Slice of Summer
June 9, 2023

Message from Ms. Smith
Hello Hawks!
Another week of summer is now written into history. Last week's edition was FULL of information. So this week I will keep it light. In this week's Parent and Family Handbook Corner I have included a list of topics and who you should contact if you have questions. This will be shared in hard copy form at Open House on August 4th as well.
I still need volunteers for clubs. Highlights of what is required: 1 hour each week from 2:45-3:45 for 8-16 weeks. Create a club based on your interest, skillset, or something your child is interested in. You decide the day of the week and which time of year. I am really hoping that we can get our students engaged with families, community, and staff in something other than academics. Our community is full of talent and interest, and I hope that we can share that with our students.
On a personal note, my oldest son, Nehemiah, has always wanted to learn how to play chess. That is not something I can teach him, but a friend of mine was able to share the basics. He has been playing an online version several days a week now. I say it all the time, but it truly does take a village. Please consider being an active member in this village to benefit our students.
Have a wonderful July 4th!
AJ Smith
Hembree Springs ES
470-254-2905 - office
678-525-7704 - cell
Important Dates
8/3/23: Open House Pre-K at 5pm
8/4/23: Open House K-5 throughout the day
*Please see schedule below.
8/7/23: First Day of School
Open House Information
Hembree Springs wants to welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year! Come join us to meet your child's teacher, curriculum and school information, transportation information, and more!
Please arrive 10-15 minutes early.
Class visitation ONLY at scheduled times.
Kindergarten: 8-9am
First Grade: 9-10am
Second Grade: 10-11am
Third Grade: 12-1pm
Fourth Grade: 1-2pm
Fifth Grade: 2-3pm
Afterschool Clubs for 2023-2024
Parents and Community,
We need you to help get our Hawks engaged in activities outside of school. We are hoping to offer lots of FREE opportunities for our students to engage after school in their interests with their peers, staff, and community.
Here is the ask: If you are available from 2:45-3:45pm for one day a week for at least 8 consecutive weeks AND you would like to host a club for students, please complete the interest form below.
We hope to have at least 5 different clubs each week, but would love to host even more. If you are interested in supporting/hosting a club, please complete the interest form. There would be a staff sponsor assigned to your club to support you.
Here are club ideas:
Board Games/Cards
Girls on the Run (Running Club)
Sports (Teaching Basics)
Book Club
Culture Corner
Badminton/Yard Games
Animal Care
Get creative! We want to connect your interests to our students' interests!
Parent and Family Handbook Corner
Who Should I Contact?
If You Have Questions About…….
*Enrolling A Student *Withdrawing a Student *Report Cards *Transcripts *Student Records *Attendance *Student Information *Updating Contact Information (Census) *Infinite Campus/Parent Portal
Lisa Dossey
Data Clerk
*Checking Students Out of School Early *Bus and Car Rider Information *Transportation Changes *Clubs for Students *Messages for Employees *Checking in Students *After School Programs *Lost and Found *School Pictures *Support with any Additional Questions or Concerns as to Whom to Reach Out To
Dee Duzak
Front Office Secretary
*Special Education *Strategies for Improving Student Achievement *Testing for Special Education *Transportation for Special Education Students *IEP (Individual Educational Plan) Information *IEP Meetings *Special Education Setting Options *Special Education Services *Questions on the Continuum of Services
Lani Davies
Instructional Support Teacher
*Fulton County's Curriculum *Strategies for Improving Student Achievement *Textbooks *Georgia Standards of Excellence *GMAS Preparation *Pre-K Program *Student Placement * Response to Intervention * Instructional Models Used to Teach Reading *Strategies for improving student achievement in reading *Retention Process *EIP
Dr. Carrie McAtee
Curriculum Support Teacher
*Joining PTA *Learning about the Role PTA Plays at Hembree Springs *Volunteering for PTA Events *Donations *Inform and encourage families to advocate for students
Sara Fuchs
PTA President
*Cleanliness of the Building and Grounds *Physical Space Questions/Concerns/Feedback
Sal Spina
Head Custodian
*Lunch Accounts for Students *Lunch Charges *Free and Reduced Lunch Applications *Menu Items *Meal Prices
Linda Hill
Cafeteria Manager
*Distribution and Storage of Medication(s) * Student Visits to the Clinic *Medical Forms *Reporting Student Allergies
Jean Bagwell
Clinic Assistant
(Not a licensed nurse)
*Specialized Medical Plans *Educational Information on Medical Needs
Jureen Oddo
Cluster Nurse
*Checking Out Books from the Media Center *Book Fair *Book Fees *Media Center Volunteering *Digital Citizenship *Media Lessons *Educational Websites for Parents and Students
Jenny Soberanis
Media Specialist
*School Tours *Guidance Lessons *Counseling Services *Small Groups *Red Ribbon Week *Social Emotional Support *The 504 Process *Student Support Team (SST)
Shannon Reynolds
School Counselor
*Student Academic Data and Growth *Classwork *Homework *Recess *Your Child's Daily Schedule *Lost Items *Discipline Concern *Upcoming Classroom Events *Instructional Strategies to Improve Student Achievement *RTI - Response To Intervention *Grades * Tests/Quizzes *Benchmark data *Infinite Campus
Your Child's Homeroom Teacher
* Occupational Therapy Services *Occupational Therapy Resources
Kelly Cobb
Occupational Therapist
*Speech Therapy Services *Speech Therapy Resources
Anne Harney & Laura Foss
Speech/Language Pathologists
*Talented and Gifted Program (TAG) *Collaboration * TAG Screening
Christine Anderson
TAG Teacher
*Social Work Services *Attendance Concerns *Student and Family Needs
Lisa Lewy
*Instructional Strategies to Improve Student Achievement *MAP, GAA, GKIDS, GMAS Testing *Schedules for Testing *Substitute Teachers *PBIS *Retention Process *Discipline *Hearing and Vision Screenings *Student Schedules *Pre-K Program *Safety Drills *Hembree Springs' Academic Data *Extended Day
Morgan Tew
Assistant Principal tewm@fultonschools.org
Hembree Springs Elementary School
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/hembreespringses
Location: 815 Hembree Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-2902