CFB Family Bear's Den
February 2025
February 7, 2025
Important Dates
Friday, February 7th - HSA Sweetheart Dance - CFB Gym 6:30 - 8:00
February 17th - 21st - February Break - No School
Previous Newsletters
HSA Sweetheart Dance - Tonight!
Millis Bus and Van Drivers Needed
The Millis Public Schools is looking for individuals to drive CDL Yellow buses as well as 7D Special needs Vans. We can train you to come to work for one of the top school districts in the state. You must have a safe driving record. Health benefits, paid leave, and retirement are available for these positions. It is a 25 hour work week with the opportunity for additional hours. Contact Sandy Labarge at the Millis Public Schools at 508-906-3632.
The Early Bird Discount Ends Today
Millis High School Senior Projects
Click on the image above to register!
CFB Student Newspaper - The Paw Post
Lost and Found for the 24/25 School Year
If you wish to have your student(s) added to the Bear's Den Directory, please click on the button above and complete the Google Form.
EPI Supply Kits Quality Guarantee
If you ordered your school supplies from our HSA this past summer, all items within the kit are replaceable, if they break. Please reach out to the company (EPI) directly:
Lauren Clark - lclark@educationalproducts.com
January 31, 2025
All School Assembly on Perseverance
The feedback from students, staff and families from our January Assembly has been tremendous! We were fortunate to have Reese Wiemeyer (Ms. Molloy’s nephew) join us to talk about his journey with perseverance.
Reese has cerebral palsy and uses a sip and puff straw to move his motorized wheelchair and speak through a communication device. Students were focused on his every word and learned how people with disabilities don’t let their disability stop them from pursuing their goals. Reese attended the Dover Sherborn School system and is now attending Boston College and living in his own apartment next to BC. Reese has been speaking and sharing his story with local schools and universities and was excited to visit Clyde Brown.
CFB Students were also able to watch a video of Reese skiing in a specialized chair he controls with his sip and puff straw. He will be competing in his first ski race in a few weeks at Cannon Mountain. Good luck Reese and Thank You for sharing your amazing story with us!
Report Cards - Emailed Yesterday
Report cards were emailed home yesterday.
Once you have reviewed the information on your student's report card, please click the 24-25 Report Card Sign-Off Form link below to let us know it was received. You will be asked to provide your name along with your student's name and grade. 24-25 Report Card Sign-Off Form
Please email Tanna Jango at tjango@millisschools.org if you did not receive your student(s) report card.
If you would like a translated copy of the report card, please click on the following link. Translated Report Cards This will take you to the district page containing the translated documents in Portuguese, Spanish, and Arabic. Click on the preferred language then the grade for your student(s). Teacher comments are translated within the reported card where needed.
Bridging the Schools - Community Welcome
It was So Exciting to have the Millis Varsity Girls' Basketball Team join us at CFB this morning. They did a great job hyping up the CFB students!!
Good Luck to the Team tonight. They have a game tonight at 5:30 versus Dover Sherborn! Come out and cheer them on!
January 24, 2025
Home Fire in Millis
Our hearts go out to the Millis family who lost their home in a fire on Thursday afternoon. While thankfully everyone is safe, the loss of their home is undoubtedly devastating. The community has come together to offer support, and a GoFundMe page has been created to help the family begin the recovery process. We appreciate the outpouring of love and assistance from our community.
Fifth Grade Band & Chorus Concert
Congratulation to our fifth grade class for a wonderful Band and Chorus concert last night. Under the direction of Mrs. Norton and Mr. Femino, our students' performance was beautiful! We are so very proud of you all!
Bridging the Schools - Community Welcome
A special Thank You to the Millis Indoor Track team for greeting our students this morning.
Good Luck to the Team tonight as they have a meet at Reggie Lewis! It is also Senior Night - Good Luck to our seniors!!
As Terpsichore kicks off its spring season, culminating in the Spring Dance Recital and Banquet on May 9, We are thrilled to share the exciting opportunities available for our Grade 5 students.
Grade 5 Dance Offerings:
- Grade 5 Dance Class:
- Thursdays, 3:15–4:00 PM at the High School Auditorium
- Grade 5–12 Group Piece (Thursdays):
- Runs immediately after the Grade 5 class from 4:00–4:45 PM (eventually extending to 5:00 PM)
- Grade 5–12 Group Piece (Fridays):
- Fridays from 3:45–4:30 PM (starting today, with the cast finalized by January 31)
All Grade 5 Millis students are eligible to participate in these no-cost offerings! If your dancer is interested, you can sign them up in the Spring Dance This Week document. Similar to the fall, you can easily navigate dates using the document tabs on the left—just click the three dots to find the date you need.
Important Notes:
- Drop-In Classes: Attendance is flexible, but regular participation is encouraged.
