Bulldog News
September 2023

I am excited to be able to welcome each of you back for the 2023-2024 school year. We have spent the summer preparing for another successful year. Our custodial and maintenance staff have done a wonderful job in preparing our facilities; our support staff have worked to ensure that everything is in place so that all can seamlessly return; and our grounds are prepped and ready for another great Fall Athletic and Marching Band season.
As shared last year, we have worked to solidify a referendum proposal that we believe will prepare the Butler School District for the next 100 years. "Building on Tradition" will address concerns with safety, operations, and education so that we can provide our students with the best educational opportunities and further demonstrate why Butler is the Best Small School District in the State. Attached in this newsletter is a link to a presentation that outlays the goals of our referendum and how we believe it will make us stronger. Please take some time to review this presentation in preparation for your support in September.
This year, the Butler School District welcomes 16 new staff members to the Bulldog Family. I was fortunate to be able to spend a day with these individuals, getting to know each of them as they worked together to prepare for a great first year. I can attest that they are all wonderful, caring, and dedicated professionals, focused on helping make this a great year for our learning community. These individuals are:
On the District level:
- Ms. Lauren McMahon-Macchiarelli - Physical Therapist
- Ms. Taylor Reed - Social Worker
At Aaron Decker Elementary, we welcome:
- Mr. Dan Soules - Leave Replacement in the 2nd Grade
- Ms. Jessica Najdek - Student teacher with Ms. Fitzpatrick
At Richard Butler Middle School, we welcome:
- Mr. Joe Fischer - School Counselor
- Mr. Jason Funabashi - 8th Grade ELA
- Ms. Maria Pepe - Physical Education and Health
- Mr. Rob Macaluso - 5th Grade Social Studies
- Ms. Stephanie Parmelee - Student Teacher with Ms. Lowndes
At Butler High School, we welcome:
- Ms. Theresa Sansone - School Counselor
- Mr. Patrick Keane - School Psychologist
- Mr. James Haggerty - Special Education / Social Studies
- Mr. Dave Honig - Robotics / Engineering
- Mr. Tyler Garcia - Student Teacher with Dr. N.
- Ms. Lauren Kimble - SAC Intern with Mrs. Szabo
- Ms. Christine Holl - School Counselor Intern with Mrs. Urbina
I am looking forward to seeing all of our students and many of you at all of our upcoming events. Thank you for your continued support and partnership - together we demonstrate why we say that Butler is the Small Town with the Big Heart!
Be Well!
Dr. J.
Please click the link below to learn more about our proposed referendum project.
Aaron Decker Elementary School BTSN Information
The ADS BTSN will take place on Wednesday, September 20, 2023 starting at 6:30 pm. The Back to School Night program will begin with all parents reporting to their child’s classroom. Parents should enter the building through the doors by the main office. There will be staff members there to greet you and direct you to your child’s classroom. There will be two classroom presentations that evening for those who have more than one child in the building. Special Area teachers, related/supportive services, and CST will be available in their classrooms and offices to visit throughout the evening’ s program. The Butler PTA will have a table in the gym for membership sign up and other information.
Richard Butler Middle School BTSN Information
The RBS BTSN will take place on Thursday, September 21, 2023 starting at 6:30 pm. During the evening, parent(s)/guardian(s) will have the opportunity to meet staff and learn all about the wonderful things going on at RBS. We will begin in homerooms with a brief video presentation from Mrs. Papa. Ms. Tagariello will provide an overview of the Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying policy. Please be sure to visit the PTA table for information about joining this fantastic organization.
Butler High School BTSN Information
The BHS BTSN will take place on Thursday, September 14, 2023. The evening will begin at 6:00 pm with a voluntary Parent/Guardian Workshop that will review the Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Law as it pertains to schools with an overview of the school’s reporting procedures in the Auditorium. The main program will begin at 6:30 pm. All parent(s)/guardian(s) will report to their child/children’s homeroom which is listed in the Genesis Parent Portal by 6:30 pm. After a brief homeroom, classroom visitations will take place. Please print out, screenshot, or access your child’s list schedule off the parent portal prior to September 15th, and have access to it for BHS Back to School Night. We will follow an All Meet Schedule following periods 1 - 8 for the evening.
We are thrilled to share that Mr. Hall, our Assistant Principal and Athletic Director, and Mr. Cronin, our Coordinator of IT, worked over the summer to complete a project that will allow our athletic events on Memorial Field and in the BHS gymnasium to be streamed from anywhere with an internet connection. Through this, we hope that families will be able to cheer on our Bulldogs and support Butler regardless of where they may be. Please see the link below:
September 5 - First Day of School
September 8 - BHS Fall Tailgate/Pep Rally Food Truck Festival
September 10 -World Suicide Prevention Day
September 11-15 District Benchmark Testing (Universal Screening)
September 12 - 1st PTA Meeting
September 14 - BHS Back to School Night @6:30 PM
September 15 - BHS Fall Play Auditions
September 19 & 20 - BHS Underclass/Faculty Picture Day
September 20 - ADS Back to School Night @6:30PM
September 21 - RBS Back to School Night @6:30PM
September 21 - College Fair, 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
September 25 - RBS Cam F. Awesome Motivational Speaker
September 25 - ELL Community Night @6:00PM @RBS
September 26 - RBS Picture Day
September 27 - BHS 9th and 12th Grade Parent Night @ 7:00 PM
September 29 - Homecoming/Senior Night Football Game
September 30 - BHS Homecoming Dance