Patrick Henry Post
January 31st, 2020
MAP Practice Testing Begins
This week, our upper elementary students began the MAP Practice Test. Each day, they buckled down for a session in reading, math, or science, and they had to show what they know. The MAP test is an important exam that happens every year in April for third, fourth, and fifth graders. It is designed to test their grade level knowledge. This week we started the MAP practice exam, which is intended to give our students a preview of what the real MAP test will look and feel like. It is important for us to give our students this opportunity not only to get used to the type of questions they might encounter at the end of the year, but also to feel the importance of the testing environment and learn how to take it seriously. Scores from the MAP test help determine what middle schools our students can attend for their sixth grade year, and they also help us place students in the right setting for their fourth and fifth grad years here at Patrick Henry. Please help us keep the testing environment quiet, relaxed, and focused - if you are a parent, make sure your student gets enough sleep and shows up every day on time. If you are a staff member or a student, please make sure you keep the school calm and quiet so that our older students can focus all of their attention on the test itself. Thank you to all of our staff who rearranged their schedules to make this first week a success!
Lower Elementary Reading Practices
Well before third grade, students are actively being prepared for the MAP test. Students are learning the academic skills necessary to achieve on standardized testing and they are learning how to answer standardized questions, but they are also increasing their reading level, building crucial early learning blocks that lead to academic growth in upper elementary, and building stamina for staying focused and on task.
Bulletin Board Inspiration and Ideas
Ms. Patti's Penguins
Our bulletin boards change each month, and are usually in theme with the seasons or weather.
Allowing younger students to dictate their responses to a teacher who then records it allows students to contribute before their writing skills are ready!
Flip Books
Ms. Versen's first graders created a research booklet for Black History Month and you can see their creations outside of her room on the bulletin board. Flip to the back page to see their writing samples!
Ms. Bryant's Art Info
The art bulletin board usually teaches us a bit about a specific artist or concept that the students are studying at that time. Bulletins boards can be fun and informative!
Framing the Work
The frames for student artwork are always a fun way to show students that their work is special to us!
Chances for Revisions
Displaying student work with a rubric helps not only our visitors understand the assignment, but also shows students that they are always in a state of revision - learning is a process!
Seen around the building...
This was a fun week, and there were lots of normal, every day moments that were "caught" by Dr. Rogers' camera. This is a glimpse into just a few of those fun interactions!
The Reading Room serves as more than just a place for new books. It can also provide that comfy spot to take a moment and recenter yourself. The tent just happens to be a fun place for that!
Mr. Farmer works as both a push-in and pull-out resource teacher for speech services. Providing that one-on-one or small group support is crucial to our students' growth. Students get to focus on one skill at a time, and get immediate feedback. We are excited to watch their progress!
Mariah's birthday was celebrated at home, but she wanted to bring the celebration to school! She packaged individual pieces of her cake to share with staff members and got to deliver them personally. It reminded all of us of how magical a birthday can be, and how much MORE magical it is to share the joy with others!
We celebrated the 100th day of school this week! Our students are 100 days smarter and we loved celebrating with 100 objects. Pictured here are students wearing their 100th day hats and their 100 fruit loop necklaces. Happy 100th day to all of our students and staff!