GES Parent Gator Call
MArch 2022
Our GES Gators have been working extremely hard towards reaching our goal of 100% of our students growing one year or more in reading, math, and ELA. Let's FINISH this year STRONG!! We want to thank all of our families for your continued support this year!
2021-2022 GES and PGSD Parent of the Year
2021-2022 GES Staff Member of the Year
GES Goals
GES is on the way to an "A" school Rating!!
Increase student Attendance by 5%
Increase student proficiency in Reading by 10%
Growth of 100% of students in I-Ready Reading by 1 grade or more
100% of bottom 25th %tile students show growth on MAAP Reading
Increase student proficiency in Math by 10%
Growth of 100% of students in I-Ready Math by 1 grade or more
Increase proficiency in Reading in Bottom 25th%tile
100% of bottom 25th %tile students show growth on MAAP Math
Increase proficiency in Math in Bottom 25th%tile
100% of students meet their AR goal for the year
MKAS average goal of 725
Decrease school Discipline by 10%
Family Math Night
Family Math night is happening this Thursday!! 3rd and 4th grade families will meet in the cafeteria and auditorium to discuss 3rd Grade Gate and state testing! Pre-k through 2nd grade will have rotations to build math skills! All students that attend will receive a free dress pass and house points!!
March Important Dates...
March 15: Spring Pictures
March 16: Popcorn
March 17: St. Patrick's Day (Pre-K,1st,2nd,3rd- Dress out in your best green)
March 17: Music Festival Field Trip - 4th Grade (Blue shirts)
March 17: Family Math Night 6-7PM Pre-K-4th grade
March 18: Pre-K & Kinder Testing Posters DUE in the Office!
March 21 - 25: Spring Break
March 28: MKAS Parade!! Pre-K & Kinder (Posters needed)
March 29: Report Cards
March 29-April 5: MKAS TESTING!! Pre-k & Kinder students
April 11: MAAP Testing Parade 3rd Grade
April 12: 3rd Grade Reading Assessment
School Attendance
The campus opens at 7:00AM!
School begins at 7:30AM.
Students need to be in their DESK at 7:30AM to be considered on time and present!!
Please limit student checkouts!
If a student is going to be out, please contact the school by 8:30AM and send a written excuse or doctor's excuse the day of student return.
We need every minute of instruction time with our gators.
Please help us by making sure they don't miss a single minute!
2022-2023 Pre-Registration
March 21st - 25th
- Read at least 20 minutes every night
- Practice Math Fluency
- Vocabulary Practice
- Spelling Words
- Talk to someone about their effort on assignments, goals, and progress!
- Newsletters and grade reports go home EVERY Week! Make sure that you are checking binders/backpacks every day!
Community Happenings
Parent Resource Corner
STATE TEST PRACTICE 3rd and 4th grade
How Can Parents Get Involved and Help The School?
- Attend back-to-school nights or other orientation events (In-Person or Virtual). Get to know your student’s teachers at the beginning of the school year. Attending parent-teacher conferences throughout the year ensures you are on the same page.
- Ask your teacher how they would like to communicate. For each teacher, find out whether phone calls, emails, or texts are the best way to stay up-to-date on progress and communicate if a problem arises. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or ask for help/resources. Our teachers are available for parent-teacher conferences virtually and in person.
- Demonstrate a positive view of education at home. Parental school involvement does not only occur inside the schools. It is also about communicating your larger values and attitudes regarding education and the hopes, dreams, and expectations you hold for your children. Communicating these values motivates young people to be persistent when faced with challenging educational tasks.
- Encourage reading. Helping your children develop a love of reading. Show them the importance of lifelong learning by reading books on your own. Even better, read the same book with them. Taking it one step further, discuss the book together afterward!
- Help manage the homework process. Let your student know you think education is important and that homework is a priority. Set aside a special place to study and establish a regular time for homework. Help your child stay organized, ask about daily assignments, and monitor their work. Always remember to notice and praise effort.
- Attend school events. Go to games and concerts, student exhibitions, and award events that your student is and is not involved in. Your involvement in school-wide events, even when your student is not directly involved, helps build a community at large. You’ll meet other members of the school community and show your support for ALL kids.
- Attend parent organization meetings. At most schools, parents meet regularly to discuss school issues. Join the PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) to work with other families to improve the school. If you can’t attend the meetings in person, ask to join the meetings virtually or ask for the notes to be emailed or sent to you. Look for ways to get involved through PTO activities on and off-campus.
- Volunteer in the school. Schools often allow volunteers to chaperone trips or dances, help in classrooms, or run a school event. If your work schedule doesn’t allow you to volunteer in the school building, there are other ways to offer your time. You can volunteer to translate newsletters into other languages, make phone calls to let others know about school-related activities or work on materials for school events. Be on the lookout for volunteer opportunities and share your special skills!
- Let the school know what groups, classes, or guidance you would like them to provide. Schools are a great resource to improve your own learning. Let the school know about opportunities you feel would benefit your student as well as the school as a whole. We want to hear from you.
- Encourage active learning. Young people need to be encouraged to ask and answer questions, solve problems, and explore their interests. Have frequent conversations about what they are learning and be prepared to ask questions. When you encourage this type of learning at home, your student’s participation and interest in school may increase.
2021-2022 School Calendar
Gautier Elementary School
Email: ebailey@pgsd.ms
Website: https://ges.pgsd.ms/
Location: 505 Magnolia Tree Drive Gautier, Ms. 39553
Phone: 2285228824