NorthStar Lights
North Syracuse Central School District's Electronic News
February 16, 2024
Hello North Syracuse Central School District parents, guardians, teachers, and staff,
This past week marked the 100th day of school for the 2023-2024 school year. As always, it is hard to believe how quickly the year is flying by. After the school break, we will be shifting to budget preparations and then wrapping up another school year. Before that happens, I want to take a moment to recognize the many tremendous successes of our students and staff. We recently received news from the Cicero-North Syracuse High School Art Department that 77 awards were presented to our high school students in the 2024 Central New York Scholastic Art Awards. The picture I'm sharing this week is of Bella Petralia's print entitled "In Motion." The print received a special Sage Scholars Educational Foundation Award for the Best work in Printmaking.
A large number of North Syracuse Junior High School students also received awards. I understand that the online submission system presented challenges this year and I imagine that some students were consequently unable to participate. Despite that issue however, I am astounded at the number of awards received by our talented artists. This is a testament to the talent and dedication of our art teachers and well as the district's fine arts department.
Our district is fortunate to have some incredibly skilled and devoted teachers working with our students and I want to thank them for the passion they bring to their classrooms every day. If you will be off next week, I wish you a restful and rejuvenating break. For those of us who will be working through the recess, enjoy the slightly slower pace and recharge.
Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to the success of our students.
Daniel D. Bowles, Superintendent of Schools
Students earn CNY Scholastic Art Awards
For the past 70+ years, high school students from across Central New York have been recognized in the Central New York Scholastic Art Awards. This year was an especially challenging year, with major technical problems at the National Online Registration System, but our students persevered and received numerous awards and recognitions.
This year, CNS High School art students took home a total of 77 awards at the Regional level. 31 works of art received Honorable Mention Awards, 26 works received Silver Key Awards, and 13 works of art received Gold Key Awards. Many North Syracuse Junior High School students also received awards.
Non-public school transportation applications due April 1
As required by New York State Law, applications for bus transportation to and/or from charter, private or parochial schools during the 2024-2025 school year, must be filed prior to April 1, 2024.
Applications may be picked up and returned to the North Syracuse Central School District Transportation Department, 5520 East Taft Road, North Syracuse, NY 13212. Applications can also be downloaded by clicking here. Please contact the Transportation Department at (315) 218-2107 for additional information.
Click here to view the letter sent to principals.
Kindergarten registration dates announced
The North Syracuse Central School District has announced its registration dates for 2024-2025 kindergarten students. Home schools are in the process of mailing letters to families that will be registering known new students. In order for your child to enter school next fall, he or she must be five (5) years old on or before Dec. 1, 2024.
Elementary schools are holding registration at individual schools on the following dates. Families will receive a letter from their child’s home school with instructions for completing registration. Families who will be registering a new kindergarten student and who have not received their letter by the first week in March should contact the school directly at the school’s main number.
Universal Prekindergarten registration has begun
The North Syracuse Central School District is now accepting registrations for its Universal Prekindergarten program. Applications are available online at and can be picked up and/or completed in person at the Jerome F. Melvin Administrative Office Building (5355 West Taft Rd.) in North Syracuse.
Applications received prior to March 1 will be placed into a lottery drawing for first enrollment. To be eligible for the district’s UPK program, children must live In the North Syracuse Central School District and be four years old on or before Dec. 1, 2024. There is no charge for district residents as the program is funded by the state, subject to the passage of the New York State budget. Children will be enrolled in programs at one of the following five locations based on their address or sitter location.
Boys' Bowling - Section III CHAMPS!
Optimist Oratorical Contest deadline is February 28
The Optimist Club of Cicero-North Syracuse is sponsoring an Oratorical Contest with a top award of a $2,500 college scholarship. Students under the age of 19 who live within the boundaries of the North Syracuse Central School District are eligible to participate. This year’s contest theme is “How to Change the World with Optimism,” and will take place on Wednesday, February 28 at the Jerome F. Melvin Administrative Office Building (5355 West Taft Rd., N. Syracuse, NY).
Dollars for Scholars applications accepted through March 31
North Syracuse Dollars for Scholars is now accepting applications for scholarships. CNS seniors are invited to create an account and apply for scholarships by going to the NS Dollars for Scholars website.
Subscribe to budget news
Leading up to the annual school budget vote and board of education member election in May, the district will present important updates and information to the board of education. To receive copies of the presentations and other budget-related news, subscribe to ParentSquare to receive notifications in this category.
Send us your photos and videos!
Celebrating 100 days of school!
Students in the North Syracuse Central School District celebrated 100 days of school this week and we received a number of pictures of the unique ways individual classes took part. Pictured above, Allen Road Elementary School students in Mrs. Kermes and Mrs. Dair's kindergarten classes shared this picture celebrating being 100 days smarter!
Pictured below and to the right: Hooray for the 100th Day of School! Here's to countless more days of giggles, academic growth, and good times in Ms. LaGuardia's classroom at Allen Road Elementary School. If you didn’t already know, this special day for our younger students centers around the number , which helps develop learners’ understanding and recognition of numbers up to 100. Beyond math exercises, activities can include creating art projects using 100 items, performing 100 acts of kindness, and other games and challenges related to and revolving around the number. Ms. LaGuardia said, "Let's make the rest of this school year just as awesome as the first 100 days!" Thank you to Mrs. LaGuardia for sharing these great pictures!
Allen Road Elementary School Kindergarten Teacher Kathy Conese also shared 100th day celebration pictures.
NSCSD students and staff in the news
Round 5 voting is taking place for the SAMMYS (Syracuse Area Music Awards) and the CNS Marching Band is up for the People's Choice award in the "Local Academic or Musical Organization." Show your support by voting today. Round 5 votes continue through February 18.
District Reminders!
FEBRUARY 19: Presidents' Day - No School for Students or Staff
FEBRUARY 19-FEBUARY 23: Mid-Winter Recess - No School for Students or Staff
FEBRUARY 26: Board of Education meeting at 6 PM at the Jerome F. Melvin Administrative Office Building (5355 West Taft Rd.) in North Syracuse
North Syracuse Central School District
Location: 5355 West Taft Road, Syracuse, NY, USA
Phone: (315) 218-2100