Social Emotional Learning
Framingham Elementary Schools
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What is Social Emotional Learning?
SEL is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills/competencies necessary to:
- Develop self-awareness and positive mindsets
- Understand, manage and regulate emotions and behavior
- Establish and maintain respectful and caring relationships
- Promotes a safe and welcoming learning environment
- Make responsible decisions
- Communicate and cooperate effectively
- Manage learning to experience academic success
Implementing Social and Emotional Learning
In order for our students to develop social and emotional competencies, we have identified a series of strategies which will focus on creating safe and supportive learning school environments, teach social emotional curriculum, and integrate SEL practices into all aspects of the school day.
The first strategy, focused on the safe and supportive learning environment, involves a daily morning meeting in each classroom. The morning meeting is a time when students greet one another, share ideas and stories, and come together as a classroom community. To further support community building, staff have been or will be trained to create positive classroom culture through the Responsive Classroom approach and Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS).
For direct teaching of social emotional skills, two curricula have been chosen. The first is Zones of Regulation, which teaches feeling identification and self-regulation. Students will then move into Second Step Social Emotional Learning. The units within Second Step include, skills for learning, empathy, emotion management, and problem solving.
Lastly, each school will be focusing on the integration of SEL into all aspects of school culture. Across all elementary schools, a character education theme for each month has been developed. Books that support the monthly character theme, have been purchased for each school’s library. Posters promoting the theme will hang in each classroom and teachers will integrate the theme into their lesson planning.
Direct instruction: Social and Emotional Curricula
Family Support
Families can support their students in their social emotional development by reinforcing the Character Theme of the Month at home! A one-page document has been created for each character education theme with conversation starters, suggested books, resources, and activities for parents and teachers to use. These are a great way to engage your child in conversations about important character traits like respect and responsibility. These documents will be posted on our website each month. "Respect" is the character theme for the month of October. You can view the October one-page document here (English, Spanish, Portuguese). The November theme of the month is Gratitude. You can view the November one-page documents here ( English, Spanish, Portuguese).
There are ways you can support our Zones of Regulation curriculum and Second Step Social Emotional Learning Curriculum as well. Here is information explaining the Zones of Regulation curriculum (English, Spanish, Portuguese). Second Step SEL launches in December. Teachers will be sending home information about Second Step lessons that provide families with ideas on how to connect social emotional learning to activities at home.
September Character Education Theme: Kindness
October Character Education Theme: Respect
Department of Health & Wellness
For additional information:
Website: https://www.framingham.k12.ma.us/Domain/78
Phone: 508 626 9197