October 13, 2023
October 20 - PTA Reflections Entry Deadline
Oct. 24 - From the Earth Spirit Night Dinner
October 27 - HBMS Spooky Sneaker Ball
School Hours and Important Times
Office Hours: 8:15 - 4:15
Instructional Hours: 8:55-4:05
Breakfast: 8:25 - 8:55 AM
Students should be in class by 8:50 AM.
Dismissal is at 4:05 PM.
Walkers/Car riders are dismissed first, followed by bus riders.
Bus students are dismissed in the order that buses arrive.
Car line: Students must enter/exit a vehicle at the sidewalk area. Please pull forward as far as possible to keep the car line moving. All students must be picked up by 4:25 PM.
Parent University: Technology Workshop
Attendance Awareness - Participate Remotely Days are Available!
Students can substitute up to 5 absences per semester (a max of 10 per year) with a remote learning day by meeting the remote learning participation benchmarks listed in policy. This would result in the student being counted as present for the day(s) they participate remotely.
- There is not live instruction - the student works independently on assignments provided by the teacher(s).
- Work must be submitted within 2 days of returning from the absence.
- Parent/guardian or student must notify principal/AP in advance to the start of the instructional day to utilize the participation benchmark rule.
- Schools will make their best effort to provide assignments in advance given early notice.
Families/Students must formally request for students to be absent due to family events or other pre-approved absences at least 5 days before absence occurs. Only the principal or assistant principal(s) can approve these absence requests.
The student’s complete attendance record including excused, unexcused, disciplinary, or other absence types will be reviewed before the school approves these absences. The school administration will also consider the student’s academic standing before approving these absences.
Home Volleyball Games
Girls play at 5:30 PM, Boys play at 6:30 PM.
Wednesday, October 18 vs. River Trail MS
Friday, October 20 vs. Sandy Springs MS
Friday, November 3 vs. Crabapple MS
Friday, November 10 vs. FAST (Girls' Team Only)
Spooky Sneaker Ball October 27
Students may purchase a ticket for $10 during their lunch period. Only 200 tickets will be sold! To purchase a ticket, students must have a signed permission slip in hand*. Permission slips are available in the front office or you can download the PDF below.
There will be a DJ, pizza, snacks, and drinks, and more included as part of the ticket price. It is a "sneaker ball" so tennis shoes and casual dress are recommended. Students will not have time to change clothes after school, so be comfortable and have fun!
*School administration reserves the right to deny a ticket sale and/or entry based on student behavior. Students with 8 or more demerits and/or two or more office referrals are not eligible to purchase a ticket.
PTA Reflections Contest - NOW OPEN!
This year's theme is "I am hopeful because...". Explore the arts and express yourself!
Entry categories:
Dance Choreography
Music Composition
Film Production
Visual Arts
Special Artist Division (for students eligible for special education services)
Visit https://hbmspta.memberhub.com/w/reflectarts to access the category rules and entry form. Hard copies are available for pickup in the front office.
Halloween Costumes - yes!
- Costumes should meet the regular dress code requirements.
- Full face paint and/or masks are not permitted.
- Props that look like weapons are never allowed.
We will not be doing any schoolwide events to recognize Halloween (such as class parties or parades) but we certainly support students having a little fun with friends! After all, our middle schoolers are growing up way too fast so let's enjoy these last few years of not being "too cool" for Halloween!
Innovation Academy STEM Saturday Event
Innovation Academy will be hosting a free STEM Saturday for all 7th and 8th grade students who are eligible to apply on 11/4/2023 from 9am-12pm.
This day each student will engage in STEM activities that will be led by our students and teachers. Registration for the day will begin at 8:30 with activities beginning at 9:00am.
Sign-ups will be available to the first 100 students who sign-up. Every sign-up after the first 100 will be waitlisted.
Deadline to apply is 10/22/23. Scan the QR code below to register.
Any questions, please reach out to quraishyh@fultonschools.org
View your school pictures! See directions below.
Events in our Community
Who can I contact for help?
Kim Kapella, Assistant Principal, 6th Grade administrator
Hannah Milligan, 6th grade counselor
7th Grade:
Kenneth Greene, Assistant Principal, 7th grade administrator
Hannah Milligan, 7th grade counselor - GIRLS
Glenn Johnson, 7th grade counselor - BOYS
8th Grade:
Jennifer Cassidy, Principal, 8th grade administrator
Glenn Johnson, 8th grade counselor
Student Records/Enrollments/Withdrawals/Immunizations:
Ansel Comer (bilingual - Spanish)
Bilingual Parent Liaison (Spanish):
Maria Baron
Front Office - Attendance/Absence Excuses:
Sarah James
Clinic (Bilingual/Spanish)
Lina Nava
Special Education Services
Leslie Mason
Holcomb Bridge Middle School
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/holcombbridgems
Location: 2700 Holcomb Bridge Road, Alpharetta, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-5280
Twitter: @HolcombBridgeMS