosary
Please join us for school Mass on Thursdays at 9am, and praying the Rosary on Wednesdays at 2:30pm. Thank you to those who have prayed with us. If you have time, we would love to have you!
Thanks for reading our Falcon Newsletter! We hope to see you tomorrow at our General PTO Meeting at 6:00pm in the St. Augustine Room.
Corky McMullen
Tour with Father Wood
Up on the scaffolding
Father explaining the process of the project
Up they go!
Father leading the 7th & 8th grade Altar Servers on a tour of the church renovation
Pray Walk Talk
Pilgrimage to the Park
MWC PD stopping traffic for the start of our pilgrimage
PK/K Praying
PK/K students praying in the Principals office
Upcoming Events
General PTO Meeting
St. Augustine Room
Thursday, Oct 5, 2023, 06:00 PM
Parent Teacher Conferences
Early Dismissal at 12:00pm
Wednesday, Oct 11, 2023, 12:00 PM
Parent Teacher Conferences
Early Dismissal at 12:00pm
Thursday, Oct 12, 2023, 12:00 PM
Picture Day
Wear Mass Uniforms
Thursday, Oct 19, 2023, 08:00 AM
Parental Choice Tax Credit Information Meeting
Tuesday, Oct 24, 2023, 06:00 PM
Parental Choice Tax Credit Information Meeting
Wednesday, Oct 25, 2023, 06:00 PM
"Holy Fire" Confirmation Retreat
Saturday, Oct 28, 2023, 09:30 AM
Rose State College Hudiburg Chevrolet Center, Prosper Boulevard, Midwest City, OK, USA
Trunk or Treat
Saturday, Oct 28, 2023, 06:30 PM
SPN North Parking Lot
~ 4/5 boys are on 6B Schedule ~
~ MS boys are on 8B Schedule ~
~ 4/5 girls are on 5G Schedule ~
~ MS girls are on 7G Schedule ~
> 4th/5th Girls - Mon / Wed 5:30-6:30p
> Middle School Girls - Tues / Wed / Thurs 6:00-7:30p
> 4th/5th Boys - Tues / Fri 3:30-4:30p
> Middle School Boys - Mon / Tues / Thurs 3:30-4:30p
THANK YOU to our October "Snack Sponsor"
Brandon Ersteniuk - State Farm
THANK YOU to Brandon Ersteniuk - State Farm for being our Teacher's Lounge "Snack Sponsor" for the month of October.
**Interested in being a monthly Snack Sponsor?? Email Mr. McMullen