- Group Pieces Commitment: After January 31, we ask for a firm commitment to ensure we can finalize choreography early, given how busy the auditorium schedule gets in late March and April.
About the Spring Dance Show
This production is a more intimate and varied showcase compared to Nutcracker!
- No story format and no dancers in grades K–4.
- Features a range of pieces choreographed by me to a variety of music styles.
- Links to past versions of some of the pieces are available in the Dance This Week document for inspiration.
- Like Nutcracker, you’ll provide under-dance clothes, and Terpsichore will supply costumes.
Show Week Details:
- Tech rehearsals run the week before the show and the Monday of show week.
- Dress rehearsals take place daily from Tuesday to Thursday during the show week, with times adjusted to accommodate student schedules (sports, other activities, etc.).
- The recital is approximately 1 hour, though it might extend to 90 minutes this year due to senior solos.
The show is followed by the Dance Banquet in the HS Cafeteria, where we celebrate the year’s achievements.
If you have any questions or know someone interested in getting involved, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Stephanice Copice at scopice@millisschools.org subject line "Grade 5 Dance"./ This is a wonderful, no-cost opportunity for students to explore the joy of dance, and we’d love to see your dancers join us!
From the Health Office
Our health office will continue Health Screenings at CFB on the following Mondays 1/27, 2/3. and 2/10.
According to Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 71, postural screening must be done in grades 5-9. The purpose of the postural screening is to identify early signs of spinal problems. Most scoliosis and other spinal issues can be easily treated upon early detection. Girls and boys are screened separately and privacy is respected at all times. We ask that prior to screening, girls wear a halter top or sports bra on the day of the screening as this type of clothing facilitates better examination of the back. Any unusual findings are reported to parents/guardians.
Please notify our school nurse, Kathleen Kavanagh, kkavanagh@millisschools.org, if you would like to opt your child out of the postural screening or if they are already followed by a physician for a spinal problem.
January 17, 2025
Boosterthon: Tee-Shirt Forms - Please Complete
CFB Students will be participating in the Boosterthon Fun Run at CFB.
We are looking to order tee shirts for all students for the Fun Run and need your help.
Please complete this form so that we can order a tee shirt for your student.
Please complete this form as soon as possible - one per student
Boosterthon Tee Shirt Sizes - 2025
HSA - Classroom Liaison
HSA continues to look for enthusiastic and organized parents to volunteer as Classroom Liaisons! As a liaison, you’ll play a vital role in building strong connections between teachers, parents, and the HSA, helping to foster a supportive and involved school community.
What does a Classroom Liaison do?
• Share HSA updates with your classroom families
• Coordinate class activities and teacher appreciation efforts
• Help organize volunteers for HSA events and initiatives
It’s a rewarding way to stay involved and make a positive impact in your child’s classroom. If you’re interested or have any questions, please sign up using the button below this message.
Classrooms at every grade level have openings.
January10, 2025
Welcome Back
We have had a very busy seven days back at school settling back in to our routines and ready to focus on learning!
The Family Den will be published on Friday going forward so we can include photos of our Friday Morning Welcome by different high school groups bridging our schools and students. We will restart the Friday Morning Welcome next week.
Please read below for a special SEPAC Meeting:
Happy New Year!
The Millis Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (SEPAC) wants to continue to provide resources for our community. Unfortunately, as circumstances have changed, this group may no longer be able to remain active in Millis.
A meeting will be held Tuesday, January 28th from 6pm-7pm in the Millis Public Library Roche Bros Room. This is an open call for support in continuing the Millis SEPAC. All district caregivers and interested parties are welcome.
The Millis SEPAC provides input to school district leaders about policies, programs, and services that directly impact students in need of or engaged in special education services. Free workshops and speakers on special interests are offered annually. SEPAC has been a valued resource over the course of many years for caregivers in navigating the path of supporting children with learning needs who may or may not receive services through an IEP or 504 plan.
Please, join us Tuesday, January 28th at 6pm and learn how you can become involved.
As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.
Take care,
Millis SEPAC
Personal Devices at School - phones, smart watches, etc.
We have seen an uptick in smart watches here at school after the holiday break. We know students are excited to wear or have their new technologies with them at all times. However, we want to make sure you are aware of what our Handbook says about this type of technology.
Electronic/Communication Devices
Personal electronic media/communication devices (cell phones, smartwatches, iPods, iPads, tablets, and all other electronic media/communication devices) are prohibited during the school day. Personal electronic media/communication devices should be turned off upon entering the building and securely stored in the student’s backpack throughout the school day.
Your help in reminding students to keep these types of devices in their backpacks is extremely helpful. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Clyde F. Brown Elementary School
Email: tjango@millisschools.org
Website: millisps.org
Location: 7 Park Road, Millis, MA, USA
Phone: 508-376-7